Part 61 ~ Making a home 2

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Alma was so tired that she barely knew her own name, she had never in her life worked as hard as she had done these past weeks. She could not believe how much they had gotten done is such a short time, building houses took a lot of time in her world and it should take as much time here too but it just did not. It helped a lot that the beast were much stronger than humans and could carry a lot of weight by themselves, they were much faster, they did not need to rest as much as humans so they could go on like new batteries, it was essential to feed them well though and Odin was in charge of hunting, it was not a difficult task for him since he was born to kill, he had impressed Alma so much how well he could delegate the hunt between the beasts, Odin was not a talkative beast and probably never would be but still he managed to talk to them all and help those who needed, she was so proud of him, some beasts were just not good enough at hunting so he took them with him to teach them better how to hunt, it warmed Alma's heart how helpful he was, he had come such a long way in such a short time. Alma knew he was only doing this for her and it just made her love him even more.

Odin was trying his best not to just eat the beasts that took such a long time to teach such an easy thing, the only thing that kept hims sane was that he had to do his best for Alma and himself. He was now the chief and he had to act like one, it was much more work than he thought being in charge, he really was not all that interested in doing things that kept him away from Alma but he did what he could to help their family, she wanted those beast to live well so he would do his best to make that a reality. It was so hard though, so very hard for such an impatient snake. Odin had been thinking a lot about the story Alma told about the king, he felt very guilty now for eating all those females, he could not understand why he did, why could he just not let them go, he wished he could turn back time and just wait for Alma, he only wanted to have hatchings with her, he did wonder though how all his hatchlings had faired, most would have been eaten he thought, he did not want to meet them much, he thought of them as competition, he was very sure that if his hatchlings would see his Alma they would try to snatch her for themselves, they were after all his hatchlings, he knew them better than anyone. Odin had been having nightmares about the story but in the story Alma was the queen being beheaded and the king was a beast he had not seen, a very powerful beasts, no matter what he did he could not reach her before they cut off her head, he always took up her head and embraced it, with tears streaming down his face, he wished Alma had never told that story, it was the most horrid thing he had ever heard. He was so traumatised that he asked her not to tell any stories where the female would die, Alma soothed him as well as she always did by telling him that it was not real, it was just a story she made up and that nothing was going to happen to her, she had so many beasts taking good care of her, it did help him for a while but still he did not like to be away from her, he just had a horrible feeling that something would happen.

Alma was so impressed with everyone, they all worked so hard so she made it her mission to tell them all how good they were doing, she knows how much a complement can make the day for you and it was her motto not to be stingy with them. The elderly beasts really surprised Alma, they worked so hard, even though they could not work as hard as the younger ones, they decided to make pots, shelves, cabinets and even beds, they all worked so well together that many beds had been made. She taught them everything she knew because she knew it was a good feeling to be able to contribute, she gave them the most compliments, they deserved them and really needed them too.

Alma had asked Tram if he knew where they could buy wool from rams like him. She wanted to use the wool to make the house warmer by using it as insulation. Her father had not used wool but the material was similar, she hoped that it could work, it would at least not make it any worse. Tram said it was very easy to get a lot of wool, it was not very expensive, rams used to sell their wools, much more rams wanted to sell their woods but it was not a popular merchandise, it would be easy to buy as much as Alma needed in the city. Alma asked Askell and Haffi to got to the city with Tram and buy as much wool as they could, she asked them to use the net she had made, she wanted to insulate all the houses for winter and they would need a lot of it for that to be achieved, this was not a problem for her flying beasts nor Tram either. They went on their way buying all the wool they could get their hands on, and they told the beasts if they could get more they would buy it, they told them where they lived and asked them to get as much as they could, they would be well paid if the got it as fast as they could.

Alma told Keith about using the wool as insulation, he had never heard of wool being used in that way but he knew Alma had ideas that no one else had and he was excited to see how it would  work. As soon as Askell, Haffi and Tram came back with all the wool, alma showed them how to put the wool between the walls, it was not hard to learn so Keith showed all the builders what to do in a short time, so they could put insulation in the other houses too. It would not take a long time for their house to be ready, their house was the first house that went up, Alma could not wait to stay in their own home, it was very crowded in the caves, she did not mind much since it had to be that way but she could not wait to start to decorate their home. She had made many things that would make their life easier, well at least hers. She had made four big beds with the help of the elderly beasts, she wanted to make pillows too, she was going to use some wool to make pillows, this would make sleeping so much better.

Alma had asked Grey and Eyvi to find, birds that would lay eggs, she asked them to find, goats or cows, she did not know if there were cows here but she told them she was looking for an animal that could produce milk for them to drink, she had drawn a cow on the dirt, well she did as best as she could, she just hoped they could find something similar, she told Eyvi that he could catch two bunnies for them after all the homes were ready for the winter, Eyvi lit up, he had been dreaming of the day that they would get their own bunnies, he could hardly wait he was so excited. He liked being helpful, he wished Alma could depend on him more but the were not yet mated, he had to be patient, he was sure Ulfar was thinking the same thoughts, there was no time for mating now, it was all work and no play, still he did not mind, they had all winter to get to know each other better, he blushed just thinking about it, Alma looked at her silly panther and gave him a pat on the head telling him to be careful and hurry back home, Eyvis heart was beating so fast that he thought it would jump from his chest, he loved when she gave him attention, he loved that she liked him, he was so happy and ran away as fast as he could so he could come back home sooner. Alma patted Grey too and told him to be careful, she told him it would be best if he could get eight to ten birds and to make sure there was at least one male, she wanted more female birds since she wanted the eggs. Grey took the smaller, finer net Alma had made he could easily put the birds in it, Eyvi had taken the ropes so that he could easily take the animals home, Alma was very excited but she tried to still herself, they might not be able to find any birds or goats today, still she hoped they would.

Alma asked Keith to build hen house and add to the house a room for animals. She wanted it also to have a fireplace so that they would not die from the cold when winter came. Alma told him she needed a fence for all the animals. She wanted to have a hen house for the summer but she would move the birds to the other room when winter came, it was better to have them all in the same place and that they could feed them without having to have to go outside. This was not a big deal, Alma told him that it had to have stalls and a stall that was for the birds during winter, Alma had forgotten to tell Keith about building a room for the animals, she hoped he would not mind much, Keith had so much to do but still he would just add it to the pile to do. He would start to get the room for the animals ready fast since it had to be ready for the animal as soon as possible, the animals would not need to use the room until winter came but Keith wanted to finish it as fast as he could. Alma drew how she wanted the summer hen house to look like both on the inside and out, it was just a little effort Keith thought to himself, he could easily finish the hen house in just a few hours, the room would need a few days. Keith could not wait until the houses were done, he had no time to spend with his alma it was all about work and no play, still it would be worth it, he thought to himself.

Sorry for not updating yesterday, I've not been feeling very well but i powered through tonight since i had promised, i was going to do two chapters but I think i have to go to bed, I will try my best to do another chapter tomorrow, sorry for the suspense but you might find out tomorrow what kind of beast it is :) goodnight 😴

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