Part 66 ~ Their new home

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Alma slept in, she had been so tired that she did not even remember getting out of the bathtub. When she woke up, she was alone in the bed, all of her mates had gone out to work, she felt a little bad being so lazy but she really needed rest, she had been working non stop for such a long time and it had been so nice, just relaxing, she wondered where Tram and Gudda where, the house was very quiet, she stood up and decided to explore their new home. She could not believe how well they had done, she had seen it many times but she had not seen it furnished and complete, she fell in love with it. There were many bedrooms, much more than they needed but her mates wanted to make sure they had enough room for more cubs and also for her future mates. She felt so happy in her heart, they did so much for her, she had tears in her eyes, she was just so thankful. She walked into the kitchen and there on the table waiting for her was her breakfasts, well more like lunch now but it did not matter. She ate in full delight, she felt full and happy, she wandered around the house looking at each and every room. She was happy, they had been able to build doors to open and close in every room, it was not really hard to do since the wood was so sturdy and strong, her beasts had hands that were like weapons but also good tools for working with. She wanted to try if she could use the wood as nails, this wood was very strong, much stronger than on earth, she thought to herself that she could at least try, if it did not work it would not matter anyway. She first showed Keith how she wanted the wood nail to look like and she asked him to make a few for her, which he did with not much effort. How to make the door open and close was the hard part, she wondered what she could use to make that happen and the only thing she thought about using was leather, but the leather had to be very strong and durable. She talked to her mates about what kind of leather would suit best and Odin suggested using worms, there were all kinds of living beasts here and they truly came in all kind of sizes. Odin told her that the skalla worms skin would most definitely work, they would not have to get many as the worm was a big beast, the worm had not many natural enemies since no one like the taste of it, it was not hunted unless a beast was in dire need of food, still it was no guarantee that they would be able to hold the meat down, the smell and taste were just that ghastly. The skalla worm was a peaceful being that did not harm any living being and he was of great help for the plants and trees that grew around them. Alma felt a little bang in her heart, she had always liked worms, they were so cute and so defendless, she hated the idea of having to kill one, she hated the idea of killing but unfortunately, this world was brutal it was either kill or be killed, she reluctantly agreed to it but asked them only to hunt one to see if it would work, she felt bad in her heart, she had spent so much time rescuing worms in her youth to now starting to kill one, her mates swarmed around her telling her sweet words to make her feel better. Odins idea had been a success, the worms skin was very tough, would not easily break and easy to work with, so now they had doors for every room, much improvement from before, she was glad that they were big so there was no need to kill many of them, they had only killed one and it was enough for leather for every door in the village and then some.

Alma walked slowly looking at every room thoroughly and liked what she was seeing, the beds were comfortable and big, the rooms were also very big so many beasts or cubs could sleep in every room, there was a nice fireplace in every room so no one would be cold, she only wished her snake cubs were there to fill the rooms up, she just knew they would come and find her someday, she just hoped it would be soon, still she did not dwell on those thoughts since it would only make her sad. She opened the door to the animal room, it was big, her mates had made rooms for the beasts that look like cows, their stalls would have to be very big so this room was just like a barn, there was enough space to keep the food and all her animals during winter, she hoped Eyvi would catch one soon since there was not a lot of time until fall would arrive, still she was very confident that he would catch a few, it might be easier to catch them during fall or even winter but Alma did not want Eyvi to go out if he did not need to, the winters here were brutal and very dangerous, she much fathered wanted to have their food stored for winter so that they could just relax and enjoy each other company.

Alma was glad she had made a few windows, well there was no glass but still she made it so that you could open the wood so fresh air could be let in if they wanted to, the spider had even made a fine web so that no insects could enter it when opened, that was really nice, the web was see through and very thin so you could hardly see it, you only saw it if the sun shone on it, it truly was a beautiful web and she was very thankful for it, still she had not been seeking to spend time with the spider yet but in her heart she had accepted him as one of her possible mates, he had done so much for her family without making any fuss, even when asked doing choirs that were considered beneath a spider like him, he did not complain, she still had not forgiven him for what he done do Keith but she knew Keith wanted the spider in their family so she had decided not to say no, she wanted to give him a chance, the spider was a feral, their brain just worked differently than other beasts, it really was not his fault, he had no one to teach him what to do and how to behave, ferals needed love and respect just like everyone else, she just needed to open her heart and give him a chance, still there was no rush, she wanted to punish him a little longer by not giving him much attention that is what he gets for hurting her Keith, she thought to herself but still she would be polite, she was always polite.

The birds were still outside in their hen and would not go in the barn until late fall, same goes for the goats, Eyvi had managed to snag both females and two males so they would be able to reproduce, next spring there would hopefully be many little goats running around, she was excited for it, they were so cute.

Alma had so many ideas, she wanted to make butter, this was a reality since they had goats and when Eyvi would catch the big cows they could get milk and butter from them too. She needed them to build her a kirna (its a tool to churn the milk into butter). The female goats had not had any kids thus would not produce any milk for them but as soon as they did they could make them almost an endless amount of milk, it was all so exciting, still she had to be patient, she might not be able to make butter until next year, her only hope was that the big female cows were milking but she would have no idea until Eyvi caught one.
This barn was just amazing, so big and sturdy, she could not wait to play with the animals during winter, time would surely fly by since they would have so much more to do. She had even made Keith make tools to clean up after their excrement, the barn would have to be cleaned at least two times a day not only to keep the smell down but also to keep the animals as healthy as they could. Alma looked around the barn one last time before leaving the barn with a smile on her face.

Their house was huge, it had to be big, there were so many of them already but there would potentially be even more with time, sure they would probably build more rooms in the future but for now they had enough room for everyone. Alma had finally seen the whole house, the last room she looked at was the suite, it was a large room and it was very comfy. She had made a secret compartment in this room, to conceal the bag she had when she got there. She had barely used any of the items, she wanted to save it as much as she could, but she used the toothpaste very sparingly and her toothbrush, she used her brush every day also, she was so thankful for it and her rubber band, she loved braiding her hair and her mates and she was glad she had many of them but still she had to be careful, she needed to make her own rubber bands. There were a lot of items in here that the beasts would not understand what it was and she was frightened that it might be bad if it fell into the wrong hands. She had shown all her mates the bag and told the the use of every thing that was in it, she had decided that she would not tell anyone else but her mates about the bag, she did not know if she might be condemned owning it so she hid it, still she would not discard it, it was way to useful to throw away, and the beasts here might be very intelligent but she was pretty sure they would never figure out the hiding place at least not easily. She closed the compartment and gave it no more thought.

She thought it was time start giving them one on one time and Keith would be the first one to spend the night with her in their new home. Odin had been the first to spend alone time with Alma since they moved. She had been on her period and he had become very obsessive so she asked if they should just spend one night together in his cave, Odin was delighted with that answer, nothing happened, since Alma was very uncomfortable and in a little pain, Odin just held her and soothed her and since he had already used his night it was Keiths turn next, she sighed thinking that Odin would probably make a fuss, saying it did not count since they had not moved into their home yet but she had to be fair, or else discord might arise between her males and she would not have that in no shape or form. Alma closed the front door and she felt at peace in her heart, she missed her mates so she decided she had been alone long enough and it was time to greet her mates.

This was a much longer chapter, i love the house and the barn now she just needs to fill it, next time there will be some romance ;) hope you liked it

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