Part 69 ~ A pleasant evening with her mates

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Alma was so hungry she could have eaten a horse, Tram did not disappoint, he was an excellent cook, he had surpassed her and he liked experimenting with ingredients, it made Alma so glad since first when she met him he had not liked change, things were done they way they were done and he had a hard time making changes, he was a lot like her she thought to herself but he had come such a long way, after being accepted as her mate, he put her first and made changes in himself not only to better himself but also because it brought him closer to her, he was like a sponge, he soaked in every knowledge she gave him. Tram was the best healer in the city but he did not know everything, Alma did of course not either but she had some knowledge from her world that she could pass to Tram, she showed him how to do the heimlick, if a person was choking Tram could now more better help to dislodge the thing trapped in a beasts airway. Alma also told him about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr). She had taken a few classes for work so she could well perform if needed. She showed him how to use his hands and how to push and how many times, she also showed him how to blow air to the lungs, Tram was fascinated, he truly looked at her as a goddess, she could bring the lifeless beasts back to life. Alma had told him that it could only be done on people that the heart had recently stopped pumping, and you used the cpr to jumpstart the heart again, you any had a few minutes to try to get the heart to beat again, this could not be done to a beast that had been dead for more than an hour unless the body was in a very cold place, still it was very unlikely to work. Alma told him this was no magic this was a well known procedure done in her land. She taught him all she knew and told him hygiene was just as important as the healing. They had no alcohol here but she could easily make moonshine with potatoes, that could be used to sterilise wounds so they would not be as easily infected, sure beasts here could use lifestones but most beasts had a hard time hunting for it, you could buy it also but lifestones were very expensive so it was good to be able to use much cheaper things like potatoes. She just had to think hard how it was done, she had read how a long time ago, she just hoped that it would come back to her.

Alma fed Gudda and played with her, Gudda was such a precious lamb, she was so good but still she did not seem to understand what was going on around her, Alma felt like she was even more clueless than the lambs back home but Tram told her not to worry, females took a longer time to learn than males, Alma was worried that Gudda might turn out as the other females since she was rather worried about how stupid she was, she would walk happily into the mouth of a feral not knowing she would be eaten, still Alma felt her dna would match the males dna much better than the other females, she really had no idea but she strongly believed it, since apart for them being able to morph into beasts their human side looked similar to males from earth, well not completely, they were more like demigods too handsome for the world and all hers, she thought to herself giggling. While Alma was busy running after Gudda and playing with her, her mates looked at her with adoration, they could not wait until she would bare their cubs, she was a good mother and their cubs would benefit greatly from having her in their lives, some unfortunately would have to leave her early since it was in their nature but they would come back as soon as they had proven themselves worthy, all of them were sure of that, there was no nicer female around here except for her, they were truly blessed by the goddess.

It was getting colder fall had finally come, the days were getting shorter and the nights longer, soon Odin and Keith would go into hibernation, Alma dreaded the time, she was so close to them and she relied on them the most but it was also good that they hibernated, since it would give the other more chance to grow close to her and build a stronger bond. Even though Keith was a beast of reason he was still her mate and he of course wanted to monopolise her time, he was after all her mate and he wanted her to like him more than the other, Odin was the worst, he used all he could to get her attention and love, he was a feral and he thought all is fair in love and war, it was fitting, so very fitting. Alma was a pushover so she had a hard time making boundaries, especially with Odin and Keith, she did not want to hurt their feelings and she was scared they would be angry at her, she knew she had to give each and every one of them attention but still it was so hard, there was only one her, she wished she could make copies of herself so that all of them could sleep with her at night and enjoy her time but that was only a wish, this was so unfair to them but still they had no choice but to accept how things were, there were so few females around so it was better to share her and get bread crumbs than to get nothing.

Alma had asked them why male beasts would not just try to form a bond with each other, then they would have companionship and love, they could unfortunately not conceive cubs but they could be just as happy. Her males looked horrified, they had never thought of such things and they never would, it was deep in their roots to procreate, it was a feeling all of them had, even ones that had no bond with their cubs, if they did not fulfil their longing, they would always feel empty and remorse deep inside. It was just not as simple as finding a male and create a bond, it could not be done since they both had the bond venom in them and if one male was to bite another male in an attempt to form a bond, he would die, the venom would kill him within minutes, the venom they had in their body would blend with the other males venom and create a deadly poison and it was also about scent, males gave off different scent than females, to them it was off putting and would not fill their heads with romance or lust, it was just too bad, it would solve so many problems, she still could not accept it in her heart, she told them about her world and how some men could love and be only attracted to men and the same was like with women, and some who liked both genders, she had always loved the saying love is love for it was true, you can not help who you love or who you are attracted too, you can only be true to yourself or else you will never find happiness, Alma truly believed these words but that did not mean she could follow her own advice, she had come a long way but still she had a long way to go. Her males did not know what to think but they agreed with her, it would be so much better if males could be attracted to each other, it would not only increase their happiness but also make it easier for the ones who only wanted females to find a female of their own, maybe in the future things could change but it was in the hands of the goddess, they were only simple beasts that knew what they wanted and needed and for them Alma was just that.

They had had such a lovely night, they had talked about things they had not talked about before, most of her mates were in deep thought thinking about her words, how different her world was from theirs, they felt a little dizzy just thinking about all the information she had told them, still it was good to learn something new and be open to other way of thinking, their world was black and white, it was simple and brutal while her was confusing the rules made no sense, high buildings, things that could fly that were not alive, things that could move with high speed while not having a heartbeat, her world felt more dangerous than theirs but still they wanted to learn more, they always wanted to learn more, especially if it could get them closer to her.

It was time to go to bed, Alma kissed all her mates goodnight and ended with feeding Gudda and rocking her to sleep. Alma handed Gudda carefully to Tram, she gave him a kiss goodnight and whispered she loved him, the she turned around took Keith's hand and walked into their bedroom.

This was a hard chapter to write, it was heavier than I had wanted to make it but it just came into my mind, there is a reason why males are not attracted to males but it will not be revealed anytime soon, I'm sorry 🙈 but I will give you a hint, it has something to do with the beast goddess 😉. I will try to update tomorrow but im not sure if i have time, but ill update again this week, I promise, have a wonderful evening/day/morning or night

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