Uh Oh Dynamo

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville ! (Dramatic pause.) And what a city it is!

(Camera pans across and turns down to a stadium full of sports fans, with a blimp floating above. The craft bears an electronic message sign, but it is too far away to read.)

Narrator: Our citizens have made it the pride of the free world. It has it all. (Cut to the museum.) A highbrow museum.

(Cut to a train platform crowded with people. Mounted above it is a sign: "MAGNETO LEVA-TRAIN.")

Narrator: Ultra-efficient public transportation.

(The train pulls in, and the doors open. An attendant on the platform blows a whistle. The crowd quickly piles in and he whistles again. Now the doors close, and the train pulls away. Cut to Townsville Hall.)

Narrator: An honest local government.

(Cut to a restaurant—Le Dunne King Donut. On its roof is a replica of the Eiffel Tower, with a doughnut encircling it like a horseshoe. The Mayor's limousine is parked in front as he and Ms. Bellum are seen exiting it to enter the restaurant.)

Narrator: Five-star restaurants. (Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.) Advanced learning facilities. (Long shot of the observatory.) Volcano-top observatory. (Malph's Market.) Fully stocked groceries.

(A bowling alley—the Bowling Rink, with a pole sign studded with stars. The sound of a ball crashing into pins is heard.)

Narrator: Bowling! About the only thing it doesn't have is...

(Cut to Mount Rushmore. Several sightseers mill around. One of them has a big foam finger.)

Narrator: ...Mount Rushmore!

Foam finger man: (waving) Hi, Mom!

(Back to the city, panning slowly across several businesses at roof level. Prominent in the foreground is a sign for Bagel Boy—shaped like a bagel, naturally.)

Narrator: But other than that, Townsville is a proud, bustling melting pot of varied culture and communities. In fact, one such area is...

(Cut to a district whose buildings and businesses display signs in Japanese, but seems designed somewhat like Townsville's skyline seen at the beginning of most episodes.)

Narrator: ...Little Tokyo, Townsville! And today, our favorite family is enjoying a picnic in Bonsai Gardens Park.

(As he says this, the camera pans and turns down to an overhead view of the park—trees, rock gardens, a building on the far end that looks like a Shinto temple, and a lake in the middle. Zoom in. A child runs happily toward the water and jumps in not far from the girls and the Professor.)

Narrator: And although today is a day of play, the sisters Puff are quite tough. (Zoom in slowly as he continues.) So make no mistake, their vow they won't break. For it is the priority of this young sorority, to protect this metropolis built by all of us. (clearing throat) Thank you.

(The Professor has a camera and aims it at the girls, a older women is behind him sitting next to (B/N) as she has (F/C) colored sunglasses on this women is (M/N). They are in their swimsuits. Bubbles wears inflatable "floaties" on her shoulders, and Buttercup wears sunglasses.)

Professor: Okay, girls, say...

Girls: Cheese! (The flashbulb pops.)

Professor: One more! (He shoots again.)

(Pan slowly along the shore. Blossom and Bubbles play with a beach ball while Buttercup and (Y/N) works on a sand castle. Other kids splash and swim happily. A baby sitting on the shore cries. Camera turns around to show the parents—shutterbugs, each and every one of them.)

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