See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey

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(The first song, Townsville's Going Down!, starts)

(Opening shot: the city skyline on a beautiful day with the blue sky, the birds are chirping o.c.)

Mojo Jojo: The city of Townsville is goin' down. (he shoots one of the towers) Tonight on my head will be a brand new crown! (a gunshot is heard o.c. and the camera pans to Fuzzy Lumpkins)

Fuzzy Lumpkins: Townsville's goin' down. I'm gonna turn your smiles right side down. (the people put their arms in the air)

Him: (whirling around) And all the little babies...ARE GOING TO CRY!!

Baby: Mom and Dad, take me to a place where I can hide. Mom and Dad, take me to a place where I can hide.

Mojo Jojo: No way! No how! You can run, you can hide, but I will find you.

Him: No way! No how! I will take control and I will plow down your city tonight!

Princess Morbucks: Townsville's goin' down! The Powerpuff Girls are nowhere to be found!

Bossman: Townsville's goin' down, I'm gonna throw this paper on the ground!

Ace: And all of the little old people... are gonna cry!

Old man: Doctors nurse take me to a place where I can hide. Doctors! Nurse! Take me to a place where I can hide. Doctors! Nurse! Take me to a place where I can hide.

Princess Morbucks: No way! No how! You can run, you can hide, but I will find you!) Doctors, nurse, take me to a place where I can hide.

Ace: No way! No how! I will take your soles and I will plow down your city tonight!

All villains: Townsville's goin' downsvilles tonight! Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Townsville's goin' downsvilles tonight! Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Townsville's goin' downsvilles tonight! Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Tonight... Tonight!

Fuzzy Lumpkins: Ha! Ha! Good bye!

(pan to the Powerpuff Girls coming to Townsville to confront all the villains)

(The next song, Wanna get some? has now started.)

Blossom: Wanna get some?

Buttercup: Wanna get some?

Bubbles: Wanna get some?

All girls: Ahhhh! Wanna get some?

(The Powerpuff girls are being shown fighting the villains, but then the villains beat them. They are soon exhausted.)

(Rain has now begun, as the third song.)

Blossom: There's just too many of them for me to fight.

Buttercup: I don't even think that I'll be all right.

Bubbles: Has this world learned nothing except for pain?

Blossom: Will we always live in a storm of rain?

Girls: Rain, rain, go away. Pain, pain, go away.

Blossom: I wish of a day where there is peace on earth.

Buttercup: I wish of a day where there is love on earth.

Bubbles: I wish of a day where there is understanding. Oh...

Girls: I wish.

(The fourth song, Give Me Your Answer, has just begun.)

Gnome: I heard your wishes, little girls, so here I am. Oooh I'll solve your problems, little girls, with a wave of my hand. (waves hand upward) The Mystic Elders gave me permission, to conjure up a sacred light! And with my magic, mystic tricks, I'll turn Townsville into right! But don't ever think that this could be for free. You've gotta give me something girls. You've gotta give something to me! HEY! How about your life? Girls, you gotta give me your life!! Everything you stand for everything that makes you who you are. YOUR LIFE! Girls you gotta give me your life! All your superpowers, this is your final hour! (Quieter) So if you want peace, give me your answer now. Ouh... If you want peace, give up your powers, now. GIVE ME YOUR POWERS!!! So if you want peace give me your answer, now.

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