Part 25 ~ Odin returns

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The winter had been long and very boring. After Tram and Askell found out about her pregnancy she was not able to do anything. She had wanted to build a stove but they forbade it, she was getting rather annoyed by them but she still found them so sweet.

She had been getting bigger and bigger. This pregnancy was not as nice as the other one. She had cravings for chocolate and pizzas but there was no chocolate here nor pizza. She often cried and got frustrated by the smallest things. Most of the vegetables she tried to farm in the cave failed and she cried. Both her mates did not know what to do or say, they told her again and again how beautiful she was but she just cried more and told them she looked like a whale. They could not understand why she would say that, a whale was a very big beast and she could not even morph.

Alma often went to Keith and kissed and hugged him, she told him every night she loved him and missed him. She could not wait to see him again. She was sad Odin had not returned yet, he should have returned but still he never came. She got scared that something had happened to him and their cubs, so she would cry often and need reassurance from Tram and Askell. Tram told her again and again that Odin was still alright and he probably could not leave his lair with his hatchling in wintertime, Alma usually calmed down after this but still her heart was very heavy.

Meanwhile Odin was angry at his hatchling, because of them he was not with his mate, he never wanted to have hatching with her again if he had to leave her for such a long time. He was also very bored, he could not leave, could not hunt nor do anything. He had to protect his hatchlings. He knew they all would hatch very soon but winter had to end before he could leave with them. Usually after snakes hatch they would fend for themselves, that was what was normal for snake beasts. Very seldom did a female snake hatch and if she did the father would protect and shelter her until she was ready to get her own mates. This had always been so. He hoped that one of his hatchling would be a female that would resemble his mate. He really wanted a female cub. Odin had thousands of hatchlings all over the land but he had never had a female hatchling so he knew the chances were very small but still he hoped.

Since Odin was a snake he could eat a big meal that could last him even for a year, the bigger they prey the longer he did not have to eat. He could still eat even though he did not need it since it helped with getting stripes so most just ate as they liked. Male beast here did not get fat, it just did not happen since they had to fight, run and travel a-lot to get prey. Odin was tired of doing nothing and he had nothing to vent his frustration. Thinking about Alma kept him sane, he thought he would see her soon, he could not wait to hear her tell a new story or sing a new song but still he had to wait just a little bit longer.

Odin woke up hearing cracks. He looked at his eggs and he could see a few of his hatchlings were about to crack open the eggs. He was proud of his hatchling, they seemed strong and would do well. It took a few hours but the first snake came out of the egg. He was very small and red just like Odin. Odin told him that his mother wanted to see him and his siblings and that he would not leave them alone to fend for themselves for now. He told them that her name was Alma and that she was very excited to meet him and his siblings. His sons hissed and understood his father. Snakes were bright creatures and the little snake knew that it was best for his survival to stay as long as he could with his father. When the last egg finally hatched it was another boy. Odin was very disappointed, he hoped to have a female, next time, he thought to himself, and if not then, then we will try until we get a female.

Odin had prepared food for the little snakes even though they would really not need it until spring came. It would not be long until Odin could leave his lair, he could feel spring would come soon. Since he was bored he told his hatchlings about their mother, all the snakes were curious, they never imagined that they would ever be able to see her, they did not really care for her since they had not attachment to her. Odin told them all to treat her with respect or else he would eat them all, the snakes cowered and promised. They sure found their father to be scary.

Spring had finally come and Odin could not wait to leave and reunite with his beloved. His hatchlings, secured a place on his back by biting him so they would not fall off. Odin was brutal and did not slow down at all or check to see if any of his hatchlings were alright. He thought that if they would fall they just would have to fend for themselves, that is their way after all. All his hatchlings managed to hold on even though they had to travel for a long time. Odin never stopped he kept on going, he did not care if he would meet any beast, if he did and the beast would hinder his way he would just eat it, he was getting hungry anyway.

Spider-Man was in his beastform in a tall tree, he could see Odin moving fast with little snakes on his back. He smiled to himself, thinking about that strange female. He knew Odin forbade him to see her but he could always go around it. He liked the female and had not been able to forget her. He could easily find another strong feral and work with him to snatch her for themselves. He would find a way, he smiled to himself, he was a very patient beast after all.

Alma had grown even bigger and soon she would give birth to eggs or lambs. She still could not imagine giving birth the lambs but still she loved lambs, she just did not want to give birth to them, she felt like she was in the twilight zone, this was just too freaky. Spring had finally arrived and she could go out again, it was still rather chilly but it was getting hotter everyday. Tram had told her it was not wise to go out until she had given birth if she was going to hide her cubs. She had just put her nose out while both Tram and Askell were on the lookout. She could not wait to see Odin again, she missed her snake man so much.

Lately Alma had been feeling very uncomfortable, her back was aching and she was always tired, she just hoped she could give birth and get it over with, it had not been easy this time and she wanted to see her cubs. Alma was humming to herself in bed when she heard someone open the door with a bang, she sat up, getting ready to leave the bed when she saw a small red snake slither towards her, the snake looked like a mini version of Odin. She started to cry and asked if she was his mother. She could have sworn the snakes tilted his head saying yes. She stood up and asked if she could hold him, again he nodded so she did. She told hims he was so handsome and she could not wait to see when he would morph. She told him that she hoped he was not angry at her for not being there when he was born, snake just shook his head no. Alma was sure he did understand her. She told him she would try her best to be a good mother to him and his siblings. Alma saw all her other eight cubs slither towards her, they slither on her and she touched them all and told them she was so happy to see them. She told them she loved them all so much and could not wait to get to know them better. While she was bonding with her cubs Odin watched, he was grumpy, Alma had not even realised he was there. He was very jealous of his hatchlings and wanted to throw them all out and have her only for himself. Alma finally looked up and saw Odin, she started to cry again and called out to him. She told him the winter had been so long, she had missed him so much, she told him he could not leave her so long next time, he had to have a lair very near her so she would know where he was. Odin was instantly happy by her words, he knew she loved him the best, after all he was the best. He hinted for his hatchlings to leave so he could embrace and hopefully mate his mate but then he saw her stomach, he frowned, he was not happy, he wanted to kill the beast that was the father but he tried to calm down but it was hard. They had decided that she would not have cubs until they would move so someone broke the oath, he really wanted to eat Tram and the other beast, he was not happy.

Alma tried her best to soothe him, she could see he was not happy. She told him she loved him so much and that she had so much love to give. She told him she could not wait to meet her next cubs, they were either hawks or lambs. Odin soured again, he knew he should have said no to another mate, he was not happy at all but just looking at his mate, his anger lessen, he had missed her so much, he was finally in her embrace, where he belonged.

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