Twas the Fight Before Christmas

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day, with snow falling. During the following verses, pull back slowly into the suburbs; the entire landscape is blanketed in white.)

Narrator: 'Twas the city of Townsville, and all through the town,

All the townsfolk are stirring as snow's falling down.

It's bitter and freezing in the dead of December,

But there's reason for joy, if you can remember.

For it's this time of year that our story unfolds,

When our hearts are the warmest, despite all the cold.

(Pokey Oaks Kindergarten comes into view.)

Yes, it is Christmas, just two days before,

And all through the town, none can wait anymore...

For the timely arrival of one certain fat guy...

Who brings us all goodies from out of the sky.

Full of anticipation are these urban folks,

None more so than the students at old Pokey Oaks.

(The camera stops pulling back during the last two lines, then cuts to a close-up of Ms. Keane's desk inside. One of her pupils reaches into view and sets an apple on it; the gift has a red ribbon tied around it and a misspelled tag attached: "Mary Krismas Ms Kene.")

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) Thank you, Billy.

(Pull back. She sits behind the desk, which is decorated like a gingerbread house and piled high with apples, and kids are lined up with similar offerings. The blackboard behind her reads, "Homework: Have a happy X-mas!" During the next line, the named kids file past and give her their apples.)

Ms. Keane: Well, thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Clara.

(Elsewhere, three kids are stringing popcorn garlands for a small potted Christmas tree. One of them is Julie Bean, but she is eating the materials. Another kid winds up a Santa Claus doll and lets it loose on the floor; camera follows it.)

Santa doll: Ho ho ho! Ho ho ho! Ho ho ho!

(Cut to a close-up of drawings taped on a bulletin board and pan across them. They are arranged in a rough line and depict Santa's team of reindeer.)

Bubbles: (from o.c., to "Deck the Halls")

Christmas time is in a few days, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

(As she continues, the camera reaches her taping up the sleigh picture and pulls back.)

Santa'll give me lots of toys, yay, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

(She jumps up an octave on the last "la." Turn down to Buttercup at the desk in front of the board. She has pages spread out before her and looks rather annoyed.)

Buttercup: Bubbles! I'm trying to concentrate!

Bubbles: I'm only trying to spread some Christmas cheer.

(She floats down as Blossom walks over to them with a small gingerbread house in hand. (Y/N) walks behind her with a Christmas hat on.)

Buttercup: Well, can it! I'm busy. (We now see that her pages are headed "GIMME.")

Blossom: Doing what?

Buttercup: (stacking them up) Writing my wish list for Santa.

Bubbles: Are you crazy? You're only giving him two days to prepare - and that's even if he gets it on time!

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