Trouble Clef

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(Theme Song)

(The episode starts with a reality show called Townsville Tonight with pictures showing up on the show before it even starts that Morbucks and Muscle Woman are watching at a long table with her TV at the back of the table and a golden TV remote on the table next to Morbucks' dinner on a plate in front of her)

Sophie Golden: Welcome to Townsville Tonight. I'm your host, Sophie Golden. This evening, we have none other than Townsville's favorite superhero trio: (The said superheroes are shown on the couch in the show as she mentions them) The Powerpuff Girls!

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup: Hi!

(Watching them on the screen, Morbucks gasps in excitement)

Morbucks: My BFF's, the Powerpuff Girls, are on Townsville Tonight! They're probably gonna mention me and (singsong) how great I am! Turn it up, Muscle Woman.

Muscle Woman: (Smashes the golden TV remote turning up the volume)

Sophie Golden: As superheroes, what do you girls feel defines a villain?

Blossom: Oh, that's easy. They're selfish.

Morbucks: Oh, definitely.

Buttercup: And greedy.

Morbucks: Preach, sister.

Bubbles: And they do bad stuff to others.

Morbucks: I know, right?

Bubbles: You know, like...

All 3 Girls: Princess Morbucks!

Morbucks: (Shocked) WHAT?!

Muscle Woman: (Elbowing Morbucks) Hey, they did mention you.

Sophie Golden: Well, there you have it. The Powerpuff Girls keeping Townsville safe and Princess Morbucks is a villain. (A man in his house with beehives and getting stung by bees is shown) Up next, can you keep loose bees in your house? (Morbucks still has her shocked face after watching what happened in the show) This guy seems to think so.

Morbucks: I... I don't understand.

Muscle Woman: Me neither. Free-range bees is just a recipe for disaster.

Morbucks: No. I mean, the Powerpuff Girls think I'm a... villain?

Muscle Woman: You didn't think that? (Morbucks angrily scoots out of her chair and walks away)

(In Morbucks' room, a fire on logs in a fireplace is shining bright as Morbucks walks to it and looks at it)

Morbucks: Me? A villain? But I can't be. (Appears on a bench playing a few notes on a piano) How can a superhero be a villain? (Appears laying down on the floor) Everyone likes me. (Appears sitting on her windowsill seat as she hears the sound of an airplane) That airplane is loud. (Appears at her own personal bowling alley holding a bowling ball and rolls it) They're heroes, so that makes me... (The bowling ball hits the bowling pins) ...a villain? (Appears at the fire which turned into ash as she sighs) How do I change this? I have to make things right. There's only one thing to do.

Morbucks: (Rapping) Who's the villain when you're fake superheroes? Knocking down buildings, that makes you a zero, and who's gonna build it all up again? Princess Morbucks and her gold dividends. (With Cash Money Crew) The Powerpuff Girls are the villains, oh. Uh-uh. Blossom, Bubbles, and third one gotta go. Yeah. Real superheroes wear a crown. Kicking them Powerpuff Girls out of town. Money.

(In Midway Elementary School, Jared showed the Powerpuff Girls and (Y/N) the video Morbucks made on his phone)

Blossom: Destroys buildings? What?

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