Part 10 ~ The doctor

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It had been a week since Odin left. Keith had been nothing but nice to his mate he could feel her sadness through the matebond so he tried his best to make her happy. Alma was very thankful that Odin and Keith did not hibernate at the same time. When Odin would come back home Keith would hibernate soon after or just before, she was glad that Keith would not leave to hibernate so she could always lie and cuddle him a bit. Keith had a room he used when he was hibernating it was well hidden and underground. He had asked one of his mole beasts to dig it for him. The beast was handsomely paid for his help but he would have done it for free since they had helped each other since they were cups, they were friends as we humans would say but there was no word for a friend here.

Keith told Alma that the doctor would be a great member for our family. Alma was very surprised by his suggestion. She had never thought of the doctor more than a good friend. She was not in love with him, she liked him though but she felt very unsure. She felt it would be very unfair to the doctor if she were to accept him as her mate since she was not in love with him. Keith was glad in his heart that Alma did not like the doctor as much as she did him and Odin but he was still very consistent on her accepting him to their family. Keith told her that the doctor would not care wether she loved him or not, he would jump at the chance to have a mate and Alma was the best mate he could ever have the pleasure to have. Keith told her that if they were to move it was much better to have a doctor in the family. He told her that both him and Odin could not help her at all if she were to get sick or got hurt but the doctor could. Alma was afraid Odin would be hurt or angry but Keith told her that he had spoken to him before he went and he was on board with expanding their family with two beast, the doctor and a strong beast from the eagle tribe. Alma nodded her head and told him she needed to think about it. She slept in Keith's arm thinking about the doctor. He was such a sweet guy and she really did like him, maybe, just maybe accepting him would be for the best. Alma decided she would sleep on it and make a decision in the morning.

Alma had a dream about the doctor, in the dream he was her mate and he adored her, he loved making her comfortable and cooking dishes for her, the dream was really nice it was filled with love and warmth. As soon as Alma opened her eyes, she looked in Keiths eyes and told him she was going to ask the doctor to join our family. Keith was happy with her decision but not so happy having more men to share her with, still it was the right decision, he was sure of it. Alma told Keith she wanted to walk by herself to the doctor, Keith said yes but he still followed her to be sure she was safe and not bothered by the other beasts in the tribe. He knew all of them desperately wanted to be her mate but Odin and him were enough repellent for them not to ask, some still tried, if they did Keith and Odin would beat them up so they would not ask again in a hurry.

Alma asked the doctor if she could come in. She was ashamed to say she had never asked him what his name was or what kind of beast he was, she always just called him doc, she liked calling him that and he seemed to like it as well, she was the only one that called him that so it made him feel special, it made him hope he had a little place in her heart. The doctor invited her in with a warm smile on his face, he asked what he could do for her and she told him she just wanted to talk to him and ask him a few questions, if he did not mind. He was thrilled she wanted to get to know him better, his hopes got up but he was trying his best to remain calm, he did not want to frighten her away. She told him she was sorry to never have asked him for his name and she would really like to know, the doctor told her his name was Tram, she had never heard that name before, it was unique and she like saying it. She then asked him how old he was he told her her was 59, she was not surprised, now that she knew how age worked here, she knew that was considered young, he was kind and a little naive, she liked that about him. She asked him what kind of beast he was, Tram hesitated for a while before saying he was a sheep, more precise a ram. Alma was delighted she loved sheeps. When she was a little girl she always helped when sheeps were birthing in may and in again in the falls when it was time to collect the sheeps for the winter. (it is called kindaréttir in Icelandic) Alma was delighted, not only was he an awesome doctor he also could produce wool, with the wool she could make clothes and even pillows, she was excited.

Alma decided to be brave and put her hand in Trams hand, she looked him in his eyes and asked if he wanted to be her mate. Tram nearly fainted, he never would have thought she would ask him, he could not be happier with her request. Alma still decided to be honest and told him that she did not love him yet but she really really liked him and with enough time she was sure she would grow to love him. She told him she would treat him with respect and do everything in her power to make him happy. Tram wanted to stop her and scream over and over, YES, YES, YES, finally he would be a part of a family, he was sure he was the luckiest beast in all the world, he had her, he finally had her. He was overwhelmed, Alma could see that so she decided to take the lead and she kissed him. She did not want to wait, she wanted to make him a part of the family right away but before mate bonding with him she told him that after winter they would leave and go to Taurus city to live, if that was not what he wanted she would understand. Tram just laughed and told her he would follow everywhere even to Dramna desert where no normal beast could survive but for her he would. Alma smiled at him and kissed him again. She put her tongue in his mouth and moved slowly, beasts did not kiss, that was not in their nature, they would lick each other while in beast form, that was their kind of kisses. Tram had never seen anyone do this but he really liked it and wanted more. The kiss started gently enough but was not long to be very passionate. All Tram could think about was to touch her and watch her. They moved to his furs and Alma asked him to lay and wait for her. Alma took off her snakeskin dress carefully, she had been taking very good care of her underwear since it was not like she could get new ones as good as her bra. She took off her bra slowly while watching Tram. Tram ripped of his fur and was naked in only a second, my my Alma thought to herself, all her beasts were big and thick, it is both a blessing and a curse since she was always very sore afterwards, still it was so worth it she thought to herself. She took off her panties and stood naked before him, she slowly walked towards him and laid down beside him. He took her in his arms and kissed her fervently, he loved caressing her, touching her and feeling her. He touched her breast and felt it. The breast was so soft but yet so bit, he thought he would never wash his hands after having touched her, Alma moaned and wanted more she asked him to lick and suck her nipple gently, so he did, he loved it, he wished he could cram all her breast in his mouth it was just so delicious. He could not wait more, he felt like he was about to explode, so Alma laid him down and told him she was going to ride him, she told him with a grin on her face to enjoy the ride. Alma always got easily aroused, so she was very ready for him. He was big so she took it slow, too slow for poor Tram. He felt he was stuck between heaven and hell, he wanted to put his arms on her waist and just cram it in but he held back, for her. Finally Trams rod was all in so Alma at first moved slowly until her body got used to him. She took his hands and put it on her waist, she told him he could also control the pace if he liked. She did not have to ask him twice, he put her up and down so fast that Alma almost puked, just before Tram came he changed position with her and was on top so he could easily bite her as he came. A beast virgin would not last long for his first time so it was over in just under a minute. Alma did not come but she did not mind, they had all the time in the world to get to know each others bodies. She felt the knot forming so she laid on her side, telling Tram, he was wonderful. She felt sleepy so she fell asleep. Tram was in heaven, he was afraid that this could all just be a dream, if it was a dream he never wanted to wake up. He loved being inside her, it felt warm and inviting, he never wanted to leave. His life would now never be the same, now he was a mated beast, one of the few lucky ones, of them all I am the luckiest he thought to himself.

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