Film Flam

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back and pan across the suburbs.) The picture of an average American town.

(A boy rides his bicycle down the street. Dissolve to a close-up of a pie cooling on a windowsill. A woman stands behind it.)

Narrator: Mom's hot apple pie. (Pull back.)

Woman 1: (waving) Hi, Billy! (Cut to the boy.)

Boy (Billy): Hi, Mrs. O'Hara!

(He rolls past a set of bleachers on the other side of a fence.)

Narrator: White picket fences.

(The spectators cheer. Cut to the field on their side. A baseball game is in progress, but the boy playing left field is more interested in a butterfly flitting overhead.)

Left fielder: Wooooooowww...

Narrator: And baseball!

(The batter hits a fly ball that sails toward the boy and lands just behind him, and he pays no attention to it, still focused on the flitting butterfly. The crowd groans. Cut to an American flag waving over a building.)

Narrator: Ah, yes. Typically American in every way.

(An alarm goes off, and the camera turns down to show the building as a bank, that being the Bank of the Imperial Garden. Three masked robbers back out the front door, with guns drawn and bags of money in hand. One of them laughs.)

Robber: Thanks for the loot, suckers!

(Pan left slightly to bring a waiting van into view. The men climb into its open back doors and speed off. Inside, they and the driver laugh over the heist. This last one has a mask on as well, but pushes it up for a better view of the road as they make their getaway.)

Narrator: Only one thing sets Townsville apart from the rest of America. (Blossom lands in front of the van.) Or should I say... (Bubbles and Buttercup join her.) ...three things!

Driver, robbers: (horrified) The Powerpuff Girls!

(The driver brings the van to a screeching halt, and all four men bail to escape the Girls hopefully on foot. The driver and the robbers run in opposite directions. The Girls are quick to react to the bad guys splitting up.)

Blossom: Oh, no! You guys go left. (Her sisters take off.) I'll take right.

(She stomps the pavement, creating a long fissure that extends toward the driver. The camera pans quickly to follow. He gets his foot caught at the end of the crack when it catches up to him and tumbles headlong down the street, yelling in pain and surprise. One down, three to go. Cut to the three robbers as they flee the scene in the opposite direction of the driver, then to Bubbles and Buttercup in flight.)

Buttercup: Quick! Fastball Special!

(Bubbles literally bends over backward to curl into a tight ball, and Buttercup grabs her and throws. She bounces along after them as they run o.c. Cut to a patch of empty space above the street. We hear a sound as of a bowling ball crashing into pins, and the robbers are thrown up into view and fall down again. A clean strike.)

[Note: This Fastball Special is slightly different from the version used in "Stuck Up, Up and Away," in which Bubbles was bounced off a cabinet to save Twiggy.]

(Dissolve to the getaway van, which is now being readied for removal by a police tow truck to be taken to an impound lot. Pan slowly across the scene to the sound of radio chatter. The robbers are being herded into a paddy wagon. One policeman has his gun trained on them to make sure they don't try anything to escape being taken to jail.) BBC

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