Bubbles of the Opera

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(Opening scene: Cut to Blossom wearing a presidential dress. She gets her suitcase out and opens it with her bows on it. She picks up two bows.)

Blossom: Professor, which says "Future Elected Official"? Fire truck red, or candy apple red? (Cut to Professor Utonium combing Buttercup's hair. Buttercup wears a green and light orange sweater)

Professor Utonium: Uh, I don't know, Blossom. They're both lovely.

Buttercup: Ow! Ow!

Professor Utonium: Hold still, Buttercup.

Buttercup: This sweater is so itchy!

Professor Utonium: Uh, please. I'd like to have this cowlick under control.

Buttercup: Ow!

Professor Utonium: For at least one school picture day. (Blossom now wears her bow)

Buttercup: Ow!

Blossom: I think I'll go with rocket red. For perseverance in the face of adversity!

Buttercup: Ow! (Professor Utonium stops combing her hair) Stop! What's the point?! School photos are the worst! No one ever looks good in them.

Blossom: Yeah. No one, but you-know-who. (Then, Bubbles comes out of the closet wearing pink sunglasses, two blue kitty scrunchies, which her pigtail ends are curled. She wore a white disco sweater, yellow shirt, blue skirt, and pink boots with the yellow end)

Bubbles: Oh, my! Is it school picture day? (She takes off her glasses) I completely forgot! (We see Bubbles' picture as a curly pigtailed girl with a pink dress, a romantic boy, a punk star, and a cowgirl. Cut to the girls at the picture day studio, (Y/N) is behind them with a bored expression.) When he photographs me, I feel like Miguel really captures the essence of my face.

Buttercup: Uh-huh.

Photographer: (from o.s) Next!

Bubbles: Whee! (She hops on the seat, then looks confused) You're not Miguel!

Lunch Lady: Nope. I'm his replacement. I just got promoted from the cafeteria.

[Note: She's referred to as the lunch lady due to her having worked in the cafeteria.]

Bubbles: B-b-b-but...

Lunch Lady: Ah, relax, kid. Any dumb-dumb can work a camera these days. Now, tilt your head this way, reach your shoulder to the sky, and say "Give me the sauce"!

Bubbles: (She tilts her head on the left) Tilt head...(She raises her left shoulder) R-raise shoulder...(She makes a weird face) Give me the wha...?

(One week later...)

(At the school, Bubbles screams from o.s. She looks at her picture as Buttercup, (Y/N), and Blossom come to see it)

Buttercup: What? (She and Blossom snicker) No way! (She takes Bubbles' photo) You took a bad school photo?

Bubbles: Give it back!

Buttercup: And not just bad, probably the worst school PHOTO EVER!!! (She laughs maniacally, but Bubbles takes her picture back, then cries) Don't cry, dude it's funny.

Bubbles: I don't want it to be funny! I want it to be cute! (Continues crying)

Blossom: Bubbles, it's okay.

Buttercup: Yeah, nobody bats 1,000. I mean, this first year, mine actually turned out okay. (She takes out her crazy photo)

(Y/N): Mine turned out ok as well. (We see that (Y/N) isn't smiling in his photo and it says at the bottom "Therapy didn't fix me yet.")

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