Oops, I Did It Again

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Cut to the exterior of the girls' house.) And it's no accident that we are at the home of the Powerpuff Girls.

(Inside, the Professor pokes his head out from the kitchen and calls toward the second floor. He has replaced his lab coat with an apron and rolled up his shirt sleeves.)

Professor: Girls! Time for lunch!

(In their room, the girls are cleaning up. Blossom dusts, Bubbles is vacuuming, and Buttercup carries a laundry basket of dresses intended for the washing machine.)

Girls: All right! (They are downstairs in a flash and float to the kitchen table, ready to eat.)

Buttercup: I can't wait to see what he makes today!

(They take their seats. Pan across the room to the counter. The Professor is slicing onions while a skillet of meat sizzles on the stove. A bottle of ketchup is set nearby. He turns to look at the girls over his shoulder, sounding a bit congested from the effects of the onions' odor, which is known to induce crying and nasal congestion if around them for too long.)

Professor: Hi, girls! Have you seen my cooking hat?

(Back to them. This query puzzles them a bit.)

Bubbles: Are you okay, Professor? (Pull back to frame the stove.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Oh, I'm fine, it's just that... (leaning into view) ...oh, no! I forgot to form the meat into burger patties!

(The lunch menu is to feature hamburgers, but obviously, things are not going too smoothly. The ketchup bottle has a sudden encounter with the Professor's elbow and topples into the skillet. Its contents ooze over the meat as he walks away. Close-up of a roll of paper towels on its rack. He reaches into view to get a sheet.)

Professor: (from o.c., sniffling, groaning a bit) Just a sec while I wipe these onion tears off.

(Pull back. He scrubs his face clean with the paper towel and backs toward a tray that has four buns set on it.)

Professor: (laughing a bit, sighing with relief) There we go.

(He knocks into the tray, flipping the buns off the counter, and they fall toward a trash can with a pedal-operated lid. His foot hits the pedal. The lid swings up and launches the buns, and the camera cuts to the table as one lands, open, on each girl's plate with perfect precision.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Now, where's my cooking hat? (Back to him, reaching under the counter.) Oh! There you are!

(He bends down to get it. The handle of the skillet is caught under part of his body, and the meat/ketchup mixture is flung into the air in the process. A healthy dollop lands on each of the three buns—the man has made sloppy joes by sheer dumb luck instead of the hamburgers he intended on without even realizing it.)

Blossom: Wow! That was great, Professor! (He stands up, now wearing a chef's hat.)

Professor: Huh? Uh...what—what was that now? (approaching table, laughing) Well, look at that. They were supposed to be hamburgers, but I guess sloppy joes are even better.

Bubbles: Gee, Professor, this is another great accident you've created.

Professor: An accident? Wh—what do you mean? (Slow pan across the girls, chowing down.)

Bubbles: Everything great you've ever created has been by accident.

Blossom: Yep.

Buttercup: (winking) Uh-huh. And these are accidentally fantastic!

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