Part 100 ~ Big news

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It had been a few weeks since winter had started, it had been snowing heavily but everything was going alright, her newest mate Hafthor had decided to spend the winter apart from Alma since he wanted to give her space and make sure that the beasts from the city would be fed enough for the winter. Alma had decided to show Ymir how to build a big fireplace outside so if they needed more food they could build a fire that the mermen would see, they would then hunt and when the mermen would then sing the beasts from the city would then gather all the flying beasts they could, that would then take off and collect the fish that they needed, Alma made sure that they had enough baskets to collect all the fish they needed, she showed the young and elder beasts how to make pots, bans and baskets so that everyone could contribute what they could, their survival for the winter was certain because of her and her mates efforts.

Alma had been seeing Ulfar everyday and talking about her childhood and her former marriage. It had been hard but she had been opening up to what she had been through as a child. She told him how she had been molested as a child and that no one had believe her, her parents had been angry and very upset with her since the man that had molested her had been her mothers brother. She was always the problem so in time she learned it was best to just shut up and not tell anyone about what was happening to her. In school she was severely bullied by basically everyone, she tried her best to make friends, she even tried to lie about things that she had or had done to try to impress them but they just knew and tormented her even further. They beat her, called her names, took down her pants and underwear in front of everyone, called her fat, stupid and all every derogatory words they knew so in time she believed what they were saying. She was scared to to go school but she had to go, no one tried to help her, the school knew what was happening, the teachers also but no one did anything. She always told herself that if she was nicer maybe they would like her more but it did not matter, next she told herself that things would be better when she was an adult and that is what got her through her childhood, believing that things would get better when she would get older and some things did get better but what she had been through had permanently left her scarred. She always did her best, she worked hard, was kind to everyone and they were kind to her face but still talk about her behind her back, she was not an idiot she knew but still she said nothing, at least people talk to her now she thought to herself, its better than having nothing. She learned a lot about herself everyday by talking to Ulfar, some things she liked and some she detested, she was trying to learn to love herself and treat herself better but still it was so very hard, when this was all she knew, still she was determined to do her best, Ulfar had told her she deserved it and he had helped her, was so thankful, she truly was, she felt so blessed to have him in her life, he was truly a godsend and she loved him so much for doing all this for her and wanting nothing in return but her happiness.

Alma enjoyed sitting by the fire and just thinking about the past, present and the future, she loved looking at her family, she loved having a big family and she hoped she would have many more cubs in the future, she wanted to say children but she had taught herself to call them cubs since that is what children were called here and she really liked the words. She had been gaining a little weight during this winter, but fortunately it was not much, still she was craving lobsters everyday and she could not stop thinking about all the junk food she wanted and could not have. She had not had these cravings before so she was a little bit scared she would start to gain more weight because of it. She talked about this with Ulfar and he had told her that it was normal for females to gain weight during winter since they ate more and often felt a little glum being locked inside during such a long time. Alma tried to move more inside and started to exercise a little more but she could not stop eating, she was always so hungry, it felt like she was starving even if she had just ate, she was starting to get very worried and decided to talk to Tram about it. Tram examined her he was not certain but he suspected that she might be pregnant. Her behaviour suggested that she was pregnant but her hormones had not changed at all, her smell was the same, she was still bleeding every month but her stomach was a bit bigger and a little firmer but he had never experienced symptoms like these before, he suspected that she might be pregnant and that the farther was most likely Hafthor. Tram had never experienced nor heard of a female being pregnant by a merman, mermen had their own healers and never used healers that did live on land. He decided to call in Pistris and ask if he had any knowledge. Pistris was almost as clueless as Tram but he knew one thing that when females where pregnant and the father was a sea creature the female would not have any scent of pregnancy. Tram was certain that she was pregnant if that was the case. Alma had mixed feelings, she had only slept with Hafthor once and she barely knew him, she would have liked they would have more time to get to know each other before becoming parents but still, she was happy she was pregnant, she could not feel any movement but she was excited, she just wished Hafthor could know he was about to be a father, she was certain he would be happy, she just hoped she would not be pregnant with too many cubs at a time, no one had any idea except for Pistris, he told her that she would give birth to eggs that Hafthor would then take and nurture in the sea, he had no idea how long she would be pregnant nor how long the cubs would be inside the eggs, she would have to ask Hafthor, Alma just smiled and thanked him. She decided it was best to try to contact Hafthor when the weather was a little better, she was going to to a mom again, she could hardly wait.

Hafthor had no idea he was about to become a father, he was just in his cave taking care of his kingdom, his men were all over protecting their king and their queen. Hafthor had decided to move his kingdom closer to Alma so that they could protect her village by sea. He had found a perfect cave and he was very satisfied with the move, his men were also happy since they would get to see their queen more and protect her. He was happy he was contributing to his family and he knew very well that he would most likely have to wait a long time until he would be accepted fully into her family but as time went by his heart grew calmer. He knew what kind of a female she was, he was certain she would accept him in the future if he was just patient and did what she wanted, everything was still so new, she just needed time to accept him and he had plenty of time to spare anyway. He had been waiting for her a long time he could wait longer. He would show her and her mates his worth in time and he was rather confident that would be enough.

I cannot believe i have finished 100 chapters, times flies, i have been writing this story for just over a year now and it has been so much fun, thank you all so much for sticking with me and reading my story it truly means the world to me :) have a great day :)

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