Criss Cross Crisis

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night. After a few seconds, the sun comes up and birds and car horns are heard. It is some moments before the Narrator speaks.)

Narrator: (tired, yawning) The city of Townsville, another beautiful morning, same old, same old, yadda, yadda, yadda. (A rattling noise begins. He snaps awake.) Huh?! Wait!

(Pull back quickly to put the city in the background and the girls' house in the fore. A large transmitter tower has been set up next to it. This is the source of the rattling.)

Narrator: What's happening at the Professor's house?!

(The tower shakes more violently, and the camera begins to vibrate as well. A low rumbling begins, then grows. A flash of white light fills the screen for an instant and the shaking and rumbling stop. A few moments later, the sky flashes red once and an energy field begins to radiate out from the transmitter. The waves pass over Townsville Hall, which shakes briefly afterward. The same occurs at the following locations: the Bank of the Imperial Garden, the Pokey Folks retirement home, Ms. Bellum's house, the Shankaplex cinema - advertising the movie "Freakin' Friday" -  and the observatory.)

(Long shot of the city and the suburbs. The energy field is still radiating over the entire view. After a few seconds, the emissions stop and the screen shakes. There is a long silence before the Professor's voice is heard next.)

Professor: (from inside the house, gasping) Oh...oh, what have I done?!

(Dissolve to inside the girls' bedroom at the windows and pan to the bed. The covers are pulled all the way up. All we see of them are fringes of red-orange and black hair on the pillows.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Girls...Girls, wake up!

(They mumble sleepily. Close-up of Buttercup's side of the bed. She yawns.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Buttercup! (She pulls the covers up and groans sleepily.) Wake up, Buttercup.

(The covers are thrown back, but the person under them is not Buttercup - it is the Professor, wearing his pajamas and with stubble all over his face. However, the voice is Buttercup's.)

Buttercup/Professor: Professor, it's Saturday! Can't a girl get some sleep?! Harumph!

(She pulls the covers back over herself. A moment later, she sits bolt upright in cold shock as the reality sets in almost instantly like a two-by-four to her head.)

Buttercup/Professor: (gasping, shocked) B-B-B-B...

(She continues stuttering as the camera cuts to her perspective - looking down at the nightgown-clad Buttercup, who speaks in the Professor's voice.)

Professor/Buttercup: Now remain calm, Buttercup.

(Back to Buttercup in bed. She reacts totally the opposite of what the Professor had told her to do. She screams and breathes hard, panicked. Holding her hands up in front of herself, she sees that she now has a full set of fingers, which she works back and forth. Her mouth begins to wobble, terror washing over the rest of her face, and after a long moment she breaks down, sobbing and wailing.)

[Animation goof: When her hands are seen for the first time, there are five fingers on each instead of the usual four.]

(A hand reaches into view from the right and socks Buttercup in the shoulder to shut her up. This hand also has a set of fingers and is attached to an arm with a red sleeve.)

Blossom: (from o.c.) Keep it down! I'm trying to sleep!

Buttercup/Professor: Hey! (looking o.c. right, stunned) Blossom?!

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