Part 86 ~ Askell wakes up

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It had been a few days since Alma and Hafthor had mated, she had mostly stayed in the Askell hut, there she took great care of her mate, not forgetting to talk to him and sing for him. She had been taking the medicine every day after the incident. Both the shark nor the king knew what to do, they concentrated on bringing her cuisines from the ocean, the kings heart was in disarray so he did what he thought could help redeem himself in her eyes. He scoured the ocean for the best it had to offer both in food and jewellery and treasure. He was so frightened that he had blown his chance with his mate, he tried to keep his hopes up, telling himself that everything would get better in time but he was not so sure, he was scared that her mates could shun him and cast him aside, he had to show that he had everything to offer and that he would never hurt her again but he knew deep down that there was a steep prize to pay for mating Alma in such a hurry, if only he had been more patient, if only the shark had been first he would have had a much better chance, he truly felt like crying, for the first time in his life.

The shark had no idea what to do, he did not know wether it was best to comfort her or leave her alone, thank god the doctor was there, it was rather surprising that the doctor knew what was best for her since he did not have any experience how best to treat females, he just decided to follow his instincts and it told him it was best to give her all the time she needed, he was glad she had her mate to take care of, he did not know how else she would have coped, she seemed to focus all her energy on him and for that he was thankful. She took great care of him, he felt envious of the hawk, he wished she would take care of him just as she took care of Askell, only time would tell, he was in no hurry, he could just fill his head with fantasies about them building a life together and hope that those fantasies would come true in the future.

Askell felt pain all over his body but he felt that his leg was on fire, the pain so so much, he tried to open his eyes but they were still so heavy, he tried to talk but no words came out of his mouth except for mumble. Alma saw movement under his eyelids, she was certain he was trying to wake up. She called for the doctor, to hurry and check on her mate. The minion was quick to come and offer assistance and he could see the hawk was trying to wake up, Alma had moisturised his lips and tried her best to give him water to drink, he did not drink much but she felt a need to moist his lips with water, she had no idea if it was the right thing to do but she felt that it was so she just did what her gut told her what was best. Askell felt so thirsty, he could hear Alma's voice and it made him the happiest beast in all the land, she was safe and she was there with him, taking care of him, even though he was in incredible pain he was so happy, she truly did love him, he was loved, with her having so many mates, you are bound to have insecurities, he knew she liked Odin, Keith and Tram the best, they were after all her first mates, she tried not to make it obvious but still there was no hiding it, it was hard fighting for attention and often he felt he mattered little to her and that she would maybe not even notice it if he were to perish but after their ordeal, she had shown him that she truly did have a big enough heart to love them all, it was alright even if she loved the others a little more since she had shown him she would fight for him with everything she had and he was sure she would have done that for all of them. Alma patently gave him water, giving him amble time to swallow, she encouraged him to drink more and told him he was doing so good.  Askell drank the water greedily, he felt a little better just by her gentleness.

The doctor knew that Askell would be in a great deal of pain, even if he was given so many lifestones a day, it can only strengthen the body and heal what it can, it will not let you grow a new foot. He did not want Askell to find out right away that his foot was missing so he did what he thought was best for him, he gave him more lifestones and the best painkillers he could create, it would not take all the pain away but it would still help and it would most likely put him back to sleep. Askell felt a little better and was trying to communicate with Alma but he could not control his tongue nor his mouth and he felt his eyelids starting to get heavy again, he did not want to fall asleep again, he wanted to talk to Alma and see if she was alright but he could not concentrate enough to locate her even if she was beside him, he felt so tired and heavy, he felt nice and warm. He felt Alma holding his hand and stroking his hair with the other hand, it felt so nice, he felt so loved and taken care of. He could hear her voice telling him that everything would be alright and that he did not need to worry about anything, she would take good care of him and as soon as he felt a little better, they could go back home. She told him he would stay in their suite until he was well enough and that she would take good care of him. She told him Tram and the minion would both take care of him and he would be just as before. She told him how she could not wait for them to have more cubs, and she wanted him to be a good father to them, she made a little slip and told him that she hoped they could have their own cubs soon, she wanted a lot of little hawks running around and she wanted him to teach them how to fly. Before Alma had thought of her words fortunately Askell was asleep. She had forgotten how badly injured he was, she was so concentrated on healing his legs that she forgot that his wings might have been damaged too. She looked at the doctor hoping he had the answers she was looking for but he had none, he could not treat his wings unless he morphed and he was too badly injured to morph at this time, they could only hope for the best. He hesitated a little before telling her that the lifestones would help his injuries, both in his beast forms and human form, he paused for a while trying to find the right words so he would not frighten her or make her upset but he felt it was best to tell her otherwise she might start to think the worst or concentrate too much on it and she might have another episode that his medicine might not work for. He sat down and told her in a calm voice that lifestones did a lot but they could not heal broken bones, the bones had to be mended in order for it to heal correctly so in his state the bones might be broken or they might not, there was no way to know until he could morph, Alma felt like she was drowning, it was bad news after bad news, she was so scared, if he would not be able to fly again would he be able to recover. Her poor mate, he had lost so much in just a moment. She thought how life was fragile one moment everything is perfect and the next everything is falling apart, she just wanted to fix it, she just did not know how.

Sorry for not updating yesterday, but ill try to stick with updating Sunday or Monday night, at least one chapter a week, ill try to upload another chapter tomorrow but no promises ;) so what do you think? I hope you like it, have a great morning/evening or night everyone and thank you again from the bottom of my heart for commenting, reading and voting for my story, i cannot tell you how much it means to me, my family is getting fed up with me because i have to tell everyone i just got a like, i just get so excited and happy, just like a little kid 🙈

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