The Powerpuff Girls Best Rainy Day Adventure

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the pouring rain. Thunder rumbles overhead.)

Narrator: (groaning, depressed) The city of Townsville. And it's raining.

(Dissolve to one street. A depressed little boy looks out a window.)

Narrator: No one on the streets, because it's raining.

(Dissolve to the exterior of Townsville Hall.)

Narrator: No government today—

(Dissolve to the Mayor, standing in his office with his golf bag slung over his shoulder. He is dressed to play a round of golf and very downcast at the idea of not being able to do so.)

Narrator: —because it's raining. (Dissolve to the observatory.) Not even any crime, because it's raining.

(Dissolve to Mojo Jojo inside, looking sadly out the window. He tosses ray-gun aside and hangs his head. From here, dissolve to a stray cat running down a street in the suburbs and looking for a bit of shelter.)

Narrator: Run, little guy. Run and hide, because it's raining.

(The cat ducks into an empty box by a fence and shivers. Turn up from this to the girls' house, seen from across the street, on the next line.)

Narrator: And definitely no crime-fighting today— (Close-up of the bedroom windows; the girls look out from these.) —because it's raining.

(The bad weather is obviously a drag for them. Buttercup is the first to express her discontent.)

Buttercup: This stinks! (Cut to inside the room.) I hate rainy days. (Floating across the room) There's nothing to do, there's nowhere to go. (stopping near Bubbles) I need action. I need adventure. I need (Y/N). I need to punch!

(She throws an overhand left that just misses Bubbles, who starts to cry.)

Blossom: (from o.c.) Hey! (Cut to her.) I want to solve crimes, hang out with (Y/N) and fight evil too, but I'm not taking it out on Bubbles.

Bubbles: Me neither.

Blossom: So it's raining. What are we to do?

(A moment of silence, during which Blossom thinks hard. Bubbles has the brainstorm first, though, and she gasps happily.)

Bubbles: I have an idea! Since we can't be the Powerpuff Girls outside— (gradually losing steam) —maybe we could play the Powerpuff...Girls and...fight crime...right home?

(Blossom directs a puzzled stare at her, Buttercup an angry one. She drops her head sadly.)

Bubbles: (small voice) Sorry.

Blossom, Buttercup: (happily) That's a great idea!

Bubbles: (brightening) But where do we begin?

Blossom: (holding up an alphabet block) Right here.

(She reaches o.c. with the block; the camera pans right slightly to show her setting it in place atop one of several towers. A picture of the sun hangs on the wall behind them.)

Blossom: (Imitating the Narrator) The city of Townsville. A harmonious community of happy little people.

(She kneels down in front of the "city," where she finds two toy cars.)

Blossom: Look at all the happy little people. (rolling one car around and speaking in a singsong voice) I'm happy, I'm driving, I'm happy and I'm driving. (rolling the other car as well) Hi, Joe, what do you know?

(A foot slams down very close to her; she looks up in alarm, and the camera shifts to just in front of the foot and turns slowly up from the floor. It belongs to Buttercup, who has a large stuffed alligator draped over her shoulders. Its head covers her face; this flips back out of her way as she howls twice. She picks up one of the toy cars; close-up of her as she howls at it and stuffs it into her mouth.)

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