Part 22 ~ Winter has come

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Alma slept in Keiths arm all night long. The next day when she woke Keith had fully morphed into his tortoise beastform. She did not know they had to hibernate in their beastform, she looked at him with love in her eyes. She stood up and kissed his shell, she told him she loved him and that she would come regularly to tell him, just so he would not forget he was wanted and loved. She wished she could do the same for Odin but he had his nest in a place she could not enter. She could not wait to see him and their cubs, she hoped their children would inherit their fathers likeness, there was nothing special about her, she did not want them to look like her, she hated her looks, she hated her body, she hated everything about herself, she just wanted her children to be able to get along with everyone and to be accepted by their peers, something she had not had.

When she finally came back to the main room both Tram and Askell were both awake, Tram had started on breakfast, it smelled so good, she was so hungry she could not wait to taste it. She decided to look outside to see if the weather had changed, it had. It was very cold, the wind was howling and it had snowed so much in such a short time. Tram told her this is usual, it always snows the first day of winter and it will snow hard for one to two months. Alma was scared they would be snowed in and could die. Tram assured her not to worry both him and Askell would make sure that would not happen, it was not hard for them to do this, every beast had to do this very regularly during winter. Tram told her just to relax and eat. Alma could feel it was getting colder she was thankful they had a fireplace to keep warm. (there is a like an air vent near were the fire is so they could not die from asphyxiation) she still had her winter clothes from when she came here, she was thankful for it now it would help her if she needed to go out.

After dinner Alma wanted to continue working on the bathtub but the clay was not ready yet so instead she decided to make a bed for them. They all helped and it took a while, Tram and Askell were responsible for cutting the sugarcanes while Alma focused on braiding the leaves so the bed would hold together, she wanted it to be big, it had to hold at least five people, she made it big so everyone could have their space and not feel crowded. It took all day but the bed was ready. Tram and Askell had never seen anything like this and felt it was not necessary at all. They looked at it sceptically, they were not sure this thing could hold so many beasts but Alma assured them it would, the sugarcanes were very sturdy and ropes were strong, she was sure it would holt and even if it did no one would die falling off if it would crumble. She asked her mates to put the bed in the same place they usually slept so they did, she then put all the furs they slept on, on the bed first and then tried it. She was so happy she could die, it was much, much better than laying on the floor, it was nowhere near as good as an actual bed but it was still pretty comfortable. She could improve it immensely with time, she was sure of it but for now this was her heaven. She asked her mates to lie on it with her so she could see it it would hold them all. Tram and Askell sat on the bed nervously. They were scared that this thing would crumble and hurt their mate but she really wanted them to do it so they had to comply. After a while they laid down, they were impressed,it was much nicer laying on this thing than on the floor but they really did not mind wether they slept on this or the floor. They were still not trusting this thing.

They had had a lovely day. They had made a bed, now she needed to make bedding. Unfortunately she had no needle, she would have to improvise. Alma had read many beaststories and she knew what in one the female lead had used a fishbone to sow. She had not eaten any fish since coming here. She did not like fish much but she knew it was good for you, if there was lobster she would eat it, she loved lobster, she had only tasted it a few times since it was very expensive, but there was no butter here so it would not be as good. Alma thought a lot about how to get butter. She hoped that there were cows here. If she could she would love to own cows, they were so cute and such gentle souls. She wished she could own a cat too. She missed her cats so much, she had owned cats since she was a little girl. She missed having something little, cute and furry to hold and love. She really hoped she would be able to find cats here.

Alma and Askell were getting to know each other. He reminded her so much of Odin, he did not talk much but he showed how much her card with his actions. She was thankful he was not a jealous beast like Odin, she thought to herself one Odin was enough, with a big smile on her face. She really like Askell and she was very glad she picked him but still she missed her goofy giraffe, she wondered if he was ok, she hoped he was not cold and had enough to eat for winter. She also missed the sinfully sexy Ellos, he was such a sexy beast and it was always fun being around him, she hoped he was safe and warm too. Then she thought of her beautiful antman, she missed him very much, she really hoped she would see him again. Most of the beasts she had dated had impacted her and she felt very attracted to them, it was not only about their looks, she much preferred peoples inner beauty. She had since she was a a child always seen people a certain way. For instance if she met a person that was considered ugly by most standard, she could easily find them beautiful, it all depended what kind of person they were. If she liked someone they became beautiful to her, if she disliked someone, they only thing she would see were their flaws. She had always thought of looks as temporary, since we all would get old, there was no way to hold on to beauty for a long time. She always saw herself as a very ugly person, she felt she was rotten on the inside and was plagued to repeat things in her head, she had done wrong endlessly, she wished her mind could give her peace but it was ruthless. She had always put on a face to hide how she felt, she had done this since she was a child, it was all she knew. She did not want to burden her loved ones, she was afraid they would dislike her if she did, even hate her and think of her as abnormal. She knew this was not thoughts she should be thinking but she could not make them stop. She did not want her mates to know, she just did not want to concern them, she was afraid they would not like it, she only wanted them to see her good sides not the bad. She wished with all her heart she could be normal, just like everybody else.

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