Part 92 ~ Going home

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Ulfar and Haffi slept like the dead, they fell asleep as soon as they had laid down. Ulfar was going to protect his mate but after talking to Hafthor and Pistris he felt more secure, he was quite impressed with Hafthors army, many soldiers ready to protect Alma with their lives, that was what she needed. Hafthor and Pistris had not spoken much after talking with Ulfar. Pistris was not a beast with many words, he liked quiet and he liked solitude, his life was going to change a lot being mated with Alma, he was looking forward to it but also he was a little stressed, her village was large and he did not like to speak much, it might be a bother but he would manage it, he would get used to it even if it might take him a few hundred years, he had all the time in the world.

Alma was first to wake up the next day, she felt a little better but she still felt like she was stuffed and that she might throw up, she had not told anyone about it, she knew the cause and there was nothing that they could do, she just had to try to calm down and stop stressing but it just felt impossible. She fetched water for Astrik, she wetted his lips and cleaned his face softly. He was recovering well, she felt thankful for the doctor, without him Askell would not have made it. He was still very bruised but he was improving, he just would need some time. She thought about making him a new leg. She was no expert but she had seen a lot of movies where people had lost their legs and people had made legs out of wood, she could do it, she was sure of it, she would need good leather and a very sturdy wood but it could not be heavy, she was going to make the foot if she could similar to what she had seen in her times, she might not be able to but she would try her best, she had time and she would get better with every foot she would make. She held his hand and looked at him with loving eyes, she would not fail him, of this she was sure of.

Haffi and Ulfar woke up after sleeping for over fourteen hours, they were not too pleased with themselves since they had wanted to make preparations for Haffi to leave as soon as possible. They left the hut and saw that the doctor was making another broth for Askell. The doctor handed them broth and fish he had cooked for them, they needed the energy, especially Haffi since he would be flying back and fourth for probably several days. He told them to eat up and that is what they did. After their bellies were full Ulfar asked if it was safe to move Askell back to the village. The doctor was not really enthusiastic about moving him but he knew he would most likely be much comfortable in his own home. they talked about how to move him without risking his health. They were talking about it when Alma joined their conversation, Alma told them it would be best to make like a sleeping bag for him, he would move less and they could make it with furs, they could make handles so that Haffi could easier hold on to him without accidentally hurting him but they would need more fur, there was some fur but not enough, Hafthor went to his lair and collected all his best furs and leather for Alma to use. Alma had learned alot about sowing since arriving in this world and most of her mates were adequate in it also. They all worked together to make it as fast as possible. They spent the whole day and night making it while the doctor took care of Askell. Finally it was done, it was not pretty but it would do, it would hold him without breaking, they had made sure of it. Haffi had taken Ulfar for a ride in it while he moved alot, he examined it well while he was being transported an he was sure it would hold so after a while they came back down and told alma that the sleeping bag was ready.

Haffi and Ulfar wanted to let alma go first but she would not hear of it, she would not leave him here even if Ulfar was there to protect him. She could wait, she wanted him home as fast as possible since he was now stable enough to be moved. Haffi tried to talk sense to her but she would not have it. Alma was not a stubborn person and she usually always did what people asked of her but for her loved ones she would fight tooth and nails for, their lives mattered the most to her and she would not budge on it so Ulfar and Haffi had to agree to take Askell first. The doctor told Haffi that he would follow them just in case something went wrong and even if Tram was also a doctor he had not been treating him and he did not know if he knew anything about healing after leg amputation. Haffi felt relieved, he was stressing that something might happen and he would be blamed. He was still just a potential mate and he did not want to do anything to jeopardise that, it is always good to have a back up. Askell was still sleeping, Alma told him he was going home now, he was going to sleep in the suite until he was all better. They put him in the sleeping bag as gently as they could, alma kissed him goodbye and told him she would see him soon, and with that Haffi flew away while the doctor swam after them.

Alma told Ulfar that she wanted Haffi to bring Odin next, they had talked about using the sleeping bag on Odin too. He would not wake up. She felt so relieve he had made a lair in the first home they made when arriving. She hoped Fannar would be able to come also so that they could all go home together, that would be best, she had had enough of this place, she missed her cub and she missed her mates. She could not wait to take a shower and sleep in her bed. The night was peaceful, Ulfar and Alma spend the night together in silent, it was very pleasant and relaxing. They entered Alma's hut where they saw Odin sleeping peacefully Alma laid down next to him and Ulfar laid down next to her. He held her in her arms, kissed her cheek and told him that he loved her. She smiled, she felt her heart flutter, while telling him she loved him just as much. They closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Haffi flew as fast as he could, he watched to doctor so that he would not be too far from them but it seemed like the doctor was build for speed, he swam just as fast as he flew, he was very impressed with this doctor, he could not help but to compare Tram to the doctor. This doctor was much stronger and he was a good healer too, he thought to himself that Tram was lucky to have met her first, he was certain that Keith would rather have picked this doctor as Alma's mate than Tram since he was a very skilled healer, fast and a good solider according to Hafthor, he was glad to have him join them, they would have to figure out where Hafthor army would reside, they would most likely want to reside in the ocean but they had to be located near Alma or else their protection would not be as useful, they had enough time to talk about that, he just had to hurry home so that he could see Alma sooner.

He was thankful for the rest, he could fly much faster than before, since he had more stamina, he would arrive the next day to the village if he would keep his speed, he just hoped Fannar was done so that they could leave all together in the next trip otherwise he would have to make two trips. He hoped that vulture had not been slacking. The village had to be as clean as possible, they did not want to frighten Alma more than needed. She would be scared and might feel unsafe in the village, it might even be filled with beasts from Taurus city by now since the city was in ruins, he did not want to help them, they had enough to deal with, the king should figure it out on his own, he was after all the king, he should solve his own problem, just like they did.

I am a little under the weather that is why I did not post on Tuesday, like I said I will be uploading hopefully one chapter on Tuesday or Wednesday night, i will try to upload two chapter a week but I'm not going to promise that, i will upload at least one a week. I hope you liked it 😉 she will be going home tomorrow and dealing with the problems of the city and trying to make a good leg for her Askell. Thank you all again for reading, liking and commenting, it is the highlight of my day, and i share it with all my family 😂 good night/good day/good evening ❤️

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