Daylight Savings

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night. A crescent moon hangs over the scene.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville— (Pull back slowly as he continues.) a city where villainy exists 24/7. But don't be alarmed, for the Powerpuff Girls always spring into action.

(An enormous pink creature, with a single horn on its head and accordion-like arms that end in square claws, rears up and roars. It begins to stomp down the street, tearing holes in the buildings. Cut to Blossom in flight; the monster stops short upon her arrival. She deals it a quick string of crushing blows, and it falls to the pavement in slow motion.)

Narrator: Face it. (Pan to a nearby clock shop.) These girls will clean their clocks.

(On the end of this line, zoom in on a clock that hangs over the street corner. Cut to a jewelry store whose front window has been smashed; an alarm screams through the night, and a masked robber flees the scene. He carries a bag of loot in one hand and fires a gun behind himself with the other. Buttercup dives in, ready for a flying kick, and lets him have it in spades. He collapses to the ground, with his left arm extended ahead of himself so that we can see his wristwatch. Zoom in on this during the next line.)

Narrator: Watch as they wind up the crime every time!

(Cut to a barnyard in which a few cows are grazing contentedly. A flying saucer hovers above them. After a moment, an alien creature materializes on the ground; it looks very much like a fugitive from a bad sci-fi movie—short, huge head, bulging eyes, and the like. It holds a device of some sort in one hand. One of the cows takes sudden notice of the new arrival and starts running across the yard, with the alien close behind. The device is pointed at the animal's hindquarters—a probe perhaps. Bubbles arrives on the scene and has no trouble beating the alien into submission; her last blow, a flying uppercut, propels it straight up to crash through the underside of the saucer. She grabs the edge of this and hurls it like a discus, sending it over a clock tower and out of sight.)

(On the next line, turn down to the base of the tower. Blossom and Buttercup stand in front of it, and Bubbles joins them.)

Narrator: It's a lucky stroke for us that these are no secondhand heroines that keep our city safe— (They take off across the city.) —deep into the night and into the wee hours of the morning.

(The sky begins to lighten behind them-daybreak is coming.)

Narrator: And on a school night, even. (They fly o.c.)

(Cut to the exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten as they fly in.)

Narrator: Speaking of school...

(Cut to Ms. Keane at the front of the classroom; she is teaching a bit of picture recognition. Next to her is an easel with a picture of a ball.)

Ms. Keane: Class, can you tell me what this is a picture of?

Class: (from o.c.) BALL!

Ms. Keane: Very good! (removing the picture, exposing a picture of the Talking Dog) And this is a...

Class: (from o.c.) DOG!

Ms. Keane: Very good.

(The next picture she shows is one of a combustion engine. Various parts are labeled.)

Ms. Keane: And this is a...


Ms. Keane: Very good.

(Now she shows a saw cutting through a log.)

Ms. Keane: And this is a, is—is a...

(The sound of snoring is her reason for trailing off, and she looks around herself in puzzlement to try to find its source. The bell, the hotline, the pencil sharpener, the butt of a fat kid, Twiggy the hamster—none of them are causing the interruption. Cut to a close-up of the girls and (Y/N), panning slowly across their desk. The girls are fast asleep with blankets on them because (Y/N) put them on them and sawing toothpicks, with their heads down.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now