Part 114 ~ Spider problems

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Haffi and Alma stayed in the lagoon for a while, in each other arms, just enjoying each others company, Her bat tattoo was at the back of her neck, the bat was so beautiful but Alma would not be able to see it until she would go home and find her bag with her secret items, but when she finally did she loved it, just as much as Haffi did. Just before it got dark they headed back home, it was not wise to travel after dark even if you had beasts protecting you. Alma just enjoyed her flight home, she never could have imagined that she would ever be flying on a beasts to travel but here she was living this crazy fantasy and loving every minute of it.

As soon as they got home dinner was waiting for them and a very frustrated little lamb that had been calling for her mother for a long time, Alma felt a little guilty so she took Gudda in her arms and cuddle and played with her until she stopped complaining. They all enjoyed a relaxing dinner, laughing and talking, no one was arguing or jealous, it seemed that the winter had really made all the beasts get to know each other and respect each other place in the family, Alma was very glad since she had learned that it was the responsibility of females of making sure there was harmony in her harem. Alma knew she had not been doing a very good job in that department but she had gotten much better than before, she still had a hard time setting hard boundaries and speaking up when they were crossed, still she knew she had only just begun her journey to heal and it would most likely take her a long time to fully recover if that was even possible, still she was happy with how things were going and she felt that everything was as it should be.

Hafthor was very concerned about what was happening in the sea and on land, the volcanic erupting was happening both on land and sea, beasts were fleeing their homes in panic, just trying to survive and beasts that lived in the ocean were flocking to Hafthor territory, it were not beasts that you wanted to have in your territory since they themselves wanted their own territory. Hafthor was frighten there might be a war for territory, since his was plenty full of fish, caves and all resources an ocean beast needed, still he would fight tooth and nail for his space, he had to protect it not only for his sake but for his mate sake, he was hoping he would be able to come to an understanding with the polar bears, seals, penguins and walruses, they were intelligent beasts that could listen to sound of reason if they wanted to. All this chaos had made him not be able to be with his pregnant mate, he was very frustrated since he could feel his cubs siren him to them but he could not leave the sea in a time like this, everything had to be taken care of before he would take his eggs to their nesting place or else they might be in danger.
Alma knew what was happening in the sea so she was very understanding why Hafthor could not be with her and their cubs at the moment, she made sure to talk about their father to her belly every day, it always made her belly glow and it never seized to amaze her.

Fortunately nothing was happening in their area, there were no earthquakes, nor hot lava spewing from a volcano, their village had been peaceful but that would all change in the coming days and weeks.

The spider had been spending so much time wooing Alma, there was nothing he would not do to try to impress her, he make a hammock from his web outside their home, Alma really enjoyed it and she even let him rock her gently while she took naps during the day.
He was still the only one tasked with taking care of all the excrement for the village, it was a very shitty job to do, especially for a powerful beast as him but he never complain, he volunteered for every job that no one else wanted, he was very enthusiastic if Alma was near to show her he was trying his best. Alma had spent a lot of time with the spider since spring and she had come to know that he was quick witted and could be very funny even when he was not even trying to be, her apprehension towards him had diminished immensely. She could see how hard he was working and how much he wanted to be a part of her harem, he even had friends now, that was something Alma had never thought would happen, he used to eat beasts that could morph if they were unfortunate enough to come his way. Alma had thought a lot about it and she thought she had been too hard on him, Keith had forgiven him a long time ago and he was the one that wanted the spider the most to join the family, so after that she decided to to let go of the past, he was not the same beast he was when she met him and she was not the same Alma she was back then either. In this world there would always be a lot of violence and killing, it was just how things were and she had to adjust to that too. After she had forgiven him she found it was easy to fall under his spell, he was like the black widow except he was the male, she felt he would devour her up if he got the chance.

A lot of beast were fleeing all together, hoping that they would be safer in a pack then all by themselves, one beast that was fleeing his home was a very tired red panda named Magni. He had been forced to leave his home, most of his pack were killed by the hot lava flowing everywhere and they were trapped, it was hard for Magni to watch his friends and family melt in the lava with screams and he could do nothing about it, still he had no other choice but to move and find a new home. He thought about Alma, how he wished now that she would have made him her mate, he could have been lounging, eating and sleeping while her mates took care of everything, he thought that he could entertain her with his form and eat and be merry while the other did all the work, how he wished, that was his life, now he had to walk such a long walk and he was so very hungry, there was nothing edible anywhere near where he had been walking, he had been trying to hitch a ride with the birds, telling him his paws hurt so much but they just ignored him, so rude of them, he sighed to himself, he was in such a bad state, he was so overworked, he dreamed of Alma feeding him while he was laying in bed, ahh what a life that would be he thought to himself. They were all heading to Taurus city hoping to get entry and a home, some had heard of a village near the city that was even better than the city, some wanted to settle there, out of all the beasts travelling there were only two female who had survived the erupting volcano, they were tired, cranky and ready to take in any mate that was willing to give them a decent home. It would not be long until they would enter their destination.

I love Magni so i brought him back, I hope you like it, ill try to update again in 3 to 5 days, thank you all so much for reading, liking and commenting, its hard to end the story, I've grown so fond of a lot of the character but its not that far off, hopefully just under or around 120 chapter. 

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