Beat Your Greens

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the evening. Pull back slowly.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville.

(A view of Earth from space; pull back.)

Narrator: On the planet Earth.

(Pull back farther; now the moon is also in view, with something hovering behind it.)

Narrator: Out in outer space. (Zoom in on the moon.) And not too far out in outer space— (It slides away.) —just behind the Earth's moon, a mysterious craft lies in wait.

(Spinning in place, the craft in question looks vaguely as if it was grown in somebody's backyard garden. Two alien voices speak from inside.)

Voice 1: Target achieved, Your Highness. Firing sequence ready on your command.

Voice 2: Excellent. Launch the sporepedo.

(The underside of the craft bulges briefly and expels a projectile that resembles a flower which has not yet opened up its petals and bloomed. A spearhead is attached to this. The object hurtles through space and enters Earth's atmosphere, landing in a farm field with its pod/bloom facing straight up and its base glowing. This swells up for a moment and then bursts; a cloud of green vapor pours out and envelops the entire field. A few seconds later, in a long shot, the miasma dissipates to leave only a spot of pulsing green light where the missile hit. Fade to black.)

(Fade in quickly to a rural setting: farmhouse, barn with a crowing rooster on the roof, tractor in front. The sun is smiling and chewing a stalk of wheat.)

Narrator: The town of Farmsville! (Pan across the scene as he continues.) A quiet, hardworking agricultural community whose residents take humble pride in the most important of duties...

(During the pan, we see your average small town, with more barns, a gas station, a general store, animals grazing, and so forth. Stop on a field, in which a man is using a combine harvester to gather the produce—broccoli.)

Narrator: ...the growing of wholesome, natural foods, which are promptly harvested—

(Zoom in on the broccoli stalks as they enter the machine, then pull back; they are now in crates and being loaded onto a truck.)

Narrator: —packed, and shipped— (The truck rolls off toward Townsville.) —to the many hungry and grateful residents of Townsville.

(Cut to a city street, humming with business activity of all sorts, and pan along it.)

Narrator: These busy city-dwellers may have important appointments to keep, (In an office, two men shake hands over a contract.) deals to make, (The control room of a TV station.) information to distribute, (A building being put up.) and constructions to construct,

(Turn down toward Malph's Market and zoom in slowly as he continues. The truck from Farmsville is parked in front, unloading its cargo for Townsville to purchase from Malph's in the store's produce section.)

Narrator: but none of the business that is Townsville could even begin, without a trip to the market, and a heaping plate full of that nutritious, delicious farm-raised goodness.

(Dissolve to a black woman eating dinner, which includes a healthy portion of broccoli. She eats a forkful and smiles.)

Mom: Mmm-mmm.

(Pull back; her children—a son and a daughter—are next to her in the family kitchen. They glare at their food with loathing, and their mother is trying to get them to eat it.)

Mom: Come on, kids, eat your vegetables.

Daughter: No way, Jose!

Son: Yeah. No way, Jose!

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