Custody Battle

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(Opening shot of the city.)

Narrator: The City of Townsville! And no better place to spend father's day.

(The camera zooms in before cutting to a pair of yellow kites in the air, one labelled 'DAD', and one labelled 'SON'. The camera stays on these for a brief moment before panning down to the father and son holding them and smiling, clearly enjoying their time together. The father pats the sparse hair on his son's head before the camera starts to pan right. As it does so, we see a father and son playing catch by a bench, a father and son on the bench eating ice cream, and on their other side another pair who have just finished a game of basket ball by the looks of things.)

Man 1: Son, when I was your age...ah, I was twelve. (His son looks shocked by the revelation, clearly having expected this story to go elsewhere.

Man 2: Billy, that was an amazing shot! (Closeup of basketball father as he speaks. Someday you're gonna be a famous player! (They hug)

Narrator: Yes, it's a wonderful day for all the dads of Townsville.

(The father and son duo move away to display Mojo on another park bench. He is looking rather bored and unimpressed with the day's events so far and drinking from a restaurant soda cup.

Narrator: Well, almost.

(Close-up of Mojo. He begins to mock the father he has just seen.)

Mojo: (Mocking) You're going to be a famous player. (Normal) Sickening. (He goes back to his drink as another father and son pair catches his eye to his right. We cut to them, where the excited boy has decided to sit on his father's lap.)

Boy 1: Dad! I wanna be a man just like you someday.

Man 3: I love you too, son.

(Once again, the pair hug.)

Mojo: Oh puh-lease. (His expression changes as instead of the usual cheerful exchanges we hear crying. Mojo looks on in surprise as the camera cuts to a rather nerdy-looking redhead sporting broken glasses, grey shirt and green and orange checkered shorts. His underwear has been pulled out of his shorts, and his face is bright red. He is crying to an identically-dressed man reading a newspaper.)


(Mojo looks in the direction he's pointing, and gasps in shock. The Rowdyruff Boys are kneeling there, counting the money.)

Mojo: The Rowdyruff Boys?! (Jump closer to the Boys, who look up and smile)

Mojo: This is not possible! How is it that something that was destroyed can exist again? (He walks to the Boys and stops in front of them)

Mojo: I demand an explanation as to how something that was destroyed can exist again! (The Boys look at each other, then back at him)

Brick: Duh, nice hat, Dorko! (They laugh; Mojo comes up and brandishes a finger at them)

Mojo: How dare you talk to your father that way!

Boys: Father?! (Now they start laughing hysterically, pounding the ground. Close up of Mojo, who is shocked by something o.c. "Him" descends into view, arms outstretched so as to hold the Boys in a very loose embrace. In the following exchange, the camera focusses on the speaker.)

Him: Yes, it seems that the boys have found a new father now.

Mojo: What?

Him: I brought the boys back, so I am their father now. (Him now lays on the floor, the boys gathered around him. At first Brick appears to be stood on Him's leg as he is not floating, but by the next line has resumed floating far above this spot. Mojo comes into view, pointing an angry finger at this strange scene before him. Mojo continues to make various hand gestures, often with little to do with what he's saying, as he speaks.)

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