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(Opening shot: the city skyline at peace.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(Freeze frame of the park, where families are playing and picnicking.)

Narrator:...is having quite a lovely Saturday, isn't it?

(At the beach, we see another family enjoying the day.)

Narrator: Just look at all the townspeople. What a perfect day for an outing!

(Now a carnival is seen in full swing: cotton candy, rides, the whole deal. As the Narrator continues, dissolve to a man and his son on a fishing trip. Their dog is along for the ride.)

Narrator: (inhaling deeply) Ahh, you can just smell all the love and togetherness in the air.

(Dissolve to the girls, asleep in their bed. Bubbles is cradling Octi, as usual. Zoom in slowly.)

Narrator: And here we find our girls, sleeping in. Anxiously dreaming of their big day off with the Professor.

(On this last, pan to the bedroom door, where the Professor has poked his head in. He steps in quietly and approaches the bed.)

Narrator: Finally, some quality time to spend with their faithful father figure.

(He kisses each girl on the forehead; they wake up when he does so.)

Narrator: An opportunity to bond. (Bubbles.) To grow. To become closer. (Blossom.) To establish ties. (Buttercup.)

(They sit up, stretch, and give him a hug during the next line.)

Narrator: To learn. To love.

(Dissolve to the kitchen; the girls are eating breakfast, with the Professor at the table as well. Blossom wipes her mouth with her napkin before each bite, and Buttercup slurps the milk from her cereal bowl. After a moment, he looks at his watch and taps it. The girls brighten and zip out of the room, returning a moment later. Blossom is first, wearing a red swimsuit with a white cross, and equipped with a rescue float and whistle—she is ready for lifeguard duty. Bubbles appears next, in a light blue suit with a black stripe, wearing her "floaties," and carrying a pail and shovel. Last is Buttercup, tricked out in a black wetsuit and toting a boogie board. The Professor, meanwhile, has outfitted himself with a snorkel, mask, fins, and an inflatable animal float around his waist. He also wears a T-shirt emblazoned with the words "BEACH BUM.")

(Dissolve to the driveway, where he is trying to stuff a beach umbrella into the back of the already-jammed car. Blossom flies up and succeeds in stowing it away. Bubbles closes the rear hatch, and Buttercup flies out of the house with the car keys. Just after she gives them to him, the hotline is heard buzzing. Pull back quickly; the phone is seen inside the house at the window. The girls float out of view.)

[Animation goof: In this sequence, Bubbles' suit is the two-piece she wore in "Uh Oh Dynamo."]

(Out in the driveway again, the Professor now looks as if all the air has been let out of him. We hear the hotline being picked up and hung up. The girls float past him, back in their dresses and looking equally dejected. Blossom and Buttercup take off; Bubbles waves sadly to him before going after them. He hangs his head and trudges back into the house as the camera pulls back to show its exterior. The door slams. So much for their beach day. Ruined by the Girls being needed to protect Townsville.)

(Day fades into night, and the girls float back to the front door and enter the house. Their eyes go wide in surprise and sadness; cut to the dining room table, set for a full meal complete with candelabra—the candles have burned out. The Professor is heard snoring o.c., and the camera pans slowly across the scene to show him asleep in his chair, with an empty plate before him. The girls trade a sad, worried look, then gently wrap his arms around them and close their eyes. Now he wakes up and smiles; cut to inside the darkened bedroom. The door opens, and we see the silhouette of him, carrying the girls, in the light from the hall. Cut to the exterior of the house, the bedroom windows now lit, as the sound of bedclothes being turned down is heard. After a moment, the lights snap off.)

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