Part 112 ~ Time flies

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Spring went by fast, everyone was busy, expanding the village and making it a better place, it had gone as Alma thought, beasts were starting to arrive wanting to settle down in their little village, Alma was happy since this what was she wanted but no female had yet to ask to settle down in their village. Since their village could not expand too fast she wanted to accept more stronger beasts than the beasts that had none or one to two stripes. There was a good reason for for it since there had to be more able minded beasts hunting and protecting the village, also the city desperately needed more beasts to inhabited it again so she turned down many and suggested them to move to the city since they had an alliance. Most did as she suggested, others decided to go back and try again when they were stronger. Ymir was working hard mending the city again, he had been very thankful to Alma for directing new beasts to come and dwell in his city even if they were not the strongest, they could help build the city again and make it a desirable place to live in once again.

It was already the middle of the summer and everything was going so well. Hafthor had been late arriving back to Alma's side since there had been too many jellyfishes in their territory. He had never had so many jellyfishes come to his domain. They did travel as a horde but they did not like living in this area, the cause was the earthquakes, there had been so many earthquakes in their area that they had to relocate, something was happening but Hafthor had no idea what it was, he just hoped the earthquakes and the opening of the ground did not happen in their domain, he had sent scouts to check what was happening and what he had found out worried him greatly, lava flowing from the ground and endless quakes that created tsunamis. There had been lot of damage happening also on land, the scout had told him that he had seen many beasts moving, moving to a more secure area. This worried him greatly, why was all this happening, he had lived along time and he had never experienced as many earthquakes and lava eruption, he was worried for Alma's safety, he just hoped they were far enough from any danger, at least he had felt no quakes in his area and the temperature of the sea has not risen so he hoped they would be safe but still he had a bad feeling in his stomach.

Alma had been told what was happening in the sea, at first she had been very worried that another horde would come and attack but she had been told that the horde had not went back when they had left last time, if anyone would come it would just be a few lonely assassins that got lost from the horde. She was glad to hear it since she never wanted to experience another horde ever again, still to be on the safe side Addis army was patrolling a wider area and flying beasts were also patrolling a larger area too, it was better to be safer than sorry.

While all of this was happening Alma did not stop dating her mates and potential mates, everything was going well and she felt the happiest she had ever felt.
Askell still could not fly and it was not known yet if he would ever be able to but still he did not let that stop him, he made himself useful and strived to be a mate that had just as much right as anyone else to stay by her side. Alma was very happy, Askell was recovering well and was not as gloomy as he had been, he had accepted that he would never be the same but that did not mean that life had to be over, it just meant it would change, Alma had made sure not to neglect him and her mates had all been helping with his recovery, they all knew that what had happened to Askel could very well happen to them, it made them feel better knowing that they would never be discarded, even if they would not be of any use.

Alma had been dating the spider, Pistris and Haffi since the beginning of spring, Gummi was also supposed to date her but he had been worried about the horde and all the earthquakes in the sea so he had volunteered going to that area and see if he could see what was the problem. Alma had thought it was not a good idea, he could not know what was wrong, she was from another place and she knew there was really no way of knowing what was the problem, maybe there were a lot of dormant volcanos in that area that had been awakened, she had no idea and she was sure Gummi would not know the reason either but she did not deter him, she knew he loved to travel and solve mysteries, so she kept her mouth shut, since he was not in danger of the horde, she thought it might be good for him to travel, since she knew he did not like to be in the same place for a long time, he would be back she was certain of it.

Dating the spider had been a challenge, sometimes it went wonderfully and sometimes not so good, she was trying her best to let bygones be bygones but sometimes it was hard. She was also trying to get used to his huge spiderform and it was not easy, she had never liked spiders, she was deathly afraid of them just as she was afraid of sharks, still she knew she had to overcome her fear, so she was making a lot of effort to get over it, as sexy as the spider was he was revolting in his beast from, he was so huge and his dreadful fangs were disturbing to look at, still she tried her best to get over it.

Pistris was not forgotten either but she had known him for the shortest time, he was shy, she was shy so it was taking some time, it did not help that he could not take her to explore down under since the jellyfishes were everywhere and it was not safe for her to go to the ocean plus Alma was deathly afraid of his beast form, their romance would take some time but that was okay, both of them were committed in making it work, they just needed more time to get to know one another.

Askell had suggested that Alma would take Haffi to their secret place, he loved their place but it was not safe for him to go there anytime soon, maybe even never, he reassured himself that they would find another place that they could make their own place. He wanted her to go there to remember their place so that even if she went there with other she would always think of him first. At first she was hesitant, she was scared he would regret it but he was adamant on her using the place so that is what she did but this time they did not go alone, she would never be able to travel as lightly as she had once did, now it was all about her safety and she was alright with that, she never wanted to experience what she had been through with Askel.
It was nice flying again, she loved being able to see their village and all the landscapes, it was truly a breathtaking sight. She loved flying, feeling the wind on her face, it felt like nothing else, truly amazing. They flew, speaking no words, going to a secret place to have a rendezvous.

Next time it will get steamy ;) hope you liked it have a great weekend everyone and again thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting, it as always just makes my day, i will most likely do another chapter in my new story tonight also :)

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