Part 43 ~ The decision 2

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Alma told them she had not been fond of the lion and she wanted to skip him without even discussing him. Odin was pleased he hated the lion and had wanted to eat him a few times, his arrogance was just astounding, Odin was very arrogant himself but that lion just saw nothing but himself, Odin was sure that the lion would kiss his own ass if he could, he loved himself so much, that image put a smile on Odins face. Keith agreed with both Alma and Odin, that lion was insufferable, he would not be able to be one of the family, he would sow discord between the males in effort to try to make Alma like him the most, he was ruthless and very calculation, which was a good thing to be but he was just such an ass that he could not tolerate him but if Alma would have chosen him he would have sucked it up for, she and her longings would always be in first place, he was so thankful she saw through the lions looks, inside he was rotten to the core.

Alma asked them what they thought of the stallion, Odin and Keith both agreed he would be a great asset to the family, he would come in with a horde that would protect Alma with their lives. Fannar decided to chime in his two cents. Fannar had traveled a bit and had traveled for a while with a herd of horses. Fannar told them that Addis horses were wild horses that liked to roam freely through the world, they did not like to stay for a long time in one place but they could if they wanted or needed but their heart was in the wild. Fannar was not sure that Addis herd would stay with him forever if they decided to plant roots permanently in one place, they might but they might not, Fannar told them Addis herd would still stay with him for a good time, they thought of him as their king and Addi was a good leader but they might get restless after a long time and want to roam around, Addi would probably not want to roam with them since he would not want to leave his mate. Alma felt horrible hearing that, she could not imagine holding anyone down, she did did not want to do that to them but she really liked Addi but it would be very selfish taking him away from his herd, she did not know what to do. Keith told Fannar that though they would move to Taurus city they could move again when ever Alma wanted, if they moved every now and then Addis herd would get to roam around now and then and he was sure Addi would be able to leave Alma for a few weeks or months to keep his herd happy. Alma light up hearing this and felt happy in her heart, yes she was very willing to move every now and then since they would live for a long time and she really wanted to see more of this world, she really wanted to travel to the dragon land, she hopelessly wanted to see a dragon, that would just be the coolest. Alma thought this arrangement would work out fine for everyone and this would hopefully make everyone happy, she really liked Addi not only because of what he would bring but because he was such a kindhearted soul that needed help, she was sure she would be able to help him open up and help him with his speech impediment, she was more than willing to help him, poor guy she thought.

Alma told them that she really liked Ulfar, she told them that he had helped her with her anxiety, he was such a nice beast, he needed a good family to join and her family was the best, her mates were just the sweetest and he would be able to be happy with them all, she was sure of it. Alma told them also that he was such a strong beast and he deserved a place in the family, Odin was not happy that she had liked the Komodo dragon, he really dislike him, that dragon loved messing with him and making him angry, Odin had threatened Ulfar many times that he would eat him but still he never did, since deep down he liked the dragon but he would never admit it to no one, they were always competing and Odin always won, still he was scared that the dragon might steal Alma's heart and make her love the dragon more than himself, Odin could not help it, he was very selfish, still he had come a long way since meeting Alma, he would always put her first, she was the most important person in his heart and always would be, if she would die he would eat her so that she would always be with him, then he would eat himself until there was nothing left to eat. When a snake had a mate and the mate lost its life it was in their dna to eat their mate and then eat themselves, why they did this nobody knew but it just was their nature, fortunately Alma did not know this and Odin was not going to tell her this, he was scared that that annoying dragon might tell her, he had to talk to him if Alma picked him to join the family.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Alma told them about Haffi the bat, she really liked him, just like she liked everyone else. Keith was very on board with letting the bat join the family. Bats had excellent hearing, they could hear much better than any other beasts in all the land, they could hear beasts whisper from more than a kilometre away, absolutely incredible hearing. That was very useful skill to have since they could hear if anyone was coming, they could also hear how many beast were walking, a very useful skill to have indeed. Keith told them all about it, this was not a common knowledge since bats usually did not like to live amongst any other beasts than their own kind, not unless they had a mate, they were very secretive about their skills, the only reason Keith knew about their skills is that when he was a pup he had saved a young bat from a beasts mouth, they became close, they were as close as brothers and told each other about their dreams and sorrows, his friend Doddi had told him about his skills, they had protected each other for a while until Doddi was eaten by another feral, it was like he was destined to die that way, Keith still had scars on the inside after that day, he was still so young and was no match to a three stripe crocodile, Doddi had no chance, he only wished he had not asked Doddi to go to the lake to cool off, if not than Doddi would still be alive today. Keith buried his feelings down, now was not the time to mourn his brother, he would never forget him and when he would finally have his own cub with Alma, he would name his first born Doddi in honour of his friend.

Alma felt that Keith looked sad, she was scared he was not happy with adding another mate to the family, so she walked to him and gave him a hug and told him that he would always be her favourite tortoise, just a few words from Alma was enough to lift his spirits, she was all the medicine he would ever need. Odin was about to protest when he heard her say tortoise, he almost had an heart attack, no one was allowed to be loved more than him, he still felt sour and scuffed, Alma gave him a wink and told him he was the sexiest snake she had ever seen, that was enough to brighten his day, of course he was the sexiest snake, he just knew she loved him the most ;)

Alma asked them what they thought of Gumma, the fox, well they did not dislike him per say but still he was not what he looked like, he looked like an innocent cute little fox but looks can be deceiving, he was incredibly intelligent, strategic and wise and much stronger than they had thought, he would most definitely be a huge asset to their family, he had vast knowledge but the best thing about him was that he was a magical being, he was favoured by the beast goddess and it was told to be very good to have a magical being in the harem, it was told they would bring luck and fortune to their mate, something that they all wanted for their mate. Alma had no idea about this, she liked Gummi, he was incredibly attractive and she enjoyed talking to him but she felt like he wanted something from her and she did not know if that was in her best interest or not, still to have magic in their family would just be amazing and she knew that if Gummi was a human he would be a president or a king, and he would have been a very good one, of that she was sure, there was just something about him, and she really wanted to know more, just like he wanted to know more about her, this one would be tricky she thought to herself.

Next chapter you will know who will be joining, it might be one or more, I'm still deciding, what do you guys think,
This story is going to be longer than i had thought, there is just too much i want to do so it might be volume 1 and then volume 2, I'm still deciding, I can not wait until she moves :)

What do you think about transmigration stories, i dreamt a dream about it yesterday, i really like it so it might be something ill write later, its about a modern Icelandic girl that will be transmigrated to another world, similar to ancient china :) ill probably update on Monday next :)

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