Part 17 ~ The new mate

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After they had eaten, Alma wanted to go to the lake and clean herself, both her mates came with her since it was dark and they had to be more careful. Alma was so thankful for her shampoo and conditioner, she used it very sparingly but eventually it would run out. She was figuring what she could use instead of it. Then a thought came to her. She remembered seeing a YouTube video where there is a plant that produces a natural shampoo (it really does exist). She had seen people squeeze the juice effortlessly out of the plant and it always produced more. She thought that maybe she could find a similar plant here. She really needed some luck, she had no idea how to make her own things, she was no scientist nor was she an inventor. She however had always had a very creative mind and thought often about why has no one figure out how to make this and that but she never tried to make any of her ideas come to life. She had no belief in herself. She had always thought of herself as just stupid and was afraid to voice out anything for afraid to be ridiculed. She had been severely bullied as a child and the affect of that haunted her still to this day. She shook her head and whispered to herself again and again, I hate you, I hate you, unfortunately she was talking to herself. This was something she did often a day, she could not help it, if she thought about something she had said or done, often things she had said and done as a child she would do this. She unfortunately loathed herself. Both her mates heard her, she always forgets that they can hear well but when she is in her mind she can not shake it off. Keith joined her in the lake while Tram stood on guard, Keith took her in his arms and told her again and again that she was loved, so very loved. Alma just clinged on him until she had gotten a hold of herself. She lauged looked at Keith and told him that she was sorry and that she gets stupid often. Keith just kissed her head and told her she was not stupid she was a amazing, Alma just smiled and said nothing.

They went home, Alma all clean and ready for bed, they all lied down on the furs and Keith spooned Alma while Alma spooned Tram. She loved falling asleep like this, she felt safe and warm, how she loved them, she only wished Odin was here too. She thought about him sleeping, she hoped he was not cold, she thought about their cubs and she could not help but to smile. She could not wait to meet them, she was so afraid they would not like her. She knew they would not be able to morph until they had reached puberty. She was afraid she would not be able to communicate with them, how could she, she could not speak snake tongue. She hoped they could understand her at least. She was scared and also so excited. She was also so amazed that she had healed after the birth. The birth was not as she had expected, she had always imagined it to be so hard and so painful. That is how it is shown on tv but for her it was not. She also knew she was only birthing eggs if she were to birth a cub it would definitely be harder, but most cubs are much smaller than babies, she thought, then she thought about when sheep birthed lambs, lambs were pretty big, and it would be so weird to give birth to a lamb, she shook her head, not ready for that yet, not yet she thought. She finally fell into a dreamless dream and slept like a log.

When Alma woke up Tram was already making breakfast, she smelled meat, fruits and vegetables. She really wanted to find birds that could lay eggs like hens. She really had to get one of her mates to find few hens and a rooster for winter, eggs are very good for you and they are delicious. Alma told them she had made up her mind and she had considered their feelings too. She told them she hoped everyone would get along and if anyone got annoyed at anyone or angry to talk to her. She told them that we are a whole and if anyone is unhappy there would be a crack in the whole that would only get bigger and finally destroy the whole if not fixed. She was talking but they barely understood her, a whole of what they thought, but they understood, they all had to get along and voice out if they were not happy. They were both fine with that and Keith thought that if that did not work they could just fight it out when Alma did not see. Alma was so worried to break someone's heart. She knew the feeling of just wanting to belong, she did not want to be the cause to let anyone be left out. She had a big knot in her heart and she felt like crying. All this was so hard. She did not want to meet them and then look at their faces and see the disappointment. She felt an anxiety attack coming so she started to sing breath, just breath until she finally calmed down. Her mates were very worried, she was too emotional, she should not care about beasts she did not know, they just both held her and told her that everything would be ok, no one would be angry at her, this is just how the world is. She just whispered that she knew but it did not make her feel any better.

The finally reached the doctors house. Alma smiled at them and told them all, how much she appreciated their effort to want to be her mate. She told them she was so sorry that she could only pick one, she told them she was very sorry and she hoped they would not be disappointed or angry. All the beasts just looked at the sweet, little female, how sweet can a female be, she really did not want to let them down but they knew it could not be helped. They all told her they would not be angry and told her not to worry, they were not even her mates yet but still they put her feelings above their own. She was just that lovely in all their eyes. She looked at them all before she told them her decision. She lingered at the goofy giraffe, she was going to miss him, she thought to herself. She closed her eyes, inhaled to calm herself down again and told them that she had decided to pick Askell. Askell almost fell fell down, he was so astonished. He had hoped, he had hoped with all his hear but he really thought she would not pick him. He had been so sure, he could not believe he finally had his own female and hopefully she would let him have his cubs. He gave her an oath that he would protect her and her cups with his life till they day he died. He was so happy that he felt he would die, he wondered if it was possible for a beast to die from happiness, if so he surly would.

Alma told the rest of the beast not to forget that there still was one spot left and that would be filled after Odin came back. Most of them cheered up a little hearing this, their chance was not over yet. Fannar just smiled, there was no way he would let her slip through his fingers. He would get her, he had enough time. Fannar looked into her eyes and told her that he had decided to move to this village, he really liked it here and was all set for winter. Alma was very pleased to hear not so much her mates. They just knew this beast was going to annoy them immensely. Fannar just smiled, what he wanted he would get, but he was a very patient beast when he needed. He had all the time in the world.

Alma said goodbye to them all and told them she hoped to see them again soon. Her goofy giraffe told her, he would meet her again. He knew he was young and needed more practice, he knew that must have been the biggest reason why he was not picked, he was a stubborn beast and he was ready to work very hard to secure a place in her heart. He felt he belonged by her side but he also knew he needed experience, a lot more of it. He felt if he worked hard and came back he would have a chance, no matter what she would say he would never give her up, he would train until he bled and he would do whatever it would take to be by her side, his day would come one day, of that he was sure.

Alma looked at Oli and gave him a smile. She told him he was a wonderful beast and she hoped he was not angry at her. Oli thought how could anyone be angry at her, the female was just too kind, it was not good to be too kind. He really wanted to protect and love her for all eternity. He was going to try his best to have a place by her side, even though she would say no, he would not stop trying, he would follow her even to the Damna desert. Oli was determined as all the other beasts to better himself so he could secure a place by her side. He did not want to let her go so he just would not. She deserved the best so he would strive to be the best.

Alma said her goodbyes and walked back home with her new mate in tow. She knew they had to talk when they returned, she hoped he would accept her and was willing to wait to mate until she was ready. Alma had to first create an emotional bond before she could have sex with anyone, that was just how she was. When she had mated the doctor, she had known him for months and considered him a very good friend. She would have to admit it now that she had, had a crush on him so she was ready to mate with him at right away. She just hoped Askell would not mind, she hoped he was a patient beast. She thought to herself how crazy her life was, she was mated to beast, just straight out of a book she thought, so crazy.

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