Meet The Beat Alls

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Mojo Jojo: (from o.c.) The city of Townsville.

(He moves into view, as does his reflection—he is looking out a window, and he leans his head against the glass.)

Mojo: I hate you. (Side view of him in his lair.) I do not enjoy the fact that three superhero female children take up residence in you. (He begins pacing.) And by hurting me and forcing me to dwell in one of your correctional facilities, these mutant infant girls prevent me from obtaining political control of you! But you will be mine, and they will most certainly--

(Cut to a close-up of "Him.")

"Him": (effeminate voice) —pay! (Pull back. He is in a chair on a small island of stone floating in a red void.) I have been made a fool by you for the last time. But as they say- (The chair rotates. Its back hides him from view.) —all good things must come to an end.

(Zoom in on the back of the chair. As it continues to turn, the scene changes to the trophy room of Morebucks Manor. Princess, dressed in her faux-Powerpuff outfit, addresses her father in his armchair.)

"Him": (voice over) And your end is—

Princess: —tonight! Think of it as an investment toward your future. If I don't destroy the Powerpuff Girls tonight...I'LL NEVER GIVE YOU A DAY OF PEACE UNTIL I—

(Cut to a close-up of Fuzzy Lumkins, playing his banjo and singing.)

Fuzzy: Doo... (Pull back. He is sitting by the fireplace in his shack.) ...doo-doo-doo...

(He sings and strums several chords, but hits only wrong notes. Finally he gives up and leans over in defeat.)

Fuzzy: Oh, I'm sorry, Jo. I cain't play you purty tonight. I got them durned Powerpuffs in my noodle! (angrily) And they make me so mad I wanna—

(Close-up of Mojo.)

Mojo: Destroy them I will! (Cut to a city street. His robot walker moves into view.) Tonight is the night in which—

(Cut to "Him.")

"Him": (effeminate voice) Your reign of goodness will end— (Transition to evil voice. He grows much taller.) —and my reign of evil shall—

(Cut to Princess, flying through the night with the help of her jet thrusters from "Stuck Up, Up and Away.")

Princess: —begin to take hold as I take over—

(Turn down quickly to a forest path. Fuzzy walks along it, carrying a large rock over his head.)

Fuzzy: Townsville ain't gonna be no more after I get them Powerpuff—

(Cut to the girls' bedroom. They are tucked in for the night.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Girls, time for bed.

(The lights go out. Cut to him at the bedroom door; he closes it. Outside the house, all is peaceful until the foot of Mojo's robot slams down on the lawn as he's the first to arrive at the Girls' house to carry out his plan to eliminate them. "Him" is next on the scene, followed by Princess and finally Fuzzy. The four regard each other with some puzzlement and suspicion for a long moment.)

Fuzzy: Hey! What are y'all doin' here? (Close-up of Mojo.)

Mojo: Well, I'm here to destroy the Powerpuff Girls, and I can only assume that these two losers— (Pan to Princess and "Him"; he continues o.c.) —are here to watch a master at work.

"Him": (evil voice) Listen, you pathetic primate! It is I who shall destroy the Powerpuff Girls, not you! (effeminate voice) So why not run along and have a banana? (Back to Mojo.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now