Part 76 ~ Falling

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Alma felt like time had slowed down, she could feel when Askell had let her go, she did not believe it at first, she was in shock, he let her go but she also knew he had no choice, she did not have a lot of time, she knew that if she would not fix her body she could die or at least be heavily injured, she lined her body, with head first, just as she was about to take a dive, she only had one chance, still she was more scared for Askell than herself, she heard him squeak and fly far away in full speed with the huge bird close on his tail, she hoped with all her heart he would escape, the sea was getting closer so she closed her eyes and prepared for impact.

Askell could not look back at Alma, he prayed with all his heart that she would be okay, this was her best chance for a survival, if he would not have let her go the bird would have had an easier time to attack both him and her. He flew with all his might, he knew that where he was going he could just as easily become a prey as the big bird but he was hoping that they would focus on the bigger prey and give him a better chance to escape and return back to get Alma. He was a very experienced flyer and he had been pursued many times before in his life so he knew how best to fly to try to avoid the bigger prey. Askell did not understand at all why or how the bid assassin prey got all this way, they did not travel anywhere near settlements since even though they were primitive creatures they were smart enough to avoid danger, the travelled in massive groups since they were stronger as a group and they always travelled the same route every year, this had never happened before so something big must have happened, Askell thought to himself. Still this was not the time to think about this, he had to use all his energy on escaping, he had a little lead since he could fly faster and harder without Alma but still the bird could catch up to him, he finally saw the shallow sea spot he was looking for, in that spot lived a group of massive alligators, the kind that could not morph, that did not mean that they were not as deadly, they were not only massive, quick and always hungry but they were the most intelligent creatures that could not morph, everyone stayed away from that place since they worked together as a team and they worked as a horde, he knew he might very well be eaten but he had no better choice, it was still too far away to the village and he did not want to lead the bird there anyway, it was just too dangerous, so to protect everyone he did the only thing he could, lure the bird to the always hungry horde and hope and pray with all his might that he would escape himself. It was now or never, he saw Alma's face, he smiled, hoping against all odds that she was safe and that he would see her again.

Alma had her eyes closed and all she could think about were her beloved ones, she saw the image of all her loved ones, she could feel the tears falling down her face, she was so scared but still she was calm, she could feel the tears fall down her face she smiled a little thinking about her cubs before she finally hit the sea with a huge force, the force was so big that she lost consciousness and just sank.

Her stalker had been watching everything happen, frustrated that he could not help at all, he could not even catch her, he might have killed her if he had tried, he saw how she prepared herself for the impact and hoped that she would survive, he was ready for her so as soon as he saw her crash into the sea he made a bubble for her to protect her and make sure she could breath. He saw she did not move, the fall had been very high but fortunately he could hear her heart ticking, her heartbeat was strong and steady so he was not as scared as before. He had wanted to steal her and keep her for himself but after watching her for all those months he had falling for her deeply without ever knowing her. He could see clearly how kind she was, her soul was just as beautiful as her face, he knew very well that beast that lived on land could not live long in the harsh environment of the sea, since they were not made to live there and he wanted her to live, he loved to hear her sing and tell stories, he just enjoyed watching her and daydreaming that one day they might fall in love and start their own family.

He knew that things were chaotic at the moment on land, he had seen massive amounts of assassins prey moving towards her town so it was not safe to bring her back at the moment, he was a little thankful for it, he could spend more time with her this way. He knew also since he had saved her he could easily become one of her mates and from what he had seen he was rather sure she would welcome him in time, he could not believe his luck, after all he had planned to steal her but it was like the beast goddess herself had stepped in and given him the chance he wanted to become her male. He just had to be patent and things would fall in his favour. She had no sea beasts in her harem so he was very happy about it, he was rather sure that her males would accept him, what a nice gift he had been given. He had been too busy thinking about his good fortune to see that a massive amount of jellyfishes coming his way. Jellyfishes were a form of assassins prey, they were very deadly and very hard to kill, they travelled in millions together so if you got stuck in their horde they could easily kill you without even trying, he had to think fast, he could not move as fast as he normally could since he had Alma, and the jellyfishes were everywhere, all of a sudden he saw another beasts signalling him to go his way, he had no other choice, both him and Alma were in big trouble, he should have thought more about his surroundings, he cursed himself for his thoughtlessness, he had to trust the other beast and just hope for the best.

Meanwhile Askell decided to go big or go home, he decided to dive into the middle of the horde of alligators and hope that the bird would follow and hope for the best, it was all he could do. He dove straight to the sea hoping his speed and weight would be enough to dive deep enough to trap the bird but hollow enough for him to get back to the surface as fast as possible and take flight, it all came down to luck, the big bird followed him and dived into the sea just as Askell did but he had a harder time getting back to the surface since he was much bigger and weighted much more, the alligators attacked as a horde as soon as they saw the big prey, this bird could satisfy their hunger for months, all of them attacked the big bird, since it had more meat on his bones, yes the bird was strong but he was not supposed to fight underwater so he had no good way to protect himself, he was soon surrounded and killed, thankfully the poor bird drowned before he was eaten alive. Askell was almost at the surface and finally he made it through, he spend no time gathering his wits, he had no time, he used all the energy he could muster to take flight again and it worked he was airborne just as he was about to escape a huge aligator jumped from the sea and took hold of one of Askell legs, Askell wailed in pain but he did not stop flying, he could not stop, if he did he would fall down and be eaten, the alligator did not let go of Askell leg and Askell was close to loosing consciousness, he was loosing so much blood but he did not want to give up, his life with Alma was just too sweet to ever give it up.

Ill update the next chapter in a few hours sorry for the cliffhanger :) so what do you think, what will happen to Askell, will he die or will he prevail, who is the beast helping the stalker ? I'm horrible 🙈 but the next chapter will be up soon ;)

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