Part 5 ~ Snakeman

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Alma stood stiff, she looked at him hesitantly before laying down on the fur. She was prepared for the worst, she was so scared of pain that she started crying and asking him not to hurt her, she told him again and again, she was sorry for what she had no idea. The snake man looked at her annoyed, this was not how he wanted their night to be like.

His name was Odin and he was an old beast, he could not say how old he was since it had been so long since he had hatched, he knew that he was about 800 years old. He fought hard since he was young and he only became stronger. He was born a feral, most cold blooded beast were born feral, most all females disliked cold blooded beasts, mostly because they were scared of them, cold blooded beast had a hard time showing emotion since it was not a big factor in surviving for them, of course they could feel and have strong emotions like all beasts but they usually buried them, for them it was considered weak to show emotions and it could easily get you killed. Odin had stolen a few females in his times and had a few hatchlings but all the females annoyed him immensely so after he had used them he just ate them. He did not care that females were hard to come by and few of them left, he took what he wanted and then discarded it if that was what he wanted.

Alma was the first female he had kidnapped in hundreds of years. He considered himself lucky that he decided to hunt in that area, where he had heard the female sing. He had been watching Alma and Keith for a long time, her soft singing made him feel things he had never felt before, he liked hearing her sing and he wanted her to sing for him, not that beast, just him. He decided to hunt them and take her, he knew his Spider-Man (I had too 🙈) felt the same thing and wanted the female for himself. He would not share, he is older, stronger and wiser, she was his price, the Spider-Man just had to find is own woman but something told him there was no other woman like her in their world.

He thought she was beautiful, in fact she was the most beautiful female he had ever seen but looks did not matter much to him, he wanted her voice, she would be his mate and only his mate he did not share, not with anyone. He wanted the little female to submit to him, he hated how much power females had over their mates, he was not going to let her control him, he would control her and she would let him or else he would lock her up alone for eternity, she would of course go insane but that was not his problem.
He took her in his arms, her could smell her fear and feel her shake, the smell was pleasing to him, he would be able to control her easily, he was sure of it.

When a beast mated with a female a bond would be made if the beast would bite her as he climaxed. The female would then bear the mark of his beast and the placement of the mark mattered a lot to the beasts, the closer the mark was to the heart the more the female loved the beast. The bond could never be broken only death could sever the bond and the male beast would then either kill himself shortly after loosing his mate or go insane. The female could carry on as nothing had happened if she lost one of her mates, she could be sad but she would not kill herself or go insane. Since females were so rare most beasts tried to be mates with the first female they would see since they desperately wanted to have their own female and cups. There were beast that were patient and shopped around for a mate that would fit them, but those kind of beasts had many stripes and could afford to be more arrogant. A lot of beast would get stuck on the third stripe and could not evolve to another, some had to wait more than a hundred years to get a stripe even though they had killed a good amount of assassin prey. The beast goddess put extra blessing on some beasts and other could only try their best and hope to evolve, it is hard to be a beast.

Alma layed perfectly still hoping not to annoy the snake but it seemed like the snake just wanted to sleep, she thought if she could escape but thought that idea would not work, she was in an underground cave under the lake, the snake swam fast, she could not swim as fast, she could easily drown, there could also be predators in the water that could eat her. She was very afraid of sharks and thought maybe sharks can swim in lakes too here. She had no idea what to do. Her mind wandered to Keith, she hoped with all her heart he was alright, she really liked him and her heart felt very heavy, just to think she would never see him again put tears in her eyes. He had done so much for her and he was so patient, such a good man, she thought to herself how lucky she was in love, she must have been a saint in last life why else would she be this lucky, to love two good men in her lifetime. She pondered a little more and though no she could not have been a saint since she is here, this is more like a punishment, maybe she was a serial killer, then her thought came back to Keith her poor Keith.

What Alma did not know is that Keith woke up and rushed back to the village for help. Alma was the only female the village had had for over a two hundred years, it was very good for a village to have females, that meant prosperity, business and more beasts would come and settle down. They could not loose her, she was a good female and they were ready to fight for her. Keith decided to go to he eagle tribe and ask them for help. They would surly help if they thought they had a chance to be her mate. Keith met the village leader and told them his mate had been kidnapped by a feral. He asked for help in snatching her back. For their help he would let her take two beasts from the eagle clan as her mates. The village leader was happy with that and a plan was made to get the female back.

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