Part 80 ~ Askell

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Askell was not giving up on life but it was getting harder to fight the warm light, it engulfed him, embraced him, made him feel like he belonged there and everything would be as it should, he was so tempted, he had never been so secure and safe but he could not bare leaving Alma. He knew what the light was and he knew where it would take him, if he let it lead him he would be just another beast in the goddesses garden, if he had not met Alma he would be content and follow the light happily but just thinking of not seeing her, feeling her, loving her and embracing her let him know that he would not follow the light willingly, he might never see her again if he went to the garden, she might live almost forever or she might return to her own heaven when her time was done, he was not willing to take the chance, so he fought with everything he had. He struggled leaving the warm light, he could hear a soft voice enticing him to join her in the garden but he paid her no mind he only wanted his Alma. He felt like he was swimming in mud, every movement was so heavy and so hard but still he persisted, with every move he made it became easier to move and he could move faster from the light. He could hear the goddess chuckle, she seemed amused by his determination, she did not try to help him but she did not make it harder for him either, she just watched him, she was amazed how the human had such a hold on her mates, it made her happy, she had made the right choice picking that soft female, she was everything that the other females were not, she just hoped she was enough to bring change back into her world. Her magic was fading, she used so much of it to bring Alma into her world, hoping she would bring order back and make things right that she had broken. Time would tell, she thought to herself, she lingered for a while watching the struggle of the male, she would not have picked him for Alma, she had been watching her every since she came into her world, hoping she would pick the best males but she had not picked the ones she had wanted but maybe that was a good thing she thought to herself, she sighed and thought again only time will tell.

Fortunately Alma was not that far from Askell and they did not have to travel for a long time until the merman found his minion and the poor hawk. Alma almost screamed from pain when she saw the sight of him, he was so mangled, he had lost his leg but not only had he lost his let he had deep wounds on his face and stomach, she did not know what to do, she was scared to hurt him if she would touch him, she walked carefully towards him and sat beside him, she talked to him, telling him that everything was going to be alright, he had to hold on and he could not leave her, she told him again and again how much she loved him, she wept silently while holding his hand. She could see the minion getting ready to cauterise his leg, she knew this could very well kill him, the pain would be so much, how she wished she could take all his pain away, she wished she could take his pain instead, she did not deserve him, he loved her so but here he laid closer to death than living and she was afraid she would never see him smile again, she was afraid to never be able to be in his arms and tell him how much she loved him. She told him the doctor was going to close the wound and it was going to hurt but she was going to be with him and help him, she told him not to worry she would take care of him. The doctor asked his king and the shark to hold Askell down while he cauterised his wound, Alma moved by his head carefully and held his head in her hands, she put her own head on his forehead, she gave him little feathery kisses while telling him, he was so strong, so brave and she loved him so much.

Askell was moving further from the warm light, he could not hear the voice of the goddess anymore but he could hear the sweet voice of his mate telling him to come back to her. Hearing her voice made him work even harder, he was not going to leave her, he heard that something was about to be done to him that would hurt a lot, he did not mind, if it helped him come back to his beloved he would endure it, he could feel his body becoming stronger, someone was helping him, by feeding him lifestones, he was very grateful, it truly helped him, he was just about to reach for his Alma when he felt like he was being sucked by a strong wind, he could not hold on to anything but it seemed to be helping him getting back to where he wanted to go, he stopped struggling and hoped this was supposed to happen. He could see the three males helping him and he could see his mate encouraging him to fight and come back to her, his heart was full of love and happiness but before he could ponder on this beautiful moment he was brought back to his body. He gasped, looked at his beautiful Alma but before he could do or say anything, he felt a pain like he had never felt before, it was excruciating, he screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to get away from the pain but he was stuck, the two males held him tight, there was no where for him to go, still he did not stop to struggle, he had to get away from the pain, it was agonising that he cried from the pain. Alma felt so bad for him, telling him again and again that he was so strong and everything was going to be alright. The pain was too much for poor Askell to bare and he finally passed out.

Alma got scared, she was so afraid he had not been strong enough to bare the pain. She looked at the doctor, pleading with him to save her mate, telling him she would do anything, she cried holding him, telling him again and again she would never leave him and he was not permitted to leave her, they had so many things they had yet to do, their life was just beginning, he was not allowed to end it, she pleaded with him again and again to wake up. The doctor and the other two males, felt sorry for the poor female, she was so distraught over her male. The minion looked at his king asking for permission to speak, the merman nodded his head. The doctor told the female that, Askell was not out the woods yet but he was much stronger than he had thought, he told her they could not move him for a while and he needed nurture and care and a lot of lifestones. Alma looked at him desperately, she had no stones on her, they were all back home in the village, she looked at the two sea beast and pleaded with them to help her mate, she would even be willing to mate with them as soon as her mate woke up if they would just help him. Both the males were quick to offer her all kinds of lifestones and told her they would go and get more, they both looked at each other, hoping they would each be the first to give her the stones she needed, they were in a battle, they each wanted to mate her, but both wanted to be the first, so the fight was on but before they left the merman asked his minion to look after his female and her mate, his minion could only do as he was told, besides there were many mermen in the sea also on the lookout keeping a watchful eye on their future queen. Alma looked at the doctor, she thanked him with all her heart for helping his mate, she told him she was willing to offer him a place in her family for rescuing her mate. The minion was flabbergasted, he got so excited and scared at the same time, what would his king think of her proposal?

80 chapters in, wow i love writing this story, i hope you liked this chapter, what do you think about the goddess? Ill try to update again tomorrow, thank you all for you patience but mostly thank you so much for reading my story and liking it, it really just makes my day :) goodnight

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