A Documentary

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Note: Starred lines (Brian's) are delivered as a voice over. Any others are spoken by him on the scene, while he is either in view or behind the camera.

(The normal opening sequence is not used for this episode. Instead, the words "THE POWERPUFF GIRLS: A DOCUMENTARY" fade into view, white typewritten letters against the black background. This text fades away and is replaced with "A Film by BRIAN LARSEN," which then fades as well. There is no sound during this sequence.)

(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day. The quality of the image suggests that it is being shown on a TV screen; this continues throughout the episode. The voice that speaks up is that of a very serious-sounding young man as the camera pulls back slowly.)

Voice: The city of Townsville. This is where the Powerpuff Girls live.

(As the camera movement continues, he comes into view: glasses, baseball cap turned backwards, goatee, ponytail, shorts, vest with lots of pockets, film canister on a cord around his neck. Your basic would-be photojournalist in the field, in other words. His presence and the image quality mark the fact that we are seeing the city through his video camera. He is standing on a rooftop, and he becomes gradually more animated throughout the following monologue.)

Young man: Oh, you might know them as those three cute little girls, saving the day before bedtime. Well, to me, that's not enough. I want to know what makes 'em tick. Where are they from? Where are they going? I want to know everything about them. Yes, the Powerpuff Girls! (He sits on a ledge.) What are their hopes and dreams, their desires and aspirations? Do they fight crime all day? Do they set aside a certain portion of it for leisure? How tall are they, and what are their shoe sizes? Where do they sleep, and what do they eat for breakfast? Do they put jam on their toast, or don't they put jam on their toast? And if not, why not? And since when?

(He breaks off and directs a smile to the camera.)

Young man: I'm Brian, and this is my documentary. And you're gonna find out firsthand just who those cute little crime-fighters are. So buckle up...this is gonna be a wild ride.

(Pull back to frame the skyline and fade to black.)

[Note: Brian Larsen, after whom this character is presumably modeled, worked on "The Boys Are Back in Town" and "Boy Toys." However, he does not provide the young man's voice here.]

(Snap to a close-up of a bowl on a counter.)

* Young man (Brian): Sugar...spice...and everything nice.

(As each item is mentioned, he reaches into view and pours it into the bowl. The "everything nice" is a dusty white slurry, perhaps corn starch in water compared to what the Professor used when he first made the Girls that was seen in the opening of every episode of the series.)

* Brian: Yep, those are pretty normal ingredients, all right. (An electric mixer is applied to the stuff; it goes greenish-brown.) Mix 'em all together, and they pretty much make... (It is dumped out.) ...mush. But to the city of Townsville, those three special ingredients together make a totally different result.

(Cut to a driver's-seat view of a highway leading into the city.)

* Brian: The city of Townsville. A great city with many of the same things as any other city. Shops and malls and movie houses too. Great parks, corporate art, a fantastic museum.

(Cut to an example of each attribute as it is named; kids and families play in the park. After the museum, cut to a busy street.)

* Brian: The newly renovated and revitalized Old Townsville district. (Close-up of two dogs in a cage.) It even boasts an animal shelter. (The skyline.) But Townsville has something extra. Townsville has the Powerpuff Girls.

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