Part 36 ~ Meeting the beasts 3

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Alma was having a great time meeting the new beasts, she liked both Grey and Eyvi a lot, she could not imagine meeting another beast that she would like better than them, she was in a big dilemma, she liked them both so much but she could only pick one, she felt rather sad, she knew they both would be wonderful mates and she really liked them, she never thought that picking between husbands would ever be something she would have to worry about.

Alma was in deep thought when she looked outside, what she saw filled her with fright. She saw the spider that had helped Odin kidnap her, she was scared he was going to take her away, she could not imagine he would be here for the competition. The spider walked lazily towards Alma with a sly smile on his face. He finally saw her again, he had missed her terribly, he loved looking at her face, she was such a cute little thing, he thought about the little beetle he had ate a few days ago, he wondered if she would taste as sweet but of course he did not want to kill her she was far too interesting to end up in his stomach, she was going to be his mate one way or another, he had decided that during winter. He had been alone for such a long time, usually spiders never took in mates, they mated of course like other beasts but they were far too secluded to want to have someone else in their space. He had been alone most of his life and it was beginning to be a bore, he needed something more, a little more excitement in his life and she was just what he needed, he was very sure of it.

Alma just stood there paralysed, she was afraid he might eat her, she knew just by looking at him that he was not a good beast. Odin had issues but he was a huge red flag walking towards her. He was handsome as sin but just as dangerous. She had always been very afraid of spiders, ever since she was a young girl, still she never killed them, she just asked her father to take it outside, having so many eyes was just too creepy for Alma. Spiderman finally reached Alma and told her she looked good enough to eat, Alma froze, scared that he would actually eat her, after a short pause he started laughing and told her he was just joking, Alma really did not find it funny at all, just very creepy. She was on high alert but tried not to let it show, she just smiled and asked him to sit down. Spiderman sat down and told her he was sorry if he had scared her, he cleverly put all the blame on Odin and told her how Odin had made him help him. Alma knew a part of what he said was true but it was painted with little white lies, she could see he had enjoyed what he did, he even wanted to eat her Keith. Alma asked him why he would ever come to her, he told her she was just what he needed in his life, a cute delicate, little thing. Alma got goosebumps, she could not imagine having this guy for a mate, she would be scared stiff if he would eat her or one of her mates, she thought about Keith, poor Keith would be traumatised if she would pick this spider, no, she would not do anything that would put her mates in danger. She tried to act like she was interested but the spider could see right through her, he knew she would not pick him this time, she was afraid of him, he was not worried he had plenty of time to make her get used to him, if that would not work he would just work with a few ferals and kidnap her like he had been thinking about but that was the last case scenario, he would try anything else first. Odin was not a beast you wanted for an enemy, he would rather be on his good sides. They talked for a bit about mostly the spider but before he went he told her he was sorry for what he did and that he would never hurt her or any of her mates. He told her he would guard her and her mates with his life if she would let him into her harem. He told her how useful he could be to her and her mates, even though spiders were mostly alone a lot of females would accept a spider for a mate, if given a chance, only for what they would bring, their beautiful but deadly web, their web was coveted by many beasts since it could be used for many things but mostly for protection and his web was exquisite, strong and lethal. Alma looked into his eyes, she knew she could use his web for so many things but she felt like she could not trust him, she felt like he would have a hard time loving anyone but himself but she was still unsure, she decided to talk to her mates about him, especially Keith, his opinion mattered the most about the spider.

The spider felt the meeting had gone well, he knew she was still frightened of him but he would show her she did not have to fear him, other beasts were a whole different thing but he would not touch her mates. He could see she clearly had affection towards them, he just hoped she would be able to give him a little piece of her heart with time.

Alma could see a rather cute boyish beast walk towards her, he had such a beautiful red long hair, she really wanted to touch it, she felt like he might be too young, he looked like a teenager, she could not understand what he was doing her but she would find out.

Magni was very tired and had wanted more rest before meeting the female, he was also rather hungry which would make him very grumpy. He had been too distracted with the ground to notice the female staring at him, when he finally looked up he saw her, she was nothing like his mother, she felt like a dream, he felt like she did not belong there, she was too beautiful for his eyes, his heart started to beat fast, he felt like passing out, he could not imagine what was happening, he thought if meeting females would make males react like this it was not worth it, he was a little frightened he might just die but he still wanted to get close to her, he wanted to pet her, he thought how nice it would be to cuddle up with her and falling asleep, he thought it would really be nice, he hoped she was just like him.

There were not many pandas around in the beast world, mostly because they were very lazy and did not want to procreate, you could almost say that they were a race that was endangered but nobody gave a dam here if pandas had sex or not, they usually only mated among themselves since they were lazy and did not want to go anywhere to find another female. Magni was one of the few pandas in his village that had sought out a female, he would be famous in his tribe if he would be able to get a female as a mate but wether he would manage to snag her was another story.

Alma invited Magna in and they had a nice chat, Magni spouted a lot of nonsense about himself, trying to impress her. He really liked her she was so cute that he could just crush her silly but still he did not want to spend too much energy on being a mate. He talked a lot about being very good around the house and that it would be best for him to protect her in their house. Alma found him so cute, she never would have thought he was so old, he looked like a sixteen year old boy, she would have loved to have a little brother just like him, she really wanted to braid his hair, she felt very envious of his color, she had always wanted to have red hair, but she was just not blessed with it, instead she had brown hair, she had always felt like it was dull and boring but her mates seemed to love it, it made her feel good. They had a long chat and Alma could see how tired Magni was so she told him she had to see the next beast. She told him she was such a nice guy and that he should go and take a little nap. Magni really liked how she cared for him but he was rather certain she would not pick him, he felt a little disappointed but then he thought about all the work he would have had to do to be her mate and the disappointment disappeared in an instant. He still was glad he decided to go to see the female since now he knew other females did not look like his mother, he was glad, he hoped he would meet another panda like him, so they could eat and sleep as much as they liked, what a nice thing that would be, he thought while walking away from Alma.

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