Part 87 ~ The Village

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It had finally happened, Odin could see the horde was finally leaving, after fighting endlessly for it seemed weeks to him it was about to end, there were only few left and they could not get through the web, so finally they did not have to fight, still the poor spider had to keep his vigilance as his work was yet not done, without his net the rest of the horde would break through and would cause a lot of havoc in their village. Odin was tired but he had a lot of work to do still, they had so many carcasses of preys everywhere and they needed to get rid of it, the town was starting to stench badly with the smell of death but before they could get rid of it they had to harvest all the stones so that it could be harvested, with the amount of assassins prey they killed, they would be able to live a very wealthy life for a very long time, Odin had never hunted as many preys as they had all killed in this time. He truly did not like the spider but he was very thankful that he had stayed around to protect Alma's village, he knew she would have been heartbroken if it would have crumbled.

Odin looked at Taurus city, not too long ago it stood proudly on the hill, now it was in ruins, still Odin felt nothing, he had nothing to do with that city, in fact it made him a little annoyed just looking at it now for he knew a lot of beast would want to seek shelter and help from them and he did not want to give them any help, they would not be able to feed nor shelter everyone before winter and it was not their responsibility but he knew how Alma was and he knew she would want to help, sometimes her thoughtfulness irritated him since he knew it would put a lot of work on all their shoulders but still he would never refuse her, he was mostly irate of how her thoughts would be filled with others beasts and not him.

While Odin was working hard and making sure everyone was doing their share he noticed the mermen's on the shore, fighting with the rest of the horde, he was perplexed and could not understand why they would help them, beasts would not just offer help to another beast without expecting something in return, he had a bad feeling in his stomach that something was not as it should and he became very worried, maybe Alma was not at the special place he had heard Askell mention to Alma a few days ago, he felt restless and did not know what to do, in his panic state he forgot that he would feel it if Alma would have died so he was thinking the worst at first but after a few moments he got himself together. He was quick to find Haffi, the bat and Fannar. He told them that one of them had to go and locate Alma and Askell and the other one had to fly the assassin's carcasses where the alligators lived, it was the best way to get rid of it, those alligators ate everything and it would be a lot less work for them. It would have made sense to pick Fannar to go and find Alma since she was his mate and he could locate her to a degree but it would still take some time, the further she would be the harder it would be to find her so Odin decided it was better for Haffi to go since his hearing was immaculate, and he had very good eyesight also. Odin was sure that Haffi would locate her faster than Fannar could, Fannar tried to protest since he wanted to go and find his mate but Odin had made his mind up. Haffi had been worried sick about Alma so he was delighted to have been chosen to find her. He took his mission very seriously, even though he had not slept in days nor eaten that much either he still morphed instantly and took flight, he had a mission to finish and he would find her as fast as he could. He hoped she was still safe with Askell but seeing how frantic Odin was for him to start made him worry that she might not have been safe as they all thought.

Odin watched Haffi fly away, he could only put all his faith on him and if he found her fast he would be rewarded well, he would make sure of that. Odin had lived a very long life but he had never encountered as much havoc as he had during the attack. He opened his eyes to how easy it all could really end and that Alma needed a fleet of beasts at her disposal. Her safety was all he could think about and he would try his best that she would be safe, he could only pray to the goddess that Alma would return to them safely. Odin could not crumble, Alma relied on him to protect her cub and her people so he gave commends left and right, they needed to clean the place up before Alma returned, he did not want to worry her, he would make sure the town would be in the same condition before she left when she would return.

Poor Fannar was getting very tired, he had been working nonstop for days with no rest and he was hungry too but still he powered through, he was after all only a four stripe beasts so it was harder for him to go without food and rest for a long period of time, still he did not stop, he wanted to be just as useful as Alma's other mates so he took at least two carcasses to the alligators at the same time, some where bigger than the other and it sometimes it was so hard to take off but he did not stop, he knew they all had to work hard, everyone was doing their part and he had to do his, they had to get rid of them all before she came back but still there were so many of them, how he wished there were more flying beasts in the village but he could only complain to himself and keep on working. No matter how many lifeless assassins prey he threw in the alligators home it was eaten, he often wondered if they would never be full, he had threw away so many preys at them but still they ate it, it baffled Fannar, even though there were many of alligators there were way more carcasses, maybe their stomach was just bottomless he thought to himself. He was so tired but he powered through it all, there was so much work to do still.

Odin watched the mermen fighting off the horde, he was silent, he did not help them, he just watched them, thinking a reason why the would feel the need to help them and he could only think of one reason and that was Alma, Alma might be in trouble, if it were the old him he would have gotten enraged and probably ate them but he did not, he was angry and scared but he knew that eating them would not help him find her, he got up, morphed and went to the shore, helping the mermen getting rid of the last preys, he was sure they would know where his mate was and with whom.

I hope you like it, ill try to update another chapter tomorrow, i wanted to write about the village since a lot has happened and a lot will happen, thank you all again so much for reading, giving me likes and commenting it really brightens my day and puts a smile on my face every time, goodnight/good day or good evening.

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