Part 14 ~ Last four dates

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I decided to write the last dates since I'm excited for what is coming next, thank you all for reading my story, replying and giving me stars, I am very thankful :)

Alma was ready for the next one, she told herself just four more then I can make an impossible decision, why do they all have to be so good, this is just unfair she thought feeling sorry for herself.

Next beast came almost skipping with excitement. Before Alma could welcome him he told her that she was so tiny, just like a mouse, he said he liked mouses, especially cute mouses like herself. Alma just smiled, and thought to herself, he sees me like a rodent, how cute, i think. He was barrel of laughs, did not take himself too serious but he was not that intelligent, Alma thought to herself it is not like I am that smart myself, he is sweet, he would be a wonderful mate, he was so cute, he had white long hair, it seemed to be rather hard, she had never seen hair like this before. She was sure that indicated just what kind of beast he was. He told her his name was Sama and that he was a fifty five year old porcupine. Alma had always liked porcupine, they were so cute and could defend the if needed. She could just imagine what kind of damage he could cause, it would not be pretty, she was sure of that. He was very outgoing and if he was a human, people would just be drawn to him, he reminded her of a rainbow. She really liked him but she was not sure if she could like him romantically, she looked at him more like a little brother, he was such a cute guy. She was just not so sure. He would fit well with the family, he seemed very care free and seemed like he would listen well and do what was needed for the family.
It was time for the next date, they both stood up, just before Alma was going to say goodbye he gave her a big hug and told her she was so nice and he loved hugging her, he did not seem to want to let her go but it was time for the next beast. She watched him leave thinking to herself what a cute little brother.

She saw the next beast walking rather slowly. He looked at her and his face lit up, he instantly walked faster so he could meet her. He told her he had been waiting so long to meet her and he really liked her. He told her she smelled really nice so nice he wanted to take a bite. Alma just gave a fake laugh and said thank you, she was not sure what she should say but thank you seemed right. He sat down before she did. He gave himself tea and told her he liked it and if he could have more. Alma was very pleased he was the only beast that liked her tea, hopefully someone else would also like it. She gave him a big smile and gave him more. He told her that he was a hundred and one year old, four stripe skunk and his name was Oscar. The first thing Alma thought about was the skunk in the cartoons, he really resembled him a lot she thought to herself, she almost laughed out loud. He was very handsome like the rest of them but he was loud and liked to laugh at his own jokes. Alma just found him to be cute and childlike. She could just imagine the smell he would give out when needed, it must be like a poisonous gas, she never wanted to learn of the smell, it would probably be silent and very deadly. He was very curious about everything and wanted to know her whole life story. Alma was not ready to talk about her past unless it was her mate. She had to be careful. She did not know wether they would kill people that were not from here so she was vague and told she lived far away. They had a good time and she liked him but she did not see him like a mate, he would not fit in well with the family, she could just see how Keith, Tram and mostly Odin be very annoyed by him. She was sure he would not do it on purpose he just felt like problems and she wanted less of them. She wished him well in her heart and prepared for the next beast.

