Part 75~ The calm before the storm

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Alma had not had the heart to let Eyvi see she had not finished so she just curled in his arms and fell asleep. Eyvi slept like a log for the first time in his life, he felt secure and so very happy, he had his mate in his arms, there was noting more he needed in his life.

They both woke up rather late, but it did not matter, they both walked into the kitchen were Eyvi was welcomed into the family, he almost wept, he felt so happy, he had never imagined that he would also feel welcomed by his mates males but yet it happened, their family was one of a kind, when a male was accepted into a females harem there would always be conflict and fighting, you had to fight for your females attention or else you would be forgotten, it was a hard life but that was just the harsh reality of males in this world, Eyvi felt extremely lucky, he was rather sure things would not change with other females, Alma was nothing like them, he was just so glad that he was a part of a loving family.

After breakfast Alma took Eyvis hand and walked him to the barn, there they played with their bunnies, Eyvi had been clever to catch 4 female bunnies so there would be not little baby bunnies, they would mate like crazy and produce endless amount of little cute bunnies, it would be good to farm them like the other animals but Alma did not want that and he was sure it would only make her sad if they did since she saw them as a little part of their family. They had a nice time chatting and petting the bunnies, the bunnies had accepted Alma since she was less threatening than the panther but they were warming up to him after Alma had given him a lot of treats to give them, she had told him that if he would feed them and pet them they would accept him after a while.

After spending some time with the bunnies Alma and Eyvi went to see the cows next, the cows had fully accepted Alma and clearly liked her a lot, she always fed them treats, petted and scratched them. They had a good life in the barn, they were warm and were well fed, it was a hard life being a cow in the wild but here they felt warm and safe. They did not like being around other beasts but they had not been violent to any of them, they still gave them a warning when not to approach them by stomping one feet fast on the ground, that was enough for them to halt and retreat. Alma wanted the cows to accept all of them since it was best if all of them could bring them food, water and clean their stalls so she made a big effort to bring in one of her mates every day when feeding them so that the cows could get used to them, she made sure to give her mates alot of treats for the cows, especially fruits while they were in season, still the cows were vary and rightly so but they would in time accept them, it was just a matter of time.

Fall had finally come and with it came cooler air, Alma knew soon it would be winter and she would have to say goodbye to Odin and Keith for a few months, she felt sad, she hated not being able to talk to them in such a long time but at least they would hibernate under their house in their separate room. Usually before hibernating the beast would find a good spot that was well hidden since he would be very vulnerable while sleeping but they did not really need that since now Alma had good protection and the beasts were willing to protect them also so both of them had decided to try it this one time to see if it would work since Alma wanted them close to her, she was petrified that someone would find their lair while they slept and would kill them, here no one would be able to reach them since the village was so well protected. Alma would not be able to see them but she would know where they were, she might disturb their rest and that was not a wise thing to do while they were hibernating since they could attack on instinct not knowing who or what they were attacking. Both of them had made it very clear she could not see them during that time and she had promised she would not, just knowing they were near and safe was enough for her.

Their life was perfect, everyone was getting along so well and everyone was happy, Alma had decided since it went so well accepting Ulfar and Eyvi into the family that she would welcome one more before winter, then there were fewer to accept next summer. Alma had told Addi that she would welcome him into the family the day that Keith would go to hibernate so it would be very soon, both Odin and Keith were getting tired but they were resisting it as they could since they wanted to be with Alma as long as they could but they would not be able to hold on for long, it was only a matter of time until fatigue would reach them, they would not wait that long but they knew they could resist for at least a few days a week if they were lucky.

Alma had been dying to go back to the hot spot so she gently nudged Askell and asked if he wanted to take a dip with her, she did not have to ask him twice, he was clearly very happy and was quick to give her a nod. Alma told Odin that she was going flying with Askell and they would not be home for a while, Odin had been trying his hard not to be so jealous all the time so he gave her a soft kiss and told her to be careful. Odin watched as Alma and Askell took flight, he would never grow tired to watch her, she was so lovely, he wished with all his heart that he did not have to hibernate, he hated having to leave her for a few months, even though he knew she had protection, it was not him, he just hoped everything would be alright while he slept.

Alma loved relaxing in the hot springs, she felt so relaxed, Askell was giving her a massage and she felt so good that she could just take a little nod but a pesky hawk was not going to let her fall a sleep so easily, his mouth and hands knew the right spots to touch to light a fire inside her. Alma told him that it was not wise to mate now since it was so close to her ovulation time but as the fire grew bigger the reasonings flew off her mind, she told him just to be sure to take it out before coming and knotting her and of course Askell made promised he would but in the end he could not control himself, Alma was just as much to blame as him since she kept telling him to go faster, deeper and harder, what was a bird to do, he could not control himself and now they were knotted, Alma was a little upset while Askell felt a little gloom not being able to control himself better. Finally Alma told him it was alright, they would face it together if she would get pregnant.

While flying home they were both distracted by what had happened and did not see the danger until too late. One minute they were flying high in the sky the next a huge dinosaur looking bird flew and attacked Askell. In the fight Alma lost her grip and fell, she was so scared, she could do nothing, she saw the big bird attacking her mate, Askell was no match to that beast and she was afraid he would get killed.

Askell had only one thing on his mind and that was to save his mate, he knew he only had a minute at most until she would be too far for him to catch up to so he did what he could and escaped the big bird, Askell was much smaller and quicker so he had that to his advantage, he flew as hard as he could to catch up to his beloved, he could see the ocean was getting closer and closer, the big bird was still on his tail but he could only think what was the best thing to do. He would not be able to outfly the beast he would catch him before they would reach home and they were too far from the land to leave her on the ground, he could only drop her to the ocean and hope that she would be able to get help before it was too late, if he would have had more time to think he might have been able to come by a better idea but he could not. He dove as fast as he could, he could almost reach her, he could see her reaching out for him. He felt helpless and felt despair creeping on him but finally he caught her and he did the only thing he could he slowed down so the impact would not kill her when she would fall to the sea, even if he would die he did not care he only wanted her safe and have a chance to live. When he felt the time was right he let her go, he could hear her screaming his name just before she fell to the ocean, he had no time the big bird finally caught him, at least he did not have to worry about Alma falling anymore, he fought with all his might and managed to cheat the bird to follow him to a dangerous spot to fly, he only had one chance to outsmart the bird and if that would not work he would die. He hoped and prayed to the beast goddess that his mate was alright and that they would meet again soon.

So the drama is about to start, what do you think, what will happen to Askell or Alma? Ill try to update again in 1 to 2 days, :)

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