Cat Man Do

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back slowly.) A place where catastrophe can strike at any minute.

(A large jewel is now visible at the right edge of the screen; it is attached to some sort of apparatus. The camera follows this slowly as a voice begins to speak - a low, sinister male tone - to show it as a large weapon pointed into the city.)

Voice: That's right. And with the jewel in place, the hypnotic modulator set to ten, and the distance diameter set to fifteen miles, soon the city of Townsville will see a day like no other.

(Turn down quickly to the base of the machine. A man stands next to it, wearing a red suit and two-tone tie, and with a white cat in his arms. His head is cut off by the top of the screen. The whole picture is very similar to the shots of the villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld in the early James Bond films. Pull back to outside the building; the antenna points from the penthouse. Soft, menacing laughter echoes through the night sky, but is cut off by a crash that shakes the entire building.)

(Inside the penthouse, the cat's eyes go wide with alarm and three long fissures appear in the floor. The girls burst out from these and the man turns to flee from them. He does not get very far before Blossom brings him down with a flying kick to the back. Buttercup charges in with a kidney punch and Bubbles trips him up to send him tumbling across the room. His face is never seen on camera throughout this sequence. As he falls to the floor in slow motion, the cat jumps out of his arms and runs behind a group of machines.)

(The man measures his height on the tiles, and the police burst in with guns drawn to apprehend him. Blossom picks the jewel from the tip of the antenna and smiles, but her celebration is cut short when klaxons start to blare and red lights flash. She apparently has triggered some sort of self-destruct for the building. The entire room starts to shake again; one of the cops screams and Blossom throws the jewel to him. The man is hauled away as the cat watches from behind a cabinet. A steel door slams shut as the police make good their escape with their capture and the retrieved jewel, and the ceiling begins to fall in. The girls take off, heading for a newly opened crack in it; Blossom and Buttercup escape safely, but Bubbles stops short at the sound of meowing. She flies back across the chamber, skimming the ground and dodging falling debris as she approaches the cat. When she reaches its hiding place, she smiles at it.)

(Cut to a long shot of the building; the alarms have fallen silent. The penthouse explodes into dust after a tense moment, and Bubbles flies out toward the camera with the cat in her arms. Both are smiling now. Stop on an extreme close-up of the animal's face.)

(Cut to the exterior of the girls' house. The chirping of crickets gives no hint of the cataclysm that has just taken place. Dissolve to a close-up of Bubbles inside, the cat's tail circling around her and her eyes following it happily. Contented purring floats up to her. After a moment, she reaches down and picks it up.)

Bubbles: You are the most cutest kitty in the whole world! Yes, you are! And to think that mean old man had you all to himself. (looking up) Do you think we'll be able to keep him?

(Close-up of Blossom, with Buttercup lying on the bed on the other side of the girls' bedroom. (Y/N) is also on the bed laying down with his in hand 3ds.)

Blossom: If the Professor says we can.

Buttercup: No way!

(Close-up of her; she starts to play with a yo-yo, and the cat's tail moves into view near it.)

Buttercup: We're not keeping that stinky fleabag. (She stops.) Because I'm gonna end up feeding it, and cleaning it, and loving it.

(On the word "feeding," the cat jumps for the yo-yo. On "cleaning," she lets it down and up and the cat goes for it again. On "loving," she does likewise but has the yo-yo snatched away. She looks down over the edge of the bed, and her sour expression softens; turn down to show the cat pouncing on the toy and spinning it in its paws. This trick instantly endears it to all three girls.)

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