The next beast that came was slim and not that tall, he was much taller than her though but much smaller than the rest of her beasts. He seemed cunning and very intelligent, he gave off a very proud aura. He had proper manners and greeted her well. Alma felt like a queen, he gave her honey, he was the only beast that had given her a presents, she felt very thankful and told him she was so sorry but she had nothing for him. He told her that meeting her was just the best present he would ever have in his whole life. Alma thought that he was such a smooth talker, she was very thankful for the honey, she could use it in so many ways. She just hoped he did not think she would choose him just because of the gift. Alma was sure he would not though, he probably just wanted to make a good first impression. She asked him to sit down and offered him some tea, he was very pleased and thankful, he took little sips quite often, he seemed to like it, it made Alma happy. He told her his name was Oli and that he was an one hundred and eighteen year old, four stripe Meerkat. Alma had to think a bit since English was not her first language. She asked him to morph for her and he did. As soon as she saw the beastform she was smitten, he was so cute. She remember seeing documentaries about Meerkats back home. The live together and are protective. She thought he must come from a good family. She asked him about his family and how it was growing up. She could just watch him all day, his skin was rather greyish but it suited him so well, he was dashing, so handsome that girls would swoon over him. She could get lost just watching him talk, what a stunner. He told her that his mother was the queen of his tribe and she was the only female they had. He came from a big family like most all beasts, but his fathers tended to him as cup and he was loved. Mothers usually do not show motherly love to her cups unless it is a female, his mother was like the rest but he did not mind, all his fathers made up not having a good mother. After a cup reaches puberty he has to leave and make it on his own. It is very hard and your survival depends all how well fathers teach their cups. Oli felt thankful to his father if not for them teaching him, he would have been eaten up before reaching adulthood. Alma could listen to his stories about his past for days, he was a great storyteller. She was sure he would fit very well in the family, he was very intelligent and would not ruffle any feathers unless he really needed. They both stood up. Oli told her that he was very thankful for having been giving the opportunity to be her mate. He told her she was incredible and he really wanted to be her mate. Alma just smiled, she could not give him an answer right away, there was one beast left, the last five stripe beast.

It was getting dark and she was pretty tired, she was so over dating, this day had been so long and she was ready to eat, take a good cleaning and sleep like a log. She watched the last beast walk towards her. She could not see him clearly since it was dark but he was getting closer as soon as he came inside the cave he turned to greet her but he seemed to have two left feet and he fell on Alma. Alma almost screamed and she got ready for the impact, which never came. The beast fortunately managed to switch positions with her so he fell first on the floor and she fell on top of him. He told her again and again how sorry he was, he could barely speak, he stuttered so much. Alma thought to herself that the poor guy was so stressed that he became clumsy and did not know what to do. Alma just laughed and told him it was ok, it was just an accident, it is fine, if any of her mates would have seen him falling on her he would have gotten a big beating. Alma was glad that no one saw, she was sure they would make a huge deal out of it. Alma told him to relax, she took his hand and told him it was ok just breathe. He fell in love with her before she fell on top of him. He had seen a few females in his lifetime and she was definitely the nicest. She was a dream come true, so beautiful both on the inside and outside. Fannar had never minded a females beauty since none of them were that attractive. He wanted a nice female that he could take care of and love and hopefully have many, many cups. He looked at her with hearts in his eyes. Even if she was a bad female he would not mind, he would just be bad with her. He would do anything for her. He would never love another and if she would not choose him, he would just follow her until she would give in, she would sooner or later accept him, he made that vow to himself. Fannar told Alma his name and he told her that he was about five hundred year old five stripe vulture. Alma got excited again, he could fly, then she thought she was too heavy they probably would not be able to fly with her on her back, she became sullen with that thought but was quick to get a hold of herself since he deserved her full attention. She asked wether he circled his prey and waited for it to die and he told her that if he found a beast near death and it was not his kill his nature would let him fly in circles above they prey until it took it last prey. He assured her he could well hunt for himself and mate. He could do whatever she wanted and needed. He was a very strong beast and a hard worker. He knew where his role would be in the family and she could boss him around all she liked. Alma just laughed out loud, he really wanted to join her family it seemed. Everything about him was perfect. He had long red hair, and red eyes too. He was sinfully sexy, Alma's mind went to a naughty place, she spaced out for a while until he called her name again. She was flushed and told him that it had been a long day and she was rather tired. She told him he was a very nice beast but she would have to talk to her mates before she could give them her answer. He told her he would wait eternity for her, Alma cringed a little and found it hilariously lame, he was cute, very cute. Fannar took her hand, looked deeply in her eyes and kissed her hand, she could feel his tongue but it was only for a second. She told him she tasted just as good as she smelled. Alma was getting hot and embarrassed. She quickly waved goodbye and told him to sleep well. He told her he would dream sweet dreams of her. She cringed again, so lame, she thought so, so lame but I like it.

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