Part 9 ~ giving birth

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After takinu a good nap Alma woke up feeling pretty sore but very happy. After she stood up Keith examined her body to spot where is tortoise was. He could not be happier his beastmark was right above her chest, his tortoise was face to face with Odin mark. She seemed to love them both as much, how could he be any more happier. She told Keith it was time to get Odin and take him home. Keith and Alma walked hand in hand, Keith smiled, he was so proud he had finally gotten his girl, he was a proud beast, he finally felt like he belonged, he finally had a family. Tortoise beast did not give their cups a long time in the nest, you were thrown out very young and told to fend for yourself. Most beast did this with their cups since you could not coddle them if you wanted them to live, if you had a female cup she would be treated like a treasure. Having a female made the family gain respect and power. A female could have thousand of cups during her lifetime and never have a female. Females were considered very rare and beast were supposed to protect any female with their life since there was plenty of males, most did so. Most beasts treated females like goddesses and they loved it, females craved attention and were very lazy and self absorbed, it really was not their fault they were brought up like this and told everyday that they could do and have whatever they wanted.

When Alma and Keith walked hand in hand into the doctors cave Odins mood soured. He could smell they had mated and he wanted to rip the face off that annoying tortoise. Odin got up and took Alma in his arms, while giving Keith a death stare. Alma tried to calm him down by hugging him and telling him she loved him. Alma walked to the doctors room and told him they were leaving, she asked him to come by for dinner very soon, she told him she was so thankful for all he had done for her and told him to call her if he ever needed something. The doctors words were ready to come out but he hesitated and thus the moment was gone. He sighed to himself and told him there would always be tomorrow.

It did not take long for Keiths cave to become homely, Alma liked it more and more, she still did not see it as her forever home. She wanted to be in the city near the ocean. She loved the ocean even though she was very afraid of it. It was practical to be near it for fish and salt. She had been talking about this with both Keith and Odin. They told her they would go where ever she went, it did not matter where they lived as long as they were with her. Since Alma bore both their marks they could always find her, if she were to be kidnapped they could find her it just would take some time. That thought brought both of her mates reassurance.

It only took few days for Alma to go in labour. It started with her back aching and ended with horrible cramps in her womb. Keith went in a hurry to get the doctor. Odin was of no help, he just stood there frozen, he did not like to see her in so much pain and he felt angry at his hatchling to give her so much pain. Alma took his hand and told him everything was going to be alright and that soon they would be parents. The doctor came and told Alma that she would start giving birth to the eggs very shortly and just as he had finished the sentence her first egg popped out. The egg was green and smaller than she thought it would be, it was only a little bit bigger than a hen's egg. She was relieved, since birthing the eggs was not that painful and the eggs came one by one. Alma gave birth to 9 eggs, Alma was scared 9 children, how ever was she going to cope but still she felt excited to see them.

The seasons here were very different than back home, they had months, days hours and seconds but instead of having twelve months a year here it was eighteen months. And most of the seasons was spent on winter and summer. Spring took one month and fall was only a month too. She thought it was strange but she would get used to it. In this land they had two suns and four moons, it was beautiful to look at the moons at night, the moons were very big and seemed like they were very closed, she liked it though.

It was fall now and soon enough Odin would take their eggs to hibernate. Alma felt sad not being able to see him for four months, she would miss their babies too. Odin told him that the week before hibernation, he would become very cranky and would always be very tired, he told her he would have to leave in a few days. Alma hugged him and told him she would miss him so much and that she would count the days until he came back. Alma had a silver ring she gave him. She told him to put it on and keep it safe for her until he came back. She told him to look at the ring and think of her. Odin was very happy with his mates gift, he told her he would guard it with his life.

They as a family had a meeting and Alma told them that she wanted to move to a city near the sea after Odin came back from hibernation. She wanted more than this little village could give her. Their was also talk about safety. Ferals usually did not go to the city to steal females since the danger was just too much, of course it could still happen but they would still be safer. After a good discussion it was decided to move to Taurus city.

Keith had talked to Odin about Alma taking in a mate from the eagle tribe. Odin told him he could only pick a very strong male for her and only one. Keith asked if they should try to get Alma to bring the doctor to the family since her safety was a priority. The doctor could not fight but he was one of the best doctor in this world. Odin was not happy with this, he knew the doctor loved Alma but still he could not say no, if Alma would get sick or hurt and they not in the village she could easily die. Odin said yes only because Alma's life was top priority.

The day Odin left was hard for Odin and Alma. She hugged him tight and told him to take good care of himself and their babies. She kissed him again and again and told him she loved him and that she would miss him so much. Odin did not want to leave without her. This was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. He hated having to have to hibernate and not being with her, he was envious towards Keith. Keith would have her all to himself. He was scared she would love Keith more than him. Alma reassured him again and again he was loved and she would never leave him. She knew he needed reassurance so she gave it to him. Her heart felt heavy watching him leave with their children, she watched after him until she could not see him again. She thought to herself these months were going to be long.

Keith was happy to have her all to himself, he knew he would not have her alone for long so he wanted to savour the moment as long as he could. It would not be long until the eagle tribe would send out their best beasts for her to choose from. He had told her she would have to pick one from that tribe. Alma was not pleased to have to accept a stranger into their family but she would just have to get over it. At least she could choose and she would choose someone that would fit in the family. Alma throw crazy her life was she already had two mates and even though she loved them it did give her a headache. Odin did not like to share she knew it and she knew he would only get more and more jealous with each new mate, she sighed and thought to herself, life sure can get complicated.

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