Mojo Jonesin'

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at peace.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville ...where everybody loves their local heroes, those fabulous Powerpuff Girls!

(The girls fly into view and gain altitude, then fly straight at the camera. Cut to behind them, approaching Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.)

Narrator: And nowhere more than here, Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.

(They buzz by their classmates, who look up after them in admiration and climb again. In the foreground are a black boy with glasses, an Asian girl, a blond-haired boy in a wheelchair, and Mary—the fat, bespectacled girl who nearly had heatstroke in "Ice Sore" before Blossom reluctantly agreed to cool her off with her ice breath, saving Mary's life.)

Blossom: Looking good, girls. Let's try formation Alpha-Eleven!

(They fly in three different directions, light trails blazing behind them, and go into tight turns. Blossom descends fast, moving from side to side slightly before starting a corkscrew pattern; her sisters approach from opposite sides. They meet at the heart of the corkscrew and fly up through it as Blossom continues her descent. She stops just short of the ground and takes off again, leaving the kids cheering and talking excitedly among themselves.)

(In the air, she catches up with the others.)

Blossom: Omicron-Nineteen, go!

(Again they split up, and Blossom buzzes the crowd. Buttercup and Bubbles cut wide turns and meet at ground level, flying side by side down the playground before ascending. Blossom traces a curved path, while the others mirror her moves. The three approach each other and stop dead just before colliding head-on, and we see that they have drawn a huge heart in the sky. Turn down to ground level, where the other kids cheer.)

(In the air, Blossom waves to the group.)

Blossom: Bye, everybody! (She takes off; camera turns up slightly, putting the others out of view.)

Buttercup: (flying across, waving) See you later!

Bubbles: (from o.c.) Same time— (flying across, voice fading) —same place!

(On the ground, the kids look up in awe—the girls' light trails have made a rainbow for them. They cheer again as it fades; the wheelchair boy rolls back and forth in excitement.)

(Dissolve to a stopped school bus on a city street. It pulls away, revealing the four kids previously mentioned standing on the sidewalk. They move o.c., with Mary in front. She walks back to face them, her arms stretched in front of her as if flying.)

Mary: Look at me! (Cut to them, the camera following.) I'm Blossom! Whoosh! (The other three make noises of approval.)

Asian girl: Gee, it would be neat to fly like they do.

Black boy: Yeah.

Wheelchair boy: I'd want to have all the powers.

Mary: Fire power!

Asian girl: And ice breath. (Mary pretends to blow an arctic gust.)

Black boy: And don't forget them zappy eyes. (They stop.)

Asian girl, Wheelchair boy, Mary: Zappy eyes?

Black boy: You know— (squinting) —them lasers!

(The four continue down the street. Pan quickly ahead of them to a dark alley, in which a pair of narrowed eyes appears. Cut to just outside the mouth of the alley, pointing down the sidewalk toward the kids; we hear them talking as they approach. A short figure dressed in a gray trench coat and huge fedora watches them. This individual wears white boots similar to those favored by Mojo Jojo and watches the kids for a few seconds before ducking o.c. into the alley to avoid being seen too early by the kids.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now