Part 64 ~ Taurus City 2

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They did not have to wait a long time until the got the green light to enter his throne room. Alma looked at everything, this was the first time she had ever been to an actual castle, it was big and rather cool, seemed like the stones kept the place cool, she thought it must be very cold to live here during winter time but maybe they had good fire places. Alma was so busy checking out the castle that she did not see all they eyes that were staring at her. Every male in the city that had seen her were godsmacked, they had never seen a female like her before, she was so different that some did not even know if she was a female, they were all wondering what she was, could she be the beast goddess herself coming down to praise or doom them, some were afraid and hurried back to their families, afraid that Armageddon was upon them, they prayed to the almighty goddess praying for her guidance and forgiveness, poor souls afraid of little Alma.

While many beasts were shivering from fright Alma was clueless checking out everything she saw at the castle. There was not much comfort nor was it well decorated, she saw all kinds of skeletons of animals heads, some small but most very big, she wondered if these skulls were of assassins prey, Odin had told her that there were different kind of assassins preys you could hunt, they were all very deadly but they had stripes similar to the male beasts, the bigger the assassin prey was the deadlier it was but better the life stones. Alma shudder just thinking of it, the heads of the preys looked so alien, she hoped she would never come in contact with those things, they do not seem friendly at all. All of a sudden the throne room was opened and Alma was asked to enter with her two suitors. Alma walked in rather slowly, she wanted to savour the moment since she was about to meet a king of a very large city, this was definitely a big honour, she could not imagine it was easy to meet a king, she wondered if he would have a crown, she hoped he would, she loved crowns, with that thought she saw the king staring at her with no crown on his head.

The king of the city was called Ymir. He was a five hundred year old mammoth. He was big and very strong, he was by far the strongest beast in the city. He had ruled by himself for a very long time. He did not feel the need to get a female just yet, he was too busy keeping the city secure, it was hard work but he did not mind it at all, he liked his job, he liked being the strongest and he liked to lead. He had learned about a new female joining the city when her mate Keith had arrived, he had been keeping an eye on him. He knew he had hired many helpers to build houses on his land and he heard they way the houses were build was revolutionary, he had heard they were farming and gathering live animals to farm, he found this idea incredible and a little annoyed he had not thought of this himself, he was a leader he should be getting ideas like this in his head but no, he thought first that Keith must be a very smart beasts but then he found out that it was not even his ideas, it was a female leading everyone, teaching them and helping, he had never heard of a female doing anything that required her to work, he really wanted to meet the female and get on her good sides, he wanted Taurus city to be the best city in all beast land and she could be the one to get him the first place, he deemed this female good enough for him, he was after all getting older and it was time for him to settle down, to bag a female like her was good for his city, he had not seen her nor heard of her but it did not matter if she was hard to deal with if she would give him ideas to help his city grow, for this he was willing to give up his status as a bachelor.

Ymir was speechless when he saw the female, was she maybe the goddess herself, coming to his land to help him and his people. She looked nothing like other females, she looked so good that his mouth started to water, she was breathtaking. He was certain this female was the goddess herself so he stood up from his throne and gave her a deep bow, he thanked her for choosing his city to dwell in and that he would be at her service if she needed anything. Alma could not quite understand what was happening, why was he bowing, should she bow too? What should she do, she just told him to stand up and that there was no need to thank her, she had done nothing for him to thank her. Ymir hesitated a little before asking Alma if she was the beast goddess, Alma almost laughed, she a goddess, she was far from a goddess but she would not do anything that could offend the king so she told him that she was no goddess but she was from a place far, far away. Ymir was pleased, this beautiful female could be his mate after all, he was scared that she might turn him down, she felt so powerful, it was so strange to think of a little thing like her as a powerful being but that was the first thing he thought, she would have all male beasts on their knees for her, the thought to himself, she was incredible. He flattered her but tried to show that he was a humble king, he tried to show her he was not arrogant and that he was a perfect candidate for a mate. He had heard she had a few mates, not too many but a few and some suitors too so she might not be seeking for another mate at this time, still he decided to ask. He told her he felt connections to her and that he hoped he could be worthy of being her suitor. Alma was getting less surprised by being asked to be mates with males but having a king as a mate, was appealing, would that mean she would be an actual queen, she liked the sound of that but still she felt she had to focus on the mates she had at this time and give her suitors she had time to court her before adding another, even if he was a king. Addi had provided her with security and the spider had been incredibly useful making their land more secure, still she did not want to tell him no, he might not let them stay if she did and they had spend so much time making their village so she told him the truth with a hint of hope. She told him she would have to talk to her family, their opinion mattered too and she told him she had a few suitors already and she had to prioritise them first, they had waited a long time for her, she could not be mean and let him skip a head of them, even if he was a king. Ymir was satisfied with that answer, he liked the female and he knew her happiness mattered the most to her males. He was sure they would accept him happily, he had an army and he was the strongest beast in the city, he was an excellent fighter. Alma was glad he took it well, she did not want to move to his castle though if she would accept him, her house was much nicer than the castle. She liked him very much, he was big, so tall she felt like a child, he was also very muscular and had such big hands, she wanted to know what kind of beast he was but she did not want to be rude, so she waited and hoped he would offer her the information she wanted. Gummi could see right through her, she wanted to know what kind he was, he was sure of it, to help the little female he decided to ask the king himself. Ymir did not hesitate to answer and told him that he was an five hundred year old mammoth, with eight stripes. Alma could not believe mammoths existed here, they were huge, really huge, she could not wait to see his beast form, she was sure he would be magnificent. They had small chats about the village and how she made the houses, Alma was quick to answer all the questions Ymir asked, she wanted to improve the lives of as many beasts as she could. She told him she would bid him welcome to her home as soon as they were ready for visitors, she told him she would show him all that they had done and hopefully he could use her ideas to help his people. He liked the little female more and more by the minute, she was not only a beauty but she had brains too and apparently a very big heart, and that was her only flaw that he could see at the moment, you should never be too kind, since it was only a matter of time until you would meet someone that would make you regret helping others.

How are you liking him being a Mammoth, they were such beautiful animals, I thought it was fitting that he was a mammoth, hope you like it :)

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