The Boys Are Back In Town

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(Turn down quickly to the bank. After a second or two, the building explodes and the alarm screams out. Three silhouettes appear within the clouds of smoke and run toward the camera.)

Narrator: Where boys will be boys.

(The figures resolve into a trio of cash-carrying robbers. One is tall and thin, with black hair tied in a ponytail; another is very muscular; and the third is short. The arrival of Blossom freezes them in their tracks; she is very close to the camera, her back to us. Cut to her, with her sisters flanking.)

Narrator: And girls will be girls!

(They explode into action. Blossom dispatches the tall one, Buttercup the muscle man, Bubbles the short one. From here, cut to a paddy wagon whose back doors are held open by two cops.)

Narrator: Besides manhandling the common criminal...

(The robbers sail into view and land in the wagon; the cops close the doors, and the vehicle speeds off without them. Cut to a frightened, screaming crowd and pull back to show them gathered at the base of the volcano on which Mojo Jojo's observatory stands. A large weapon, attached where the telescope would normally be, points down at them.)

Narrator: just one day, three particular girls have managed to...

(During the previous words, the following things happen. One, the weapon rotates to point straight out and is then crushed to scrap by the arriving girls. Two, Mojo is seen at a control panel inside; it flashes a warning and Blossom smashes in through it. Three, Bubbles socks him in midair and the camera cuts to outside to follow his trajectory. Four, Buttercup spikes him like a volleyball. Cut to a jail cell as he crashes into it.)

Narrator: ...massacre Mojo!

(Close-up of Princess Morbucks, fully suited up and with her jet thrusters going full throttle. She is holding up something large; pull back to show her carrying an armored car as she flies.)

Narrator: Pummel Princess!

(Blossom arrives on the scene and flies around her in a tight circle. When all is said and done, the little criminal is tied up and being held in one hand by her captor, who has the vehicle in her other. Cheers. Cut to a screaming old woman, then pull back to show the Gangrene Gang menacing her. They are in a back alley.)

Narrator: Grapple with the Gangreen Gang!

(Buttercup's shadow throws itself over the entire group. All but the woman are visibly unnerved by her arrival. She charges from the mouth of the alley; cut to the woman, who is backed up against a wall. The shadows tell the story: the hoodlums are taking a pounding from all angles.)

Old woman: (jumping up and down) Yahoo! Go, Powerpuff Girls! Whoo!

(Cut to Fuzzy Lumpkins' shack in the woods. He runs inside, a large sack over his shoulder; cut to him as he empties cash from it. He has apparently pulled a heist of his own.)

Narrator: And infuriate Fuzzy!

(He discards the empty sack and starts throwing handfuls of cash into the air, but a knock at the door brings him up short. Cut to outside it; he opens and looks out bemusedly. A very polite-looking Bubbles is standing on the porch. She looks up at him and smiles for a couple of seconds—and then gets angry and moves in without any warning. A flash of white fills the screen and gives way to static. Pull back from this to show it on the screen of an upside-down TV set that is floating in midair. A couple of slabs of rock float in the background, which shows a blurry clip of what could be a soldier on a battlefield and then gives way to a young girl. The individual watching the set is in an armchair, which is positioned so that we can only see one arm. However, the red pincer that rips up a wad of stuffing instantly gives "Him" away. These digs are quite different from his last ones. Voices murmur indistinctly from all sides.)

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