Part 53 ~ Taurus City

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Keith was filled with excitement when he saw the city ahead, they had not been travelling long, it made such a difference that they could fly, the flying beasts carried the non flying beasts on their back to make the journey as short as possible. If they had not been able to fly the would have had to travel by foot and it would have taken them a few weeks to get to their destination. Keith was so glad that Alma had flying beasts, her journey to Taurus city would be much more safer than if she would have to go on foot. It was always wise for a female to have a few flying beasts since they could travel faster and most could spot danger a head. There was a line to enter the city. Keith had never been to the city before so he did not know if this was something that was usual or not, he did not ask though and just entered the long line with his travel mates. Even though the line was long they did not wait that long. They were asked what was their purpose to enter the city so Keith just told them the truth, he told them that he wanted to move to the city with his mate and family. They guards demeanour instantly changed and they asked if they needed any help. Keith told them that they wanted to purchase a big land near the sea and they also wanted to have a water source near too. He told them he also needed to have at least two good caves and if possible a house. The guards told them to talk to the city planner called Ketill, he would know where to find the places they wanted to most. The guards showed them where Ketill lived and the bid them farewell and a pleasant stay. Keith knew why they were so accommodating, it was because of Alma, all city's wanted more females, since it brought them more riches and more beasts. Keith was still happy, with the little that he had seen of the city he liked. It was busting with life, all kinds of beasts roaming around working and playing, he felt so excited and could not wait to show Alma.

They all went to Ketill and asked for his help, Ketill was delighted to hear that a new female would be joining their city, it had been so long since a new female moved here. There were only about twenty females living in the city and they were guarded well (this is a big city with about 2 million beasts habituating it). Ketill told them that there were about four different spots that had all they were looking for, Keith had at first wanted them to split up to three groups so they could choose faster but he changed his mind. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for Alma. He knew well that the other beasts were good beasts too but he had lived the longest of them with Alma and he was rather sure that he would know best what she wanted. So they all travelled to the first location, it was very good and he liked it a lot but the water source was rather far from the sea, they would have to either walk a quite distance to the sea or the the water source, plus the caves were far from each other too and they would have to build a house that was either in the middle of the caves, the water source or the sea. Keith still liked it, it was such a beautiful place and so much space for farming and for their cubs to roam, still he hoped he could find something a little bit better. The second place was had the water source and the sea not that far from each other but the caves were rather small and far away, it would not be possible to build a house between them since the ground was mostly too soft, you could easily get stuck in it. Keith instantly knew this would not work but he really liked how sheltered it was but it was not good enough for his Alma. The third place was magnificent, the sea was so clear and blue, the flowers were in bloom and it had lots of trees needed to build a house and to make fire for the winter, Keith was very happy with the trees they were very strong and would not easily bend nor break, they could withstand all kind of weathers and when cut down the trees would grow again very fast as long as you did not damage their roots. Keith liked one cave immensely, many beasts could hibernate in it and still be in their own room, it would do well if Alma would in the future have other beasts that would hibernate too. The other cave was much smaller and would only allow one beasts to hibernate. It was not very luxurious and he did not like it at all but he liked everything else, they even had a beach here but he was not sure how Odin would react seeing the little cave. Since Odin was the head male he would get a cave all to himself and this cave was not that good, he was not sure if Odin would even want to use it, still the other cave had many many rooms that most beasts could use that were pursuing Alma but the stallion would have to buy a land for his own, his herd was too big for them to house, if they bought this land it could easily host all the horse beasts but they still would have to build their own homes. Keith felt it was wiser for the stallion to buy the land next to them and build homes for his herd there, then they would have bigger land and could also use more land to farm. Alma had been collecting all kinds of seeds she was going to farm in their new place. He really liked this land, there was even a small lake with a little fountain, Alma would love it and hopefully the cubs would too. The land was vast and they had no neighbours, which was very good, more privacy and better to keep things hidden. They were still technically in the city though it felt like they were in the countryside. It was not a long travel on foot to the city in beastform so it really did not matter. Keith knew the spider was going to travel with them, his web would keep them safe and Addis herd was that big that it could easily patrol both lands, both day and night, plus there was also guards on foot, sea and air protecting the city so Keith felt this place was very secure for Alma. Keith decided to look at the last location but just at first glance saw it would not suit their needs. The caves were both very small and the water source could easily dry out in extreme hot weather, not for them at all. Keith purchased the land he wanted, he also bought the land next to Alma's land for Addi's herd. He was sure Addi would be pleased with it, since it had everything they would need for winter plus they would soon join and be a whole, it was only a matter of time, there was no rush. Keith really wanted to rush back home and show Alma, they finally had a home, he could not wait to build a home for her, a home for them all. Keith wanted to make the little cave nicer for Odin, for he knew Odin did not like to share, he also knew Odin wanted to hibernate alone, most beasts did that so he went to the city and bought what he needed to make it more liveable for the snake. He felt a little bad giving Odin such a small cave but it could not be helped, they needed all to live in the cave until they could build the home, it might take some time to build it and also they needed a place where her pursuer's could live, they had to make them comfortable, it just would have to do. Keith also knew he could hire beasts to build a cave, it was not that hard, it was just time consuming, he felt that the snake would be alright with that but if they would build a new cave it would not be ready for at least ten months so Odin would have to hibernate at least one time in the small cave. Keith sighed to himself he could just feel the snake resentment to his core.

I'm sorry I'm not updating as much but I'm not home as much as before but i feel kinda bad so i will update another chapter later on tonight, i hope you like it, they will move very soon, I'm so excited 😆 have a great weekend everyone :)

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