Say Uncle

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(Opening shot: the city of Longville at day.)

Narrator: The city of Longville, Minnesota, the turtle-racing capital of the world!

(Pan to factory polluting the skies.)

Narrator: Turle-neck and turtle-neck here at the track. 

Man #1: That Sheldon's a peppy fella.

Man #2: Ooh yeah, it's all those hours he put in during the off-season. 

Buddy: Way to show 'em what you're made of, Sheldon! Meanwhile, back in the City of Townsville, Professor Utonium is getting ready for a very big day. 

Bubbles: What'cha doing, Professor? 

Professor Utonium: Well, Bubbles, I'm getting ready for a very big day. There's a scientific exposition at the Townsville convention centre, and you're looking at the key-note speaker. I'm giving a presentation on the proliferation on subatomic particles on the ribonucleic plain. And its relationship to the proliferation of ribonucleic particles on the subatomic plain. (l'ooks down at girls)

(Girls look back at Professor.)

Professor Utonium: Oh, it's really quite fascinating, isn't it?

(Girly blankly look at each other, then back to the Professor. The doorbell rings.)

Girls: I'll get it! (Girls rush to the door and fling it open.)

Mailman: Hello! Important telegram from Professor Utonium! 

Blossom: A telegram?

Mailman: (Waves paper frantically in the air) That's right - an important telegram! 

Buttercup: Thanks. (Buttercup snatches telegram out of mailman's hands.)

Mailman: You're very welcome! Have a tella-rific day! (Girls slam the door in his face.)

Girls: Professor! Professor! Professor! (Girls fly to the Professor and hand him the telegram.)

Blossom: You have an important telegram!

Professor Utonium: A telegram? 

Buttercup: Here. (Buttercup hands Professor the telegram.)

Professor Utonium: (Reads) Dear Professor, am coming to town this morning. Only here for the day. Want to see you and meet the girls. I'll be on the last train from Clarksville. Come me me at the station. Your brother, Eugene. Girls! Guess who's coming for a visit!

Blossom: Your brother Eugene?

Professor Utonium: (Professor takes the telegram.) Your Uncle, Eugene. 

Girls: We have an Uncle?

Professor Utonium: Sure do. Ah, me and your Uncle Eugene used to get pretty crazy back in the day. He's quite the wild man. (draws picture from his pocket)

Buttercup: (Girls take a look at the picture with a default-looking Eugene) He doesn't look so wild to me. Hahaha... (Girls all laugh) 

Professor Utonium: Ooh! But my big scientific lecture! Oh, I won't have time to pick him up! 

Blossom: We could pick him up, Professor. 

Buttercup and Bubbles: Yeah, we'll do it!

Professor Utonium: That's a great idea, girls. You can spend the day getting to know your Uncle Eugene while I'm at the conference

(Girls beam at Professor. Fade and pan to the train station, zoom in to one of the cars of the train.)

Policeman #1: Alright, alright. Now look: all you gotta do is sit on this here stool, (points at stool) and make sure that that wild fella in there don't cause no ruckus. (points to covered cage.) You think you can handle that? 

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