Part 30 ~ The competition, part 1

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Alma had been busy taking care of her beautiful lamb, she really wanted to name her but her mates had told her that all beasts decide their own name, she looked at her little white and black lamb and asked her if she could call her Gudda, the lamb just bleated, Alma talked a lot to the lamb but the lamb did not seem to understand her as well as her snake cubs did. Alma was sure that it must differ between beasts how they are, she was sure the lamb would understand her but she just would need more time.

Fannar had been like an annoying fly, always hovering around Alma, she thought he was cute, her other mates did not. She was mostly only with Tram in the cave since they all had their job to do. Alma wanted to leave as soon as possible so Askell and Fannar were preparing for the move while Odin and Keith were preparing for the competition. Alma missed her mates she barely saw them, everyone was so busy, they left early and came late, often she had gone asleep when they finally came back home. She could not wait until they could move. She longed to settle in, have her own home, make better furniture, farm and hopefully find birds that could lay egg, cows, sheep or a goat. There were a lot of animals that could not morph so it was possible to find them. She really wanted to find a cat, she longed to own a cat again. Her mind was wondering and begin thinking there might not be cats here, what could she do then. Her mind gave her images of lions, foxes, panthers, she could find a beast that was in that likeness, she got a little excited, she could pet it all day and cuddle, how nice would that be, she was hoping she would see one soon.

While Alma was daydreaming about cats Odin and Keith were busy receiving a lot of beasts. There were much more beast that had come before at least one hundred. It would take much more time for the competition to finish than they had hoped. Odin was scanning through the beasts when he saw a familiar face, he slithered towards him hissing. He was not pleased.

Spiderman had been watching over the village for the female. He was not going to loose her so he kept watch or had a beast watch for him. The night before spiderman had been lazing around in a tall tree when he noticed a-lot of beasts heading towards the village. He stopped a three stripe beast to gather information. The beast trembled from fright. Spiders were not nice beasts, they did not stop you to chat with you, they would stop you to eat you. Spiderman told him to relax, he only needed information but if he was not satisfied with the information her would eat him, he was rather hungry and the beetle look delicious. The beetle told him that the beasts were going to the village for a competition, the spider ask him what kind of competition was it. The beetle did not want to answer, he knew it was not good for this feral to know but he really did not want to die, he cursed himself for thinking he was brave enough to fight for the female, he was not strong enough for beasts like this. After a little while the beetle decided to come clean and hoping the spider would let him go then. He told the spider that the beasts were fighting for a place to be a mate of a female. The spider smiled, this was the opportunity he had been waiting for, this should not be hard for him. He thanked the beetle and for a moment the beetle felt relieved but the spider spun a web trapping the beetle. The spider bit the beetle so the venom would kill him fast. He then spat acid to dissolve the beetle. He ate the beetle, he was quite satisfied, he was both full and he had a good chance to mate the female.

Odin wanted to kill the spider, he did not want that bastard near his mate. The spider was strong but not as strong as Odin. Spiders were known to be liars and deceiving, it would not bode well if he became her mate. Odin was rather sure the spider would not kill Alma but he would not hesitate to kill the other beasts if he could gain anything from it. Spider just smiled at Odin and told him it was nice to see him again. Odin did not feel the same he told him to leave. Spider-Man just laughed and told him he was going to fight for a place in Alma's family. Spider-Man told him he would be a good mate and would listen to him. Spider-Man told him they had been working together for over three hundreds years so he knew he could protect her well. Odin did not want to agree but it was true, the spider had six stripes and was almost six hundred years old. He was strong, crafty and highly intelligent. Alma needed more  mates like him but he was not sure if he could be trusted. Odin also thought what would happen if he did not win the spot, he seemed determined to get the female, he could and would probably work with other and try to kidnap her. Odin told himself that he could always kill the spider. He decided to let him try out in the competition and if he would not get in the top ten he would just eat him, it was safer to kill him if Alma would not accept him.

Keith looked over all the beasts. He could see the face of almost all the beasts from the first competition but he did not see the giraffe. He was rather surprised, he was so sure he would try again but then her thought of his age and thought it was likely that the giraffe wanted to be stronger before vying for Alma's attention again, he was sure he would see the giraffe again.

Ellos looked around, he was not happy with how many beasts had come, his chance was slim. There were many beasts with more stripes than him. He was surprised to see how many ferals were there. He could not imagine Alma picking any of them, they were just too unpredictable. It was not wise to have a mate as a feral. Ellos took a good look at Odin, he could not understand why she would choose him, he was bad tempered and always in a bad mood. He could not imagine Alma liking a beast like him. Ellos was rather sure Alma liked him and he hoped that it would be enough, he just was not sure he would get to meet her. The probability to get to the top ten again were rather small, he was one of the few four stripe beasts, most were five and some even higher than that. Ellos was a good fighter but he knew that he would not be able to win against a beast with more than five stripes, it just was almost impossible. He did not want to give up, he really wanted to be her mate but if he did not get to the top ten he would just follow her until he would get a chance to see her and get to know her. He had heard that Fannar had been accepted into the family. He felt stupid to have left, he could have gotten that spot, he had wanted to stay in the village but he could not leave his hoard unguarded, if he had done that it would have been stolen. He was going to gift all his treasure to Alma when she would accept him. He would give her all she wanted, for if she would pick him he would get all that he ever wanted.

Grey looked at his competitors and was rather impressed. He was a wanderer, looking for a female to mate with. Usually wolves live in packs but there were no females but his mother in the pack so he had to leave if he ever wanted to have an opportunity to have a mate. He had been looking for a long time, he had found only two females and he hated both of them. They wanted him for his stripes, nothing else, if he had liked them it would not have mattered but they were rotten and greedy. The females had promised to give him cubs but he did not believe them, most females were deceitful. They would promise you the moon but then give you a stone. He knew that if he were to stick with them they would probably never give him cubs and make him hunt endlessly for assassins preys. He longed for a mate, that could treat him like the beast that he was. He wanted a family. He wanted to be happy just like all other beast did. Ever since Grey left his pack he had been working hard to get stronger. It had been a wise decision to leave for it made him much stronger. He could only rely on himself so he could only fight or die and thankfully he was still alive. He was rather sure he would get into the top ten he heard the snake talk about. He was a seasoned fighter, he believed in himself. He was very curious about the female. He had heard the other beasts talking about her, he hoped she was as good as they described but if she was not he would just start his search again for a mate of his own.

Sorry for putting the chapter up so late, ill keep on with the competition for 1 to 3 chapters, there will be a few big beasts i want to introduce, i hope you liked it. I want to thank you all so much for reading and giving me stars, I am so thankful for you all for reading my book, have a great weekend ;)

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