Part 40 ~ Meeting the beasts 7

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I can not believe I have reached chapter 40, the meetings have been taking much more time than I originally planned but when i start it just comes, i will try to shorten it since I am very excited for the move :)

Addi left Alma in a trance, he barely was coherent near her and he felt ashamed of himself, he had never behaved like he did with Alma before and he was scared that he would never be able to communicate with her like a normal beast, still he felt wonderful, he enjoyed his time with her, he just wished it could have been much longer but he was patent, he would wait.

Alma looked at Addi walk away, he was such a sweet beast, he had barely spoken the time they spent together but he made her feel peaceful. One of the few things he told her is that he was a stallion, Alma had always loved horses, she used to own a horse when she was a teenager, she loved that horse so much. Alma did not have friends when she was young, she was bullied endlessly so she sought comfort from animals and had always had a deep connection with them. She thought about her beautiful horse, she missed him so much but he had been dead for a long time, they had been very close, he followed her like a puppy and sought her out, Alma teared up thinking about him, she was going to start to cry, her poor Fífill, was such a good horse, how she wished he could be here with her too, she cried a little before trying to calm herself down, the next beast could come at any time, she did not want anyone to see her like this, he would think she was a crybaby, then she thought that she really was a crybaby so maybe he should be warned,

Ulfar went to the cave as soon as Addi returned, he was very excited to finally meet the famous female. He knew some about her, like she could sing, he had heard merefolks sing and he had enjoyed it, he also heard she was nothing like other females, he could hardly wait to see how she look like, he hoped he would be pleasantly surprised, he was sure he would be. When he entered the cave he could hear the female cry, he looked at her and saw her crying, his heart skipped a beat, she was something else, he understood just by looking at her why Odin had taken her, she was very different, she was so small and vulnerable, he felt angry in his heart, he thought that dam stallion had hurt her and he wanted to avenger her by eating that scumbag. Alma stood up as soon as she saw him, she dried her tears and told him she was sorry for being such an emotional reck. She told him she once had a horse and she had thought of him when she saw Addi so she felt sad and cried. Ulfar was perplexed and asked if it was a horse beast but Alma told him no it was just a regular horse, she had thought that horses existed here also like many other animals but they did not. She gave Ulfar information that she really should not have given because he knew just by that information that she was not from there. Horses had at one time lived in the beastworld but they went extinct millions of years ago, this was common knowledge, Ulfar said nothing but he put on a smile and comforted her. Alma really appreciated how kind he was to her so she told him. Of all the beast she had seen he was the most exotic, his skin colour had a hint of green in it, nothing she had ever seen before but it suited him very well, she could not imagine him otherwise. His eyes reminded her of lizards but she really liked it, he had deep green eyes that seemed to see deep into your soul.

Alma invited him to sit down, so they sat down and Alma started to ask him questions. She asked if he was a lizard beast, he told her he was a Komodo dragon, she got goosebumps all over her skin, she had read many stories about komodo dragons, they were very deadly and could eat a whole human up, they were very venomous and very deadly, she had seen many scary stories on YouTube about them. When she looked at him he did not give off the aura of being dangerous, maybe that makes him even more dangerous, she thought to herself. She could see he was very intelligent and observant, she had a thought that he reminded her of a villain but she just shook her head and thought she was crazy. Ulfar very much enjoyed her company, she was intelligent, charming and a looker, he felt very happy about coming to see her. Ulfar could see in just a few minutes why Odin had fallen for this female, she was very kind, it was not good to be too kind in this world, it was very dangerous, she had been lucky but it was only a matter of time when luck would not be on her side he thought. She would be craved by many very soon and she would need a big harem to protect her, he got a headache just thinking about it but still he wanted to join her harem. Ulfar was a very strong feral but it was always better and more secure to be in a group. He was sure she would have many elite mates, even stronger than she had now and he wanted to be among them, he would get a title just by being one of her mate.
She was lovely, he really wanted to hear her sing so he decided to ask if she would sing for him. Alma smiled, she had decided to only sing for her mates but he was so nice and she felt so secure by being near him that she decided to sing for him, she sang one of her favourited song blank space by Taylor Swift. She started to sing and Ulfar almost forgot to breath, she was singing using words, he had never heard anything like but he liked it immensely, she danced while she sang and he just watched her, everything about her was different, the way she talked, the way she moved and the way she made you feel. She made him feel like he was the most important beast in the world, he liked the feeling, he had always wanted to be wanted but that was not a thing a Komodo dragon could dream of, ferals like him could never get a mate willingly, it would only be suicide if they did. Even though he was a cold blooded beast all he ever wanted was to feel like he belonged and feel wanted. She made him feel things he had never felt before, he craved her, he wanted nothing more than to bend her over and take her, he forgot himself for a second and that was enough to get a very prominent erection. He tried to hide it but Alma had seen it. She stopped dancing but kept on singing, she felt sorry for him, he was probably very embarrassed so she decided to behave like she saw nothing. Ulfar could see that she saw but she still did nothing, she truly was kind, most females would have cussed him out if they did not want him as a mate, the other would have just jumped on him to finish the bond. He liked her and he decided she was the one for him, he felt it was also very good that Odin was her mate, he loved teasing that stubborn snake, he would have such a good time making him pissed off. He had always admired the snake, he wanted to be just as him, Odin was one of the best and he would only become better, there was no doubt about that his future was bright, he just hoped that his future was as bright as his. He really wanted to spend the future with this female, she had so many secrets he wanted to know but he was very sure she was not from here and he really wanted to know where she was from.

Alma loved spending time with Ulfar, she would feel content just being near him without speaking, she had first been frightened of him but that feeling quickly went away, she was sure he could control his aura to sooth her. She felt that if he could control his aura he might be able to help her with her anxiety. He was not talker but she did not mind it at all. It was like he could talk without using words, just his eyes. His eyes were mesmerising, she would never forget them, everything about him was incredible, she thought about how it would feel touching his light green skin, she was sure it would be amazing, she hoped she would be able to. Alma watched Ulfar walk away, she wished they could have spent more time together, just enjoying each others company, without speaking a word.

How are you liking Ulfar? :)
I'm going to try to wrap up the meetings in next chapter, ill try my best :)

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