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Opening shot: the city skyline at dawn.)

Narrator: The city of peacefully quiet at the break of dawn...

(Dissolve to a married couple asleep in bed. They look very much like Robert and Hilarie Schneider, two members of the Apples in Stereo; their bedspread bears an apple pattern.)

Narrator: all of its citizens...

(Dissolve to another bedroom, where an individual sleeps with back turned to the camera.)

Narrator: ...beautiful friends...

(The sleeper turns over; it is a fat woman with a beauty treatment smeared on her face. From here, dissolve to the Professor, sleeping at a table in his lab.)

Narrator: ...and family alike are fast asleep.

(Dissolve to a window in the girls' room and pan toward the bed. The camera passes each girl as she is named; all are sleeping quite soundly.)

Narrator: Including our precious little girls...Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles.

(Stop on Bubbles as the sound of a large vehicle makes itself heard outside. This disturbs her slumber to the point that she pops one eye open to look back toward the window.)

Bubbles: (groaning) Can't be garbage day already... (Pan back toward the windows.)

Buttercup: (waking up) What's all the ruckus?

Blossom: (also waking up) Let's go see.

(She gets out of bed)

[Animation goof: While she gets out of bed, Blossom is in her everyday dress in the bed, not her nightgown.]

(Cut to outside their windows, one girl popping up in each to look out. They do a double take and duck out of sight as the camera turns down to ground level, where they throw the front door open for a closer look. A moving van rolls across the view, which then zooms in on the girls; they look after it with great puzzlement. From over the hedge that separates the girls' yard from the one that used to belong to the Smith family ("Supper Villain," "Just Desserts"), we see the van parked in front of the house and boxes being hauled in. Cut back to the girls and pan left as Buttercup slides up to the hedge for a look, kneeling to stay out of sight. Blossom follows her lead; Bubbles does not join them.)

Blossom: (softly, to the o.c. Bubbles) Get over here!

(Bubbles zips up, standing rather than kneeling.)

Bubbles: What?

Blossom: (softly, pulling her to ground) Get down!

(Cut to the other side of the hedge. Three openings appear, each with one girl's eyes behind it and her hands pushing the leaves aside. The eyes dart back and forth before Bubbles continues.)

Bubbles: Blossom! (Their side of the hedge.)

Blossom: (normal volume) What?

Bubbles: I don't get it. What are we hiding behind the bush for?

(Their perspective; now two moving men carry a box across the field of view. Until further notice, all three girls keep their voices down.)

Blossom: Shhh! This is a covert operation.

(On the end of this, the men stop and glance nervously toward the camera.)

Blossom: If you don't lower your voice... (The new neighbors' side, pulled back; her voice reverberates across the distance from behind the hedge.) ...people will know that we're spying. (Back to the girls' perspective; the movers start hauling again.) Now keep your voice down and lay low.

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now