Puffdora's Box

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(Opening scene: Cut to the Professor's house)

Professor Utonium: (from o.s) Girls! (Then we see the Professor's room that has a lot of stuff and the girls rush to the Professor)

Blossom: What is it, Professor?

Professor Utonium: Well, the house has been cluttered lately, so, I thought we could do a little spring cleaning. (Bubbles flies to him)

Bubbles: Spring cleaning? But, Professor, it's fall.

Professor Utonium: I know, Bubbles. I'm flipping the script! (Rim shot is heard)

Buttercup: (dofuelly) Hi-larious.

Professor Utonium: I've already put all the things we need to organize in this pile. You just need to decide what to do with it. (Bubbles is seen hiding in a box)

Bubbles: Ooh! I know! We can put the stuff we wanna keep in this box. (She draws with a pink marker and spins the box and it says "Keep" in the front with a bee and flowers. Buttercup chimes in holding the box that says "Toss")

Buttercup: And the stuff we wanna toss in this one! (She throws the box on the ground. Blossom flies in)

Blossom: Two options? That's so bilateral! Allow me to take charge.

Professor Utonium: No, Blossom. I want the three of you to work together on this one. (He walks to the door) Now, I'm going to go run some errands. Oh! And don't worry about this pile. (We see more stuff on the floor) There's some potentially dangerous stuff in there from the lab. (A green mouse appears) I'll go through it on my own. (The mouse dissapears) Bye, girls. (Closes the door)

Blossom: All right, girls. Let's get...

Buttercup: (from o.s) Whoo! (She is seen in the pile) Check these out! (She gets out two DVD players) Old "Space Towtruck" movies form the 70's! Let's get this fine fast so we can watch'em! (We see Bubbles wearing a unicorn shirt that says "Wazaaaap" and she wears one ponytail on the left side)

Bubbles: As long as I wear this shirt and the scrunchie. (Buttercup is seen wearing a hat backwards and holds up a radio)

Buttercup: Let's get this party started! (She turns on the radio and dance music is heard) When I say "Keep", you say "Toss"! (Bubbles puts in the toys inside keep and toss boxes) Keep!

Bubbles: Toss!

Buttercup: Keep!

Bubbles: Toss! (Blossom flies to her)

Blossom: No! No keep! No toss! Can't you see? 2 piles aren't enough.

Bubbles, Buttercup: They're not?

Blossom: Not unless you want to give something away by accident. (Octi is seen on the floor)

Bubbles: (Gasps in shock and gets Octi) She's right! (She hugs Octi)

Blossom: We need a system that categorizes items from most to least important. (She gets a remote and pushes the button as the film projector shines on the screen. Then we see words that say "19-Point Plan") Behold! My 19-Point Plan! (We see the recycle items)

Bubbles: (from o.s) Did you just make that? (She makes a shadow of a bunny)

Buttercup: Whoa, dude. Professor told us to work together!

Blossom: And we are working together, by my plan! Trust me. It'll be done in a jiffy. (Cut to the box that says "Regular coasters") Regular coasters, check. (We see Blossom and her list checking all the boxes) Irregular coasters, check.

Bubbles: (from o.s) Red car missing wheels on accident. (She is seen with a red car with no wheels and is about to put in a box) Hmm...(She goes to another box) Red car missing wheels on purpose...hmm...(She puts the car into the missing wheel box. Blossom then chimes in with her list growling at her. She puts the car into the purpose box, Blossom growls at her again. She puts the car into the missing wheel box again, Blossom angrily roars (with Jurassic Park T-Rex roar) at her. She widens her eyes, we see two boxes and a car on top. The car goes to the boxes one by one until it crashes) I DON'T KNOW! I JUST DON'T KNOW!! (She kicks the boxes away and kneels down)

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