Part 13 ~ Next three dates

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Alma was feeling rather tired but she still had seven more dates to go through, she was really torn she had really liked all three beasts she met. She thought to herself this is just too hard they are all just too good, she never thought she would be in the position to decline such good men, she of all people, she was not good enough for them, she could not consider herself even average looking. She did not have much going for her neither in the looks nor intelligent. She thought about her poor beasts, she did not deserve them, she was not good enough for them, she felt really bad since they were stuck with her. Even if they found somebody else they could not leave, her head was telling her awful things on repeat like stupid, awful, boring disgusting, but most of all it said your not good enough. It was so hard to always be fighting with your own head, she had been doing it since she was a child. She just hated herself and thought she was just a weak, pathetic woman.

When the next beast came she was feeling low but tried to put on a good face. She told him he was very handsome and thanked him for trying to woo her. The beast did not know what to say, a female was thanking him, he had never heard of a female thanking a beast for trying to be her mate. He looked at her and analysed her with his predatory eyes. She was very small, much smaller then the average female, her voice was very soft and nice to hear. He really liked her blue eyes, her lips where thick and juicy, he really wanted to touch them. Her nose was so small and cute and even though she was rather pale but she had beautiful freckles on her nose and cheekbones. Her ears were so small, he had never seen such cute, small ears, he really wanted to lick them. She had very long, thick light brown hair. It suited her face really well. He loved her bossom, they where so big, he thought how it would feel playing with them. He should have stopped his thinking because all his blood rushed in one place and he got a very big erection. Alma noticed right away since they were still standing. The atmosphere was very awkward, Alma trying not to look while him trying to cool his big brother down. He apologised profusely and felt like his whole world was crumbling. The date had barely started and he had already made a complete fool of himself. He thought his chance was over. Alma just smiled at him and told him it was alright and that he had nothing to be ashamed of, these things happen, and told him not to worry. He was so thankful that the female was so understanding. He wanted nothing more than to her her mate. He told her his name was Ivan and that he was a seventy seven year old frog. Alma was so surprised a frog, when she thought of dangerous beasts she did not think of frogs. He told her he was a four stripe beast.he told her that as soon as frogs hatch they had to run for their lives or be eaten. Most of the eggs would not survive and you had to be smart, cunning and work hard to live till puberty. He did that, he was lucky that he could use venom when attacking both prey and to protect himself. He could both paralyse and kill with his venom. Alma thought of superheroes when he was talking, Ivan reminded her of Odin, he was also was poisonous. She asked him if his beastform was green and he said no, I'm orange and yellow, she really wanted to see she he morphed for her. She thought to herself he is such a cute frog but she did not dare to touch him, she was scared to be poisoned. She told him thank you and that she had had a great time. He left felling happy about his date but still trying to calm his big brother down, what an embarrassment he was he thought to himself.

Next beast Alma met was just as handsome as the others. He was black and when the sun hit his skin it glittered, she had never seen such a beautiful sight before, what a beautiful man she though. He had black long thick hair, killer smile, very strong built, mighty big feet. She really liked him without even speaking to him. She was just drawn to him. His big brown eyes were so mesmerising. He told her hello and that he was so excited to finally getting to meet her. She could not help but to smile back at him. They sat down and she offered tea, but before she told him this was blueberry tea, rather sweet so if he did not like sweet things she would not be offended if he did not like it. He was pleased, what good manners she has he thought. She was easy on the eyes and her aura was very comforting. He knew she would make an excellent mate, he was certain he could do no better so he was going to to his best to win her favour. He told her that he was one hundred thirty three years old raven. Her eyes lighted up, another flying beast, she was very excited but she tried not to let it show. He told her he was a four stripe beast. He told her that it would not be long until he would get the next stripe, of this he was sure. He told her his name was Ellos. He was looking at her jewellery, he had always liked shiny things, all ravens did. He wanted to get her more shiny things since he felt she looked so good with it on. She asked him about growing up and he told her that ravens leave the nest as soon as they can fly and have to fend for themselves. You can not morph until you reach puberty as ravens. The nature had it so that they would rely more on their beast side. He was a big flirt and tried his best showing off his good sides and his body. He wondered to himself if he should show her how big his dick was, she might be very impressed and thus pick me but then again she might get offended and not pick me. He decided fortunately to play it safe. The had a good chat and she felt very attracted to him. He was very charismatic. She was sure he would fit very well with the family but he would definitely push Odins buttons, of that she was very sure of. She stood up and thanked him for a good chat. With that he left, feeling rather hopeful, he could see the female was attracted to him, he just hoped she liked him the best.

The next one was very slim and so tall that he had to bend while entering the cave. He was so sweet and rather boyish. She felt he might be rather young, it was just a feeling. She would still give him a chance like all the other, they all had worked hard for it so she had to respect that. He complemented her profusely and stammered quite a bit, Alma just thought he was too cute. He had curly short hair, such a nice smile and very trusting eyes. Just right off the bat she knew he would fit very well with the family. He was mild, very well mannered and so thoughtful. He talked to her and showed interest in everything she said. She finally asked him what kind of beast he was and he told her that he was a fifty one year old, four stripe giraffe. As soon as he said it she could see it, he was so tall and just so nice. He told her jokes and she laughed so much she cried. He was so happy that he could make the female laugh. For him she was a dream come true. The only other female he had ever seen was his mother, giraffe cups go off on their own when they have reached puberty. They are very peaceful beasts but if need be they can fight viciously. Alma could just see how well he would fit and how nice it would be. He made her feel calm, his aura was peaceful they talked for a good while and Alma laughed some more. Before he left Alma told him thank you for being so nice and that he was a really good beast. She watched him walk away. How could she ever choose she liked them all, life could be just too hard for a female here, she thought.

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