Part 7 ~ Baby Snakes?

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It has been two months since Alma became Odin's mate and Alma is glowing. She only likes this possessive snake more and more. Odin has been experiencing happiness for the first time and he likes it. He goes out every morning to hunt for his mate and he hates not being with her. He just wants to hide her in his cave forever only to be his so that was what he was going to do and he was content with that.

Alma talked about going to the village everyday and they fought about it every day, Alma missed Keith very much, he did so much for her and for her just to leave him and never come back was something she just could not do. She made him a promise and she intended to keep it, she must go back to him. Alma was very afraid that Keith would not want her anymore since she had mated with Odin, she was very worried and was scared that it would hurt him. She knew in her heart he was still looking for her, she was very sure of it, now all she had to do was getting that stubborn snake to agree to moving to the village.

Alma had not been feeling very well the last month, she had back pains like she was going to start her period but it never came, she was beginning suspect she might be pregnant still she dared not to hope, she wanted so much to be a mother. She wondered if she was pregnant would she give birth to eggs or would many snakes just slither out, that last thought made her shiver in disgust, no, it was wrong so very wrong. She decided to ask Odin for help

Odin came home with prey as usual, he cooked while she cleaned, they helped each other and lived in perfect harmony. After eating Alma told Odin that she might be pregnant. Odin's face lightened up and he was excited. He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. Alma asked him if she was pregnant would she be having eggs or life snakes or a human baby. Odin laughed and told her all cups are born in their beast form and for snakes, they layed eggs so she would be giving birth to eggs. Alma asked how many could they be having he told her she would birth at least six eggs. Alma almost fainted six children to run after, now she understood why females took in weaker mates to babysit, how was she going to manage sic running children, Odin was out all day hunting she would be all alone.

After Odin had fallen asleep Alma layed in his arm thinking. She remember reading in one of her beast stories that snakes hibernated during the coldest months of winter. What would she do, if he would not let her return back to the village she would surly die, even though he had been catching prey and preparing for winter it was not enough. It would be very cold since she was in a underground cave, she would probably freeze to death, she was scared, she had to get him to agree to go to the village or else she was sure to perish.

When Odin woke up he saw that Alma was already awake, he was surprised since she liked to sleep late. He gave her a hug and a kiss. Before he stood up Alma took his hand and asked if snake's hibernated during winter, Odin looked away from her worried eyes but nod his head yes. He told her they hibernated for four months. Alma started to cry and begged him to come with her and live in the village. She told him she is just a human she could not fend for herself while he slept. She told him she would very likely freeze to death and when he finally woke up she would already be long dead. She asked if she was pregnant when would she give birth. He told her that the pregnancy would be about three to four months after that he would take care of the eggs while he slept, the eggs would hatch shortly after he would wake up. Odin became very worried after hearing her talking about her own death, he was scared that what she said was true. She could not care for herself at all. She was weaker than other females, they could at least morph when in danger and they were much stronger, she could be killed by just eating, her teeth were not very sharp and her nails could do no damage at all.

He went out to hunt leaving Alma all alone with so much worry in her heart. He thought very hard on what he should do. He knew if he decided to go to the village she would have to have other mates or else she would not live. He would have to share her, she would no longer only be his and she would sing, dance and tell other males stories too, he felt envious and wanted to kill anyone that wanted her. He knew it would be hard, he would make many mistakes and most likely anger his mate, it made him worry, he was scared she would like Keith more than him. He knew she had promised Keith to be his mate and he knew she would honour her agreement, she was a very honourable female, the best. He had often thought she must have been a gift from the goddess herself. She was everything every male could ever dream of having. He decided with a heavy heart to return back to the village, her life was more important than anything.

When Odin came back to the layer he saw Alma lying in bed crying. He hurried to her and took her in his arms, her softly dried her tears with his and and told her that he would go with her back to the village. He told her about his worries and made her promise never to leave him and always love him. Alma looked deeply in his eyes and gave him a big smile and told him she would never leave him and she would always love him, she promised with all her heart. They layed in each other arms one was filled with worry while the other one was filled with joy and excitement. Tomorrow, she thought to herself, tomorrow I will finally see my Keith again. She was finally going home.

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