Princess Buttercup

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(Opening scene: Cut to the school cafeteria)

Narrator: Ah, lunchtime at the school cafeteria. (We see Blossom and Bubbles making scrapbook decorations, (Y/N) watches a bit away from them as he eats a sloppy joe because he doesn't want to ruin there scrapbook.)

Bubbles: Cute ribbons.

Blossom: Ooh, glitter!

Friendly Girl: Scrapbooking is so awesome!

Girls: Yay! (Buttercup comes in eating sloppy joes)

Buttercup: Dudes! It's sloppy joe Tuesday! (She eats the sloppy joe) They should make this a holiday.

Friendly Girl: What happened to your forehead?

Buttercup: (She looks at her forehead which has a bump in it) Oh, that? Funny story. Check it. So, there's this guy at the construction yard, Mac. (Eats the pizza) So, he says his forklift can crush anything, anything! And I'm all like "I'm stronger than that". And anyway, I arm-wrestled a forklift.

(Y/N): I'm sorry you arm wrestled forklift!?

Friendly Girl: Oh, interesting.

Blossom: Uh, hey, Buttercup. Do you want to, uh...sit with us know, chew?

Bubbles: We're talking about scrapbooking!

Buttercup: Uh, yeah. No, that's not really my thing. I'll just grab a seat over there. (She goes to the other table where she can sit at) Pfft. Scrapbooking. (She glares at Maylyn and the other Derbytantes. They roller-skate around Buttercup at in the top of the table)

Maylyn: Hey. You're Buttercup, right?

Buttercup: Who's asking?

Maylyn: I'm Maylyn, head of the Derbytantes.

Chorus: Derbytantes!

Maylyn: Dig your head scrape. Do you get from fighting a monster or something?

Buttercup: (Blows her hair) Forklift. Dig your skates.

Maylyn: Yeah. We never take them off. We grind on skates, we skateboard on skates, we even do pottery on skates. (The girl grinds on the rail on stairs, the girl does a skateboard on her skates, and two girls made pottery on skates) Best work yet.

Derbytante Girls: Whoo!

Maylyn: We also play Death Ball on skates.

Buttercup: Whoa, back up. What's Death Ball?

Maylyn: You should find out. (She and the others skate out as Blossom and Bubbles come in)

Blossom: Hey, Buttercup. Who are your friends?

Bubbles: Do they want to come scrapbooking, too? (Buttercup stares at the Maylyn and her friends)

Buttercup: Death Ball. (She flies out as the table is ripped)

Princess Morbucks: (from o.s) Hey, girls. (She is seen with Blossom and Bubbles)

Blossom: Princess Morbucks? (Cut to Princess Morbucks' pose)

Chorus: Morbucks!

Princess Morbucks: I see Butter-butt has left you with new friends.

Blossom: No, she's just off...

Bubbles: Playing Death Ball!

Blossom: ...With some people.

Princess Morbucks: Well, if you need a replacement, I know a stunningly gorgeous redhead with loads of sass and gobs of cash. (She makes a fist and opens it) Mike drop!

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