You Snooze, You Lose

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night, with a soft glow over the horizon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville... (Pan across the city as he continues.) ...has brushed its teeth and tucked itself into the warm blanket of night. But as the city dreams...

(Stop on the observatory, visible between two buildings, and zoom in slowly.)

Narrator: ...a monkey schemes.

(Dissolve to the shadow of Mojo Jojo cast huge against the wall inside. We hear the scratching of a pencil as the camera turns down toward the floor. He is working at a drawing board that stands by itself in its particular area of the lair. A single lamp throws light onto his efforts. Zoom in on him.)

Mojo: (with mounting fervor) Yes...Yes...Yes! Yes! (stopping work, looking at design) No.

(Head-on view of him and his blueprint, zooming in as he continues. The drawing shows a large platform standing on jointed legs, with a large tube connected to its underside and centered over an X on the ground. Stick figures of the girls are drawn in to represent their motion up the tube, where a large blaster points at them.)

Mojo: Something's amiss. Let's see...

(Close-up of the bottom section of the blueprint.)

Mojo: (from o.c., pointing at X) Girls stand on X... (tracing a path up to the platform) ...get sucked up to platform, where I sit poised with a laser gun. I activate the beam and the girls...

(Back to the girls on the X. Now they look more like their usual selves, and they take off.)

Mojo: (from o.c.) away. (He groans loudly; back to him.) That's where this otherwise brilliant plan falls apart! I must find a way to keep them from flying away! Hmmm...Ooh! How about flypaper? (crumpling up design) No! That's stupid! (tossing it away) No.

(Camera follows the balled-up paper over to a pile of other rejected ideas behind him.)

Mojo: (from o.c.) Now, let's

(He tosses two more wads into the pile during this line; dissolve to a much larger collection of garbage. We hear Mojo snoring now, and the camera pans back to the drawing board, over which he has fallen asleep. Suddenly his eyes pop open, and he straightens up.)

Mojo: By gum! I've got it!

(He scribbles a few calculations; close-up of his pencil flying on the paper.)

Mojo: (from o.c.) Oh yeah, oh yeah, ooooh, that's it! (Back to him, triumphant.) Ha-ha! Perfect!

(He kisses the blueprint, reaches down o.c. and comes up with an envelope. Now he addresses it as if it were a beloved child.)

Mojo: Now I'll just keep you safe in here— (sliding blueprint into an envelope) —until tomorrow when I shall unleash...

(He seizes the pencil and writes on the front of the envelope. Cut to his perspective of it in his hands; it now bears a title in big black letters.)

Mojo: (reading) ..."Mojo Jojo's Best Plan to Destroy the Powerpuff Girls Ever!"

(Cut to him and zoom in as he laughs evilly over this soon-to-be coup de grace. Still laughing evilly, he runs off across the lair, his shadow looming over the far wall, and through a door that slides shut behind him. Cut to a close-up of him frozen in this same mad glee and pull back; this is a picture that hangs over his bed. Turn down to show him under the covers, holding the plans in one hand and showing nearly the exact same expression. After a few seconds, he cuts himself off abruptly and falls asleep.)

